Change - simple budget app for expense tracking

Change - simple budget app for expense tracking Software

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Change Overview

Not sure whether you have enough left to buy that pair of jeans? Just open up Change and you'll see your available balance in big bold numbers.

Change is the easiest way to know how much money you have available to spend.

Start by adding the amount of money you have available to spend.

Each time you spend some money, type in the amount you spent and what you spent it on.

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Product Details and Description of

this app is the easiest way to know how much money you have available to spend. Not sure whether you have enough left to buy that pair of jeans? Just open up this app and you'll see your available balance in big bold numbers. Here's how it works: 1. Start by adding the amount of money you have available to spend. 2. Each time you spend some money, type in the amount you spent and what you spent it on. this app subtracts it from the available balance. 3. There's no step three. You'll always have an up-to-date total of what you have left to spend. It's super simple. It's always up to date (no 3-day delays like you'd have with apps that connect to your bank account). There are no categories or other features to get in the way. Got paid? Add more money to your balance at any time. Want to look back at where the money went? Tap the balance and you'll see your full history from the beginning of time.

Top Reviews

By AirlieScribbler


This is exactly what I was looking for. Other budget apps are complex, which might be good for some, but I needed something easy. One of the reasons I haven’t budgeted well in the past is because it’s complicated. With this app, I can simply visualize exactly how much I have left to spend, in the moment of spending. Thanks!

By mizzpink107

Simple and straight to the point

Just what I was looking for! There are way too many complex and complicated budget apps out there. This is all I wanted and needed. I am so grateful that I found this!!! Thank you so much for making this app!

By vegassampler

Love it

Tried many budget apps, this one is perfect for me, just needed to track my spending, easy to use, not complicated, just the information I need.

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