Sink It for Reddit Reviews

Sink It for Reddit Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-26

About: Sink It for Reddit is a super minimal, hyper focused Safari extension that
declutters Reddit's web version and makes it usable. Tired of seeing tons of
banners and buttons asking you to use the app or login? Sink It silently, and
safely, removes all of them.

About Sink It

Sink It for Reddit de-clutters and removes most “omfg please use our app” banners and buttons as well as the annoying login popups from Reddit in addition to removing advertisements.

Sink It for Reddit is a super minimal, hyper focused Safari extension that declutters Reddit's web version and makes it usable.

Tired of seeing tons of banners and buttons asking you to use the app or login? Sink It silently, and safely, removes all of them.

It might be a modal covering half the screen with links to the App Store, an immediate popup asking you to login, or a header screaming “the app is 10x better”.

- We don't keep usage data like the count of how many popups and banners it has blocked or links it has redirected.

Harder for us to block ads and much easier for them to scoop up your data, right? To further that agenda, simply browsing their sites on Safari now means we’re inundated with, well, waves of crap.

- All the blocking happens on your device with literally ZERO data being recorded or sent back to be data mined.

Reddit, wants me, and by extension you, to use their damned apps to consume content.

Sink It has been built with a privacy first approach.

- It does check whether you have dark mode on or not so it can show you the correct tutorial video.

- We don't even come with basic app analytics or telemetry to keep track of how many times you've opened or use the app.

If you're a security researcher, feel free to poke around to make sure the app isn't up to anything funky.

The recent pricing changes to their API is an obvious sign of that.

Bottomline: it has to go.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 616 combined software reviews.

1220 Sink It Reviews

4.7 out of 5


No longer being supported

I loved the initiative of the dev to build this workaround during Rexxit, but it seems like they don’t want to carry on supporting SinkIt . It worked okay early June but now it freezes and card view doesn’t work. No updates for 3 weeks. Good while it lasted I guess.

Edit: Updated to 5 stars since there has been an update!


Does the job

Good app, does the job. Requesting a change log or link to SinkIt Store in SinkIt . I installed it and came back hours later to read its functions, but there’s nothing but install instructions. I realize it’s simple but I like to be informed without needing to use a search box to find it again. Thanks you lovely person.


Makes reddit website less clunky

Using the reddit website is slow and clunky. Takes long to load and they constantly bug you about downloading their awful, buggy app. This actually makes reddit much faster, and it’s free!


Not working for me

Installed a few days ago, today I noticed the Reddit popups are still happening. Turned the extension off and back on again.

Now when the Reddit page loads, sometimes there is a black bar at the bottom where the popup was. But even if there’s no black bar, I can’t interact with the page. Can’t scroll or tap. Reload the page and same thing.

Clicked the support link, but it took me to the home page for another app. I’m on iPhone 12, the latest iOS, and latest version of SinkIt .


Thank you for making this!

I hated using the official Reddit app. Ridiculous amounts of ads, and you cannot control what you see. This little plug-ins let’s me us Reddit on Safari! Seem less experience, easy to set up! Thank you again


5 stars for the concept, but the extension itself has problems.

It freezes the website. I’ve also had the use our app popups appear for a split second before disappearing.


Great extension

Makes reddit so much easier to take online. The experience without this extension is so bad and is constantly bugging you to download their app/sign in so this is amazing!


Hit or miss

Bounces between not working at all and working like a charm. Probably more to do with things on Reddit’s end. But at the very least it’ll give you long breaks from Reddit harassing you with pop-ups and banners.


Good stuff, but 1 request

Great extension, but you should make a subreddit for the community to talk about it, leave suggestions, etc


Thank you for this!

Thanks for making the experience way better on mobile! Promoted ads are still appearing when you click on one of the ‘cards’. The promoted ad is showing as the first comment in the thread. Let me know if you would like me to share some screenshots. Thanks!


Doesn’t seem to be working…

Tried restarting safari, my phone and closing all tabs and reopening. Still get the “use our app” banner. Any help is appreciated! I really want this to work!


Makes Reddit freeze

Using this extension makes Reddit freeze unfortunately. I reckon I’ll just quit using Reddit at all.


Only way to use Reddit after July 1

The only acceptable way to use Reddit now. I will miss Apollo, but this is good until Beehaw replaces Reddit


Freezes site, can’t scroll, not usable

I commend the devs for trying this, and wish I could use this extension. But unfortunately, it freezes the site and you cannot scroll, making it non functional. Hopefully an update will fix!


Reddit is going to die without 3rd party extensions

Hopefully this isn’t ever removed. If it is then reddit will be terrible


Makes Reddit usable on mobile 💯

Thank you!!


