How to get Twitch Turbo free trial

How to get Twitch: Live Game Streaming for Free (No risks)

Published by Twitch Interactive, Inc.
Last updated: 2023-12-15

Getting started with Twitch - Live Game Streaming

Twitch is an online streaming website specifically for gamers which lets the users share comments and live game play in real time. Users can also converse and chat with other users in real time on Twitch. With an official age rating of 17 years plus, children from 17 years and above can use this platform.

Children can use this site to do a series of things like connecting with their peers, play and learn on the go depending on what the game teaches. It is however important to know that despite the fact that you can restrict random strangers from messaging your child, you can't completely monitor who they chat with at every single time so you have to be cautious.

Some of the features that will be enjoyed by users include:

  • Watching live videos of favorite games 
  • Connecting with other gamers with live chat in real time
  • Go Live and connect with millions of other gamers 
  • Tune into exclusive live music festivals and excclusive video game events
  • Switch very easily to dark mode if they want. 
  • Easily find new enjoyable content without too much hassle 

Best of all, it is a free software 


Is there a free trial for Twitch Turbo?

Well if you're asking about the possibility of using Twitch for a while without having to pay, there's no free trial in Twitch. For Twitch it's paid membership because Twitch works on helping your subscribers enjoy streaming and earn while doing so. You can follow a channel on Twitch to get free updates. That's free for everyone.

However, if you want to start streaming and getting into the platform, you have to begin with the least subscription for a month. Plus when you support your favorite streamers, you get some benefits in return. The subscriptions can help streamers to build an audience which is a very important aspect of connecting online.

Official Screenshots


What Are Twitch Subscriptions/Plans Like?

The subscriptions cost $4.99/month, $9.99/month and $24.99/month, though the content will vary depending on the channel. They're all similar content so there's not much that's different.

Twitch Subscriptions come mainly in two forms namely Twitch Turbo and Twitch Prime. These are two membership subscriptions that are under Twitch. They are different even though it is easy to think they're not but really they are. Infact, being a Twitch subscriber is also different from being a member of these two above so all of them are different.

1. Twitch Turbo

This membership costs $8.99 (depending on the price and the channels you choose) every month and you have benefits for subscribing such as

  • Saving your podcasts for 60 days instead of 14.
  • No ads
  • A badge displayed next to your name 
  • You can change your username too etc

2. Twitch Prime

Twitch Prime is another membership subscription which is only going to be available to you if you have an Amazon Prime subscription. If you do, it's free. How cool is that?

With your free Twitch Prime, you get the following benefits:

  •  A badge displayed next to your name
  • You get to use additional sets of emojis
  • You can also change your username color
  • You get to save your past broadcasts for 60 days instead of 14
  • Some free games and in-game loot
  • Last but not least, you get one free Twitch subscription per month

You can subscribe to one channel each month for free under your Twitch Prime subscription also.


How do I start a Twitch Subscription?

 Essentially If you want to become a subscriber, it isn't difficult at all.

  • Simply click on your profile of the channel and click on the Subscribe option that's on the top right side of the channel, above the video. 
  • Clicking on that button will bring out a list of options of the various prices for the bundle you want and you can pick and get started.

If you have a Twitch Prime subscription, simply look for Free Subscription With Twitch Prime and subscribe. You'll get one month free but for you to constantly get the benefits, you'll need to manually subscribe every month. There's no automatic renewal option on Twitch Prime.

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Twitch: Live Game Streaming free trial credit card to signup for Twitch Turbo without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
  2. 100% Valid
  3. 100% Legal and
  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Twitch Turbo.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Twitch: Live Game Streaming and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

**Start monitoring your subscribed apps and payments today!**

                 Signup now to get your Card

How to Cancel my Subscription on Twitch

You can do this by:

  • Visiting the Twitch Subscriptions page. 
  • Simply go to your display picture,
  • Then click Subscriptions. 
  • You'll see all your subscriptions; the running, the expired etc. 
  • Click on the relevant one and cancel if you are no longer interested. 

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