Foundations Memory Work C2

Foundations Memory Work C2 Software

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Foundations Memory Work C2 Overview

In Cycle 2, Classical Conversations students memorize 161 events and people in the timeline, including the U.S. presidents; 24 history sentences from medieval to modern world history; 24 sites or features of European and world geography; 24 science questions and answers on ecology, astronomy, and physics; multiplication tables (1 through 15), squares, roots, cubes, and basic math laws and conversions; Latin verb endings; and English grammar rules.

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Product Details and Description of

Classical Conversations® Foundations Memory Work Tutorials, Cycle 2 Description: Strengthen your brain by memorizing quality content with art and song in a beautiful, interactive format in seven subject areas. Features include enhanced graphics and interactivity, Classical Conversations® Classical Acts & Facts® timeline, and the U.S. presidents! Classical educators know the importance of memorizing the grammar—the basic facts and vocabulary—of a subject. Now you can memorize the foundational knowledge of seven topics in a fun, interactive iPad and iPhone application. In Cycle 2, Classical Conversations students memorize 161 events and people in the timeline, including the U.S. presidents; 24 history sentences from medieval to modern world history; 24 sites or features of European and world geography; 24 science questions and answers on ecology, astronomy, and physics; multiplication tables (1 through 15), squares, roots, cubes, and basic math laws and conversions; Latin verb endings; and English grammar rules. This app corresponds to the Foundations Curriculum, Fifth Edition Second Printing. Medieval to modern world history is presented in an interactive application with songs and artwork designed to make memorizing enjoyable. Now integrated with other Classical Conversations resources, each history sentence and science question points you to the corresponding Classical Acts & Facts® card, handy flashcards for classical educators that will expand your memory work in depth and breadth. No matter your age, you can build a firm foundation of knowledge by memorizing these building blocks of education. Classical Conversations Foundations students, ages 4 through 12, have been using these tools in our online subscription service, CC Connected®. The iPad and iPhone application offers these features: • Touch screen slides horizontally to reveal memory work by subject • Touch screen slides vertically to study each subject by week • Touch screen allows students to slide back and forth through the U.S. presidents • Navigates back and forth and home easily Classical Conversations® empowers homeschooling parents and establishes classical, Christian communities that equip children with a biblical worldview and the classical tools of learning in order to impact the world for God’s glory. Visit us online to learn more: Please send questions or comments to: [email protected]

Top Reviews

By Informalities

Skip counting only goes up to 12.

There is so much more that could be done with this app. My wishlist starts with updating the skip counting songs up to 15. There is a numberline that has 15 spots on it at the bottom of the screen, but the skip counting songs for the 2s and the 3s at least, only go up to 12. Probably just a mistake, but my wife is supposed to be teaching these songs in a little more than a month, and would like the app to reflect the songs she is supposed to teach. Thank you CC for providing this app. If you have the resources to pay for better app development, it would be well invested. I gave five stars trusting that the skip counting songs will be brought up to date before the school year starts.

By Dehawk

My kids have incorporated these facts into their play!

Love CC so much! Wish there were a few improvements on the app, but the content is fabulous! Listening while we are on the go has brought us together as a family! We do it often at the breakfast table or while we are walking. When the kids get screen time, they often just play this to test themselves. Grateful for the app especially. I hardly use the book now. My friend whose kids are in public school also uses the app with them. **we need timeline song though!**

By Emily0926

Love CC!

We are a Classical Conversations family. We just got the app today (THANK YOU, CC!!) and my girls went right to town listening to the memory work. My 4-year-old started by going through the math. Then her 7-year-old sister took over and they all were singing along to every history song. I love that they can now practice on their own — and they love it so far! 💜

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