Easy 5 Stars

For what this extension promises and accomplishes, this undoubtedly knocks alternatives out of the park. Thank You for this!


Thank you

just thank you


Great middle ground.

GOAT developer goat app. Makes transitioning to lemmy easier after Apollo got terminated.


Stuck on extension screen

App doesn’t launch, keeps asking me to change Safari extension after I already changed it and restarted SinkIt . Useless!


Must have app for Reddit

Just wish it also blocked all the autoplay & muted all videos by default


Safari Reddit > App

I never thought I could live without my beloved Apollo, but I tried to make do with the official Reddit out for the past several weeks. the one thing i really dont like about SinkIt is that it is the exclusive portal to Reddit adult content. I don’t want any of that material. By using the Safari version, enhanced by your extension — I can avoid all that nonsense. thanks!


Exactly what I needed after Apollo RIP

Such a great extension. Makes the website much more usable and user-friendly. It also makes the pain of having to lose third party apps a little less crappy.



Every time I view a post and click back to the Home Screen it resets all the way at the top and I have to scroll down to where I was browsing before. Is there a way to fix tors behavior? iPhone 13 on newest public os (not beta). Thanks


Really great

Thank you! Makes the website actually usable


Keeping Reddit Alive Post-Apollo

This is a clever approach to continuing to use Reddit on mobile. Gets frequent updates too.


Glitchy - Can't See Whole Page

It's great but I can only see three quarters of the page. So when I scroll down it goes blank three quarters of the way down. So I can never hit the next page button. This has been a consistent issue for me with every update of SinkIt/extension.


Why does this need permission for every single website?

Why does this need permission for every single website?
When I set Reddit to allow and “every other website” to ask, it seems to not work…


This utility makes Reddit almost tolerable!

Bless you for your frequent updates and informative changelog, dev.


The only way I’ll browse Reddit after Apollo

Dark mode. Removes ads. Easy “jump” options for comment navigations. Remembers scroll position. Thank you for this Safari extension!!!


Perfect after Apollo!

Exactly what I needed. The web and Reddit app experience is very poor.

Thanks for developing SinkIt as it will improve my day greatly.

Any search improvements would be very welcomed! Especially searching within a given subreddit. Web is very clunky where I need to click on “results” or it searches all of Reddit.


Amazing app/extension

This is amazing, truly. And it's free!

I read the dev is coming out with one for Twitter soon too!

Absolute LEGEND over here helping normal people just browse the web unimpeded by greedy monopolists and unintelligent CEOs. Keep up the good work.

Don't be afraid to sell the Twitter one for like $5 or whatever. I think you'll find much repeat business and people willing to support you!


Great lil extension

After Apollo my Reddit browsing has dropped dramatically, but all good google search results are to be found on Reddit, so I do have to occaaaaasionally visit the site. This fixes the site to be usable. Reddit app stays off my phone. I stay off Reddit for the most part. I get the good answers for google searches. All is well.

Best extension I’ve installed yet.


Very good and always getting better

After what happened to Apollo, this is the next best thing. Developer is always adding features to SinkIt as well. My favorite recent addition is one that scrolls you back to where you were in the feed after closing a post.


Mobile Reddit is finally usable

With 3rd party apps killed by Reddit, and their dysfunctional, poorly designed official app the only available option, Reddit became nearly unusable on iOS.

This extension fixes some of the poor interface with the mobile Reddit site. It isn’t the same as Apollo, but at least I can finally browse Reddit without all the trash advertisements and performance issues.

5/5, worth the install.


Makes web Reddit actually usable!

After Reddit killed third-party apps (RIP Apollo 🫡), I wanted a way to browse reddit that didn't require downloading the crummy official app. This is the way! Sometimes it loads a little slow, but I'm guessing that's because it's an extension and not a native app. Serious shoutouts to the dev for making this, especially for free!


Fantastic idea and execution

This is great - I stopped using Reddit on my phone after all the shenanigans back in June (the official app is trash) until I found this. It’s made mobile Reddit via Safari much more usable for me. Keep up the great work!

P.S. Spez, no one wants your garbage app ✌️


Glorious child of Apollo and RES

Apollo gave us the great iOS experience, RES, the great web experience, and Sink it, both.

Sink it is an amazing extension for the Reddit mobile website on Safari that I would say is equal to the mobile version of RES. I consider it a descendant of RES and Apollo, both great apps.

And that’s saying a lot.


Excellent App!

Thank you so much for creating this and saving us from the awful Reddit app. After Reddit chased off every other developer so they could force us into their nightmare excuse for an app, I was looking for alternatives. This is the one!


