CalJobs needs to be eliminated as a requirement to receive unemployment payment. I am very concerned about the potential for identity theft that CalJobs may unwittingly enable, especially given that there has been so much fraud associated with unemployment claims. In fact I couldn't register as someone had fraudulently made a profile with my information during the pandemic and had attempted a bogus claim (which my employer denied so EDD should have taken steps to remove the fake profile). Profiles on Linked In are much more powerful for a professional. CalJobs is an unnecessary and risky hoop to jump through. It is dangerous that it requires entry of your SSN and personal details instead of the EDD Customer Account Number associated with your unemployment claim. And as others pointed out, asking about gender, sex assigned at birth, and sexual preference is inappropriate and irrelevant. All in all, I am so concerned with the fraud risks posed by CalJobs that I may forgo my claim. It will cost me more than the payments are worth if a successful identity thief gets my information, ruins my credit, gets access to bank accounts, etc. I've paid into the unemployment system for decades and should be able to get the weekly support I need without having to risk further identity theft for a state required job site that isn't secure and is inferior to LinkedIn and other services.