For one, Shyft doesn’t allow for the swipe to go back that has been standard on iPhone for a number of years, but I could get over that. It’s when Shyft tells you that there are new messages and you look, update it, and there are none that really annoys me. I need Shyft for work, and want to use it, but when I message an employee and get her reply, but don’t get the reply, that is when I’m frustrated by Shyft .
Actual scenario this week: I direct messaged an employee, and she replied, which I saw in the preview of the conversation, but when I clicked the conversation, it was as if she never replied. This isn’t a connection issue, since I could use Safari and iMessages at the same time. It took closing Shyft and waiting 15 min before the reply showed.
Also, Shyft will notify you of shift postings and swappings, and when I go in and tell it to “clear all,” it will, but the notification is still there.
Overall, I feel Shyft is clunky and not well polished.