- Design a personal travel map by displaying countries, states/provinces/regions, and cities of where you have been or want to visit.
- Visualize future travels by swiping through beautiful photos and adding them to your wishlist.
- Keep up with travel life goals by selecting all the countries of the world that you want to visit and adding travel journal notes by country of your travel dates, points of interest, or personal memories.
- Share personalized stats with others, including travel ranking, percentage of the world seen, and countries visited.
- See top 5 most frequently visited countries and create regional maps for over 20 countries.
- Track travel experiences by category, such as golfing, snorkeling/diving, skiing, wine tours, and more.
- Fully customizable with different colors and design options based on travel type.
- Compare travel stats with other global travelers or friends and see the top 10 most popular countries to visit from your home city.
- Share travel map, stats, and bucket list with family and friends.