When I found this app I was obsessed with making them, I loved getting followers and I found some nice people to follow! But I also wanted to vote on featured cards, and most of them were respected, or inappropriate! One picture was “which cardi b outfit?” And it was very showing...I would really appreciate it if this app could have privacy, so you you category your cards. For example, I like outfits, Visco, food, makeup, and pondering cards. I could type that down and it would only show me cards I would like. Another thing is, if you scroll down in the this app ratings, you see there is 1 2 and 3 stars for the majority...what does that mean??? 🤨 most of them complain about adds, inappropriate cards, followers you don’t know being able to message you...there is just a lot of bad stuff! I mean of course there’s good! There’s good in everything! But it’s like a banana split with a beetle in it, you wanna stay clear right? I’m just saying, to either update somethings, or stay clear.....thanks for reading, its pretty long! If you choose to download or keep this app I won’t judge! I probably am keeping it too, if you choose not to keep it or download it I hope you find something better and more appropriate for you! Happy thanksgiving (even though it’s probably not when you read this lol)