How to get Dreame - Read Best Romance free trial

How to get Dreame - Read Best Romance for Free (No risks)

Published by STARY PTE. LTD.
Last updated: 2023-12-03

How To Get Dreame Free Chapters

Dreame is an online publishing platform for writers and readers alike. It has built a community of sorts, where writers and novel lovers can meet. 

Users can upload their work on Dreame for free. Then, if the readers and editors like it, the writer gets a contract. The titles on this site are fiction for now. 

This reading platform uses an episodic model. By this, readers use virtual coins to unlock new episodes instead of buying a whole book. 

Dreame is a female-oriented platform. That is why its variety of genres cater to female readers. Replacing traditional publishing houses offers incentives to writers. These include royalties, tutorials, and workshops. It is an avenue for indie writers to achieve their dreams too. 


Does Dreame have free trials?

Unlike the standard free trials, Dreame allows readers access to a few chapters for free. How this works is that you read a few parts of a work and decide if it's worth your money. 

Then, you use a virtual coin to unlock other episodes of the work.

Official Screenshots


What plans does Dreame offer?

Dreame uses a system quite different from regular platforms. Its model is an episodic transactional one. 

As a reader, you get a few chapters for free, only. They divide each book into segments of 1000 words each. 10% of each book goes for free, while the reader pays to read the rest. 

You will pay $1.00 for every 100 coins you get. Then, one coin unlocks 100 words. So, you can read a 10,000 words story for only $1.


Which plan is best?

Like we said earlier, there is only one plan available with Dreame. Here, readers get free excerpts of books and pay for full copies. 

The price point is a fair one. So, even if you're on a budget, you should find something to read here. 

The number of words you want to read will determine how many coins you need. 


Steps to get free chapters

To read the free excerpts, you will need to register/sign up on Dreame. Here's how to get it going:

  1. From the website, choose either to log in or sign up
  2. Dreame allows for third-party logins. So you can log in using your Facebook or their third-party apps. It can also be your Twitter or Google account. 
  3. Once you're in, click 'Browse' and select the titles you want
  4. Now, enjoy your free chapters. 

Apart from the web version, you can get Dreame on your mobile devices. It is available on both iOS App Store and Google play store.

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Dreame - Read Best Romance free trial credit card to signup for Dreame - Read Best Romance without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
  2. 100% Valid
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  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Dreame - Read Best Romance.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Dreame - Read Best Romance and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

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How to cancel Dreame billing

To cancel the free trial before the billing starts, cancel the subscription. This is a manual process and the renewal is automatic if you do not cancel. You permitted it while signing up. 

What you must also note is that canceling the trial cancels its content. You can cancel 24 hours before the trial ends to stay on the safe side.

If you made your subscription from their website, here's what to do. Contact Dream through their support channels

There is support staff available to help you. 

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