I got this app about a year ago, and so far I’ve really been having fun with it! this app entertains me most of the time, and I play it on a daily basis. I’ve made lots of friends on this app, and there are so much talent, and sweet people! My account has really grown, and I’ve been having so much fun posting art, and edits! this app if excellent and I love PopJam , although there are some problems to. Sometimes when updates happen, instead of it becoming better, it becomes worse. For example, some people can’t post, and their home page might look very different and odd. I do appreciate though how they try to fix it after! Another problem is, sometimes your post don’t post right away. I find this a little annoying at times, because when I post something it might not post right away. The main reason I’m annoyed of this is people heart it when it isn’t really posted, since they can see it, but when it actually posts, you loose all your hearts. Also most people are nice, but some people steal art, and they are sometimes rude people at times (but most of them are nice!)Tags can be a problem to though, since sometimes you don’t even say something bad and it tags out. Example of tags: 😀🍕🐌👞👞🌟🍕😀😀 so it would be nice if it doesn’t always tag you out! In my opinion, I think these are the main problems. Other than that, PopJam is stellar and I definitely recommend it!