IQ Test Pro Edition Reviews

IQ Test Pro Edition Reviews

Published by on 2023-03-12

About: Try Best Way To Know Your IQ! IQ Test Pro Edition. 2 Different Tests With
solutions Reviews "There's always another app claiming to test your brain.

About IQ Test Pro Edition

An intelligence quotient (IQ) is a score derived from one of several standardized tests designed to assess intelligence.

The abbreviation "IQ" comes from the German term Intelligenz-Quotient, originally coined by psychologist William Stern.

I think you people bragging about your iq probably aren't the smartest.

"I can't believe all these people bragging that they got IQ's of 135 and 140.

One things I say, is that, 'the person who tells everyone how smart they are probably are not.' My sister is is pretty smart and has an IQ of 128.

Obviously, most of you people are lying.

If you were really smart, you'd know everyone would just say your lying and not tell everyone your IQ.

"There's always another app claiming to test your brain.

IQ Test Pro Edition.

It's a great way to get the juices of the mind flowing.

3% of people have an IQ of 125 and over.

I'll be recommending this to all my friends.

I am very pleased with it.

The average is 100.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 139 combined software reviews.

1200 IQ Test Pro Edition Reviews

4.2 out of 5


Very difficult

I know my IQ is around 120, but some of these patterns shown no logical commonalities. When you get about 13 problems in, it’s more difficult to see the relationships between the shapes. I was looking for a number progression at first, but the best way to do it is to choose the answer that seems to make the most sense - but with some of these problems, the progression of shapes don’t appear to have anything in common with the other shapes at all.

When I was in middle school or what it was called back then, junior high school, we had a big box of these logic problems, and I got practically a perfect score on those. But it wasn’t just shapes, it was questions and mathematics and some common design problems like these here. I don’t know if I can trust an I Q score that only uses these design problems to make its determination, there should be other types of challenges, because life isn’t just shapes and patterns, there are also words and languages and that should also be part of any IQ test.


What’s the average score for people who take this?

I know that the actual is test is designed to center the score around 100, but many people in the reviews are reporting scores over 120. I’m curious if this is just because the people willing to download IQTestProEdition are already kinda smart to begin with. It’s also likely that people only report their score if they consider it to be high anyway. So what’s the actual distribution of this test and how does, say 130 actually rank? I do think it is a precise test though because I got 133 and 127 on the regular and European one respectively.


Challenging if your not a genius

I constantly score above 140 on these tests and above 160 on other is tests. Which leads me to believe that this test is a bit off. Some of the tests doesn’t display any logic pattern so you have to guess at the answer and even the given answer doesn’t make sense. But other than that the tests are quite easy.


accuracy check

To check its accuracy I tried to get as many wrong as possible. i probably scored a few right (at best) because i started randomly guessing after about halfway through the European one and scored a 69... 4 right out of 33 puts me at about the bottom 2% for intelligence. seems right I guess


Gets Crazy Hard

The puzzles start out pretty easy and I was thinking I was missing something. But they start to get harder and around 25 I really had to focus. By the time I got to the late 30’s I was mentally exhausted. I gave up and guessed at the last two. I scored 138 which I understand is really good. Very challenging but I enjoyed it.


Great app, bad update!

I love IQTestProEdition and it always have been a cool challenge with friends. Please make it more professional and subtle looking, the 3D animations in the home screen and halloween theme makes it seem pike children game.


It’s a great app

I got an iq of 120 and I’m age 14 which is pretty good I searched it up and it said it’s in the 10 % most intelligent people which is pretty awesome and i searched up if IQTestProEdition was accurate and it said it is so I guess I can trust they aren’t just telling me I’m smart


Good app, is it accurate I got 142

I’m 13 and scored 142 on the regular one. I might do it again to see if I can do better but I was just wondering how high you can actually go and if it is accurate.


Only for fun

Not sure why I scored a 138 on the Mensa test and only 88 on the European version. I’m actually having a real IQ test as well as other function tests (9 hours in total) at the end of the month due to TBI but I was just curious what the tests may be like.



finally took this test for the 1st time ever & my last...i thought the questions would be about the world/history/science/match etc... & that i would probably get a low answered them honestly, no paper/pen/checking online...scored 134😱😱😱... should have taken this at night when my 9month old baby is in bed but overall i am very happy with the results...highly recommended...thanks!!!


Genius app

IQTestProEdition is a real genius. It can even make someone like me look clever by reporting a ridiculously high IQ score... 130 on the first try! I gotta buy some more apps from this genius developer 😄


Very good questions but no answers...

I hope the questions come with answers... then it it ll be perfect!


Not sure the validity

What is this test validated on?

I was administered the WAIS-IV last year for an ADHD diagnosis and got 118, and took this test to see if medication to help me focus would affect the score. I got 132. Nonetheless, what are the metrics for IQTestProEdition? For a “test”, the validity and reliability information should be readily available.


Works fine

I don't know why everyone says it's absolutely horrible, in my opinion it is amazing


Very Accurate

The results of this test are nearly exactly the mean of the other tests I have taken.



How do I know that the developers of IQTestProEdition didn’t just give you a random iq score at the end of the exam


Nice. But um..

So, 122 is the best score and 105 is my European. That good? Also is it worth retaking over and over again? Just a question. Well.



I would really like to know how the APA would rate this test. The American test is the only one I have taken so far. Great app.



The GUI is among the best I’ve seen as far as apps go, but I’m not sure how accurate the test is, considering I scored 150.



I haven’t slept in 24 hours, and I’m under the influence of copious amounts of marijuana. I scored a 119 and 120. That seems way too high for someone who’s both sleep deprived and stoned.


Only for fun

Not sure why I scored a 138 on the Mensa test and only 88 on the European version. I’m actually having a real IQ test as well as other function tests (9 hours in total) at the end of the month due to TBI but I was just curious what the tests may be like.

Is IQ Test Pro Edition Safe?

Yes. IQ Test Pro Edition is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 139 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.2/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for IQ Test Pro Edition Is 35.4/100.

Is IQ Test Pro Edition Legit?

Yes. IQ Test Pro Edition is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 139 IQ Test Pro Edition User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for IQ Test Pro Edition Is 53.3/100..

Is IQ Test Pro Edition not working?

IQ Test Pro Edition works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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