How to get Audible: Audiobooks & Podcasts free trial

How to get Audible: Audio Entertainment for Free (No risks)

Published by Audible, Inc.
Last updated: 2023-12-28

Introduction to Audible membership

Maybe you love books and aren't ready to read but are constantly looking to cover as many as possible within a certain period. Booklovers simply love books and will do anything to have their favorites at their disposal. And that is exactly the option provided by Audible.

 Audible is a subscription service for bibliophiles who are interested in reading (listening) to a wide range of books at their convenience without interruptions. A reader who subscribes to Audible will get access to over 200,000 plus titles all within the Amazon's Audiobook library which is also the largest audio audiobook library in the world.

This is probably not new to the users of the platform but maybe for those who are yet to use the service, knowing the many benefits that come with Audible might be what you need to know to change your mind on how effective the platform is.

  • First, if you read voraciously like I think you do, you would love Audible as it is described as an  unparalleled offering of Audiobooks. 
  • It has audiobooks that you probably didn't know existed by big publishing houses and self publishers. 
  • You get access to Audible Originals which are audiobooks specially exclusive to Amazon.
  • You get what is called Audible Credits. These can be traded in for an audio book of your picking each month. 
  • You can start enjoying a 30% discount on any and every additional audio book you pick from their library. 
  • You also get access to exclusive podcasting platforms that you wouldn't ordinarily see on normal podcast platforms on the internet. You can get your newspaper downloaded on your phone without having to pay extra money.
  • You get to enjoy the Audible Daily Deal which basically gives you a new and different audiobook at a discount every day. 
  • You can share books with your family and friends on Audible 
  • Your credits, if unused, can be rolled over. 
  • You can listen to your audiobooks using multiple devices, without hitches too.
  • You can even return books you do not like.

If you're not sure about reading a book every month, your free trial should maximally be used to help you decide if you're truly ready for a steady Audible subscription. At this point, I know you must be wondering if you can afford to have all of this goodness on your phone already. But you may also be wondering the fastest way to enjoy the service without having to pay or if it's even possible. 


Does Audible have a free trial?

Yes. When you subscribe to Audible, your first 30 days will be free. You will be charged for nada. Plus you get a few perks like downloading one audiobook and two Audible Originals completely free.

When and if you decide to change the subscription for example you want to cancel, you still get to keep those books permanently. How cool is that?!

Now let's talk about the plans Audible offers subscribers below. 

Official Screenshots


Audible subscription plans

Audible has a couple of plans you can choose and enjoy if you subscribe to the service. They're majorly three namely:

  • Gold Plan - $14.95/month, $149.50/year: This plan gives you one credit a month and access to two originals from Audible. If you decide to pay the annual price instead of the monthly, you get 12 credits for your 12 months plus it will save you $30 in a year. 
  • Platinum plan - $22.95/month, $229.50/year: If you would like to listen to more than just one audiobook a month, this is a plan you may want to consider. Here you get two credits (also audiobooks) every month. If you decide to pay the annual price of $229.50, you get to save $45 while getting access to 24 credits (equal to 2 books each month).
  • Audible Escape plan - $12.95/month: This is a special offer for literary romantics. If you love reading romances, Audible created this plan with you in mind. First of all, you get access to up to 10 Romance audiobooks at once. You also can read, return and replace. Best of all, you can do this using your 30 day free trial. 

Note that If you’re already a member of Audible or Kindle Unlimited, you only need to pay $6.95 / month in addition to the present subscription you're on.


Which Audible Plan is Best for Me?

Any plan could be your best bet. First check if you can afford to pay monthly or annually, for any of the plans. Then check the benefits of each. If you are not a heavy reader or audio book listener, the Gold Monthly plan will probably be your best bet.

If however you love reading and don't mind two books a month, go for the second plan i.e. the Platinum plan. Finally if you are an avid romance lover, you should absolutely go for the Audible Escape plan.


How do I get my Audible free trial?

This is fairly simple.

  • First, Visit the Audible Free Trial page 
  • Then choose the plan that you want. 
  • Start your free trial. You will only be charged once it elapses. 

Get a completely Free Trial with Justuseapp Privacy Cards

Companies love the bait and switch game by getting you to sign up for a free trial and charging you for a full subscription when you least expect.

Justuseapp gives you a Audible: Audio Entertainment free trial credit card to signup for Audible: Audiobooks & Podcasts without risks of getting charged when the trial expires or if you forget to unsubscribe on time.

Why you'll love our card:

  1. Our Virtual Cards are Bank-issued
  2. 100% Valid
  3. 100% Legal and
  4. Will pass all authorizations (cvc/cvv, address, proof of funds) by Audible: Audiobooks & Podcasts.
  5. Set spending limits, freeze card, etc
  6. Approves only charges authorized by you.

And the best part, if you trust Audible: Audio Entertainment and want to continue the relationship, you can fund your Card at anytime and pay for the full Subscription.
Justuseapp Privacy Cards can be funded with upto $1,500 every month. We'll also help you monitor upto 500 subscriptions and free trials so you never loose money again.

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                 Signup now to get your Card

How do I cancel the Audible free trial susbcription?

Note: In canceling this free trial, you will be notified if you still have credits to use them up. The credits if left unused will end with your membership. If however you have any books, you get to keep them even without a membership.

Do the Following:

  • Scroll to your Account Details page on the website.
  • Underneath the section for the account settings, you'll see the Cancel my Membership option. Click on it. 
  • Finish up by following the directives on the page. 
  • Your membership is officially terminated. 


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