Tone Deaf Test: Check for pitch deafness

Tone Deaf Test: Check for pitch deafness Software

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Tone Deaf Test Overview

If you've ever felt left out the world of music... Or worried that you're "not musical"... Or felt terrible when someone tells you that you "can't sing", are "out of tune" or are simply "tone deaf" - don't wait any longer.

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Product Details and Description of

Ever worried that you might be TONE DEAF? This app will tell you for sure - in just a few minutes! The Tone Deaf Test app for iPhone and iPad is based on the highly successful website this - where over 500,000 people have discovered that they are *not* in fact tone deaf as they once believed! The test has been featured on sites like Geekosystem, Neatorama, Laughing Squid, The Fretboard, and Loop Insight, and here's what users have been saying: "Despite what my school music teacher said, I'm not tone deaf!" "Thank goodness. I was worried. I'm not tone deaf!" "My jr hi violin teacher told me I was nearly tone deaf. Ha. 100% Not tone deaf." "Great game! thanks guys!" "Hurrah! I'm not tone deaf! I scored 100% on Tone Deaf Test - Alas, now I have no excuse for my terrible singing." Many people worry that they might be tone deaf - including musicians... Have you ever experienced: • A teacher or friend told you music isn't for you - that you are "tone deaf" • You sing your favourite song and somebody tells you you're "out of tune" • You just don't seem to hear the detail in music that other people do...? If any of these are familiar to you, you've probably wondered: - Is there something wrong with my ears? - Am I just not a "musical" person? The Tone Deaf Test app is designed by music education company Easy Ear Training to help you find out for certain whether you are in fact tone deaf - in just a few minutes! The app includes: • A fun and easy 3-minute interactive quiz which determines whether you are tone deaf or not • Detailed information about what "tone deafness" truly is - and what it isn't! • Tips, tricks and guidance for learning to sing reliably in tune. • Easy sharing so you can tell your friends that you are not tone deaf - and you've proved it. • Recommended next steps if you pass the test and want to explore the world of music-making More user comments about the Tone Deaf Test: "Great site. Glad to know I'm not tone deaf!" "That was a blast. Good job!" "For years I've been told by music people that I'm tone deaf, your test says I scored 94% and am not tone deaf." "Yay! I got 100%! :D" "Thanks for letting me find out that I'm not tone deaf! I thought I was." "This is great. Can't wait to make my wife try it." If you've ever felt left out the world of music... Or worried that you're "not musical"... Or felt terrible when someone tells you that you "can't sing", are "out of tune" or are simply "tone deaf" - don't wait any longer. Because if you aren't tone deaf... Well then the whole world of music is waiting for you! Download the free Tone Deaf Test app now and find out once and for all.

Top Reviews

By child of corn


This app was amazing! Sometimes when I sing along to songs I notice my notes don’t quite match up with the singer’s (especially when I would sing an octave higher). So I downloaded this app to help tell me if I was tone deaf. Turns out, I wasn’t. 😄 It also has some other great features such as teaching you how to sing, and giving you information about tone deafness. For me, the quiz was pretty easy. I don’t know if that’s true for everyone, or just me. If you want to improve your singing, even if you’re almost positive you’re not tone deaf, you should download this app.

By Cobweb Hunter

I’m a lazy old guy.

I have always had a poor singing voice. There have been some social situations where this has caused self-consciousness/ embarrassment . I am toying with the idea of discretely seeing a voice coach and then surprising spouse and friends by actually singing an easy karaoke song in a public setting and doing a good job of it. I took this test as a first step. It was fast and easy. (I did have to listen to some of the more subtle examples more than once, but scored 36/36! Now for the next step.)

By Musical Dinosaur

Fun Test

this is a really nice, well made app. I scored 100% and it wasnt difficult to make the choices, so i wondered about the validity of the test. I sent it to a friend to try (terrible taste in music), he bombed it. 52%. So apparently it does what it says it does. The dog was very fascinated by it as well. Had a hard time getting her to choose an answer though.

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