- On-demand, contract-free, outdoor home services for snow plowing, lawn mowing, and landscaping
- Fleet of five-star contractors
- Fast, easy, and efficient ordering process through the app
- Instant pricing and free quotes
- Lawn mowing services with additional lawn care services available
- Residential snow plowing services with the option to add walkway shoveling
- Additional services offered, including leaf removal, lawn fertilization, lawn aeration & overseeding, tree trimming and shrub pruning, driveway sealing, powerwashing, junk/debris haul away, mulch delivery & install, pet waste removal, sprinkler winterization, firewood delivery, and custom landscaping job quotes
- Real-time job updates and a photo of the completed service when the job is finished
- Satisfaction guaranteed
- Secure billing through Stripe
- 24/7 Live Customer Support
- Website with detailed information about services offered
- Contact through email and phone
- Facebook page for tips and updates
- Option for lawn care, snow removal, or landscaping providers to sign up through the website.