Reddit is actually usable again

After Reddit killed Apollo, I wasn’t able to use the site anymore. This plugin has made reddit usable again. Some promoted posts slip past, but it’s a vast improvement over their vanilla mobile site. Love all the options to tailor the plugin to liking, too.


Makes Reddit bearable again

After the untimely death of Apollo due to the greed of reddits ownership, I was ready to abandon Reddit all together since their in house app is a buggy and ad filled dumpster fire. Thankfully Sink It can along and I can use Reddit in Safari and it’s a much more user friendly experience :)


Not bad but didn’t it would fix “mature content” thing

It’s not bad, but I got it because it’s exhausting trying to look at a subreddit that is marked as “mature” or “unreviewed” as an excuse to try and force you into using an app. This doesn’t seem to fix that, and I assume that’s because it may be impossible to fix with just an app like this


Makes Reddit useable in iphone safari

Wow! What a great app to use as an extension in Safari so I can finally use Reddit on mobile again. Don’t pay for Narwhal. Instead use SinkIt and browse on your Safari browser! Thanks for making a great app!


The only way I still browse Reddit

Since the api pricing change that killed 3rd party apps, I refuse to use the official app on principle. SinkIt saved my ability to browse Reddit on mobile. Thank you so much for all you efforts!! Not all hero’s wear capes…


Great plug in, minus a few strange behaviors

This definitely makes using Reddit easier and more pleasant, but is there a way to make it so the navigation buttons don’t constantly default back to center of the screen? I’ve tried every combination of toggles, moving the buttons, etc., but when I refresh or go to a new page, bang, they’re inexplicably back in the center of the screen, in the absolute most obnoxious place they can possibly be. I have to assume this is not intentional, as the rest of SinkIt is so well polished. As it stands, though, I’ve totally turned off the buttons so I can, you know, actually read what’s on my screen. But can you fix this?


Best app to keep your sanity

Ever since Apollo departed this planet this app has been my life line—it makes using Reddit on mobile web very much bearable, which is a big task in of itself.

And while nothing will ever reach the hbar set by Apollo, this app gets really really really close. Big thank you to the developer!


It’s good.

The Reddit app was annoying me after they killed third party apps, and the final straw was when it started draining my battery. This extension makes the mobile Reddit site perfectly usable for casual browsing. There’s not much else to say - I’d rather use this than the official Reddit app.


Huge improvement over the official app

There’s still many features I’m hoping to have at some point (such as account switching), but SinkIt is a vast improvement over the official Reddit app and it’s not close.


EXCELLENT extension, made Reddit on Safari tolerable again!

I had all been given up on Reddit on the iPhone with the basic Safari experience, and was looking at alternatives. However, I stumbled on this extension, and the Reddit interface is almost as good as the original, before they started making their horrible "upgrades".


Yes Nooooooo!

This extension has been great! Sometimes I’d need to reload a page or open a new window, but that’s to be expected with iOS extensions from my experience.

Unfortunately, after recently experiencing some issues and messaging the developer for help (check the subreddit!), I found out that I was “volun-told” by Reddit to be included in their new site design rollout.

Of course reddit’s new implementation is the opposite of user-friendly, but the key aspects of this extension still work (no pop up or promoted content).

Just a heads up for anyone who “can’t seem to get it to work” in the near future while updates are being made.


Makes Reddit usable again

I was about to give up on using Reddit on Safari and download their crap app when I saw this extension in SinkIt Store. This instantly makes Reddit usable again. The fact that it’s free, doesn’t collect any data or nag you for anything is amazing. Ended up giving a $5 tip because it is well worth it. Thanks so much for fixing Reddit’s garbage website!


Brings the iPhone an optimized old Reddit experience

SinkIt is exactly what I wanted on my phone. I do not use the new Reddit features. I just want the community content on Reddit that is exactly what this provides. It is inside the browser so this avoids the user needing to install an app that likely has hidden tracking.


Awesome App

After Apollo had to shut down, I closed my Reddit account. Unfortunately, when searching for unusual solutions to unusual problems, Reddit can still be a resource. As Reddit continues to try to force us to create accounts, SinkIt allows us who don’t have one to maintain usable access. Thank you 🙏🏼


Replaced the official app with this

Love this extension. Totally switched from the official app to mobile site + sink it. I enjoy the more minimalist, less invasive experience from using the mobile site. The dev has done a great job making subtle quality of life improvements all around.



I absolutely cannot thank you enough. I spend an embarrassing amount of time on reddit but it was a struggle lately with those joke of a UI they're forcing out. Logging back in after installating this felt like home again. I would have gladly paid or tipped! :O)


Phenomenal alternative to the standard Reddit app

Instead of a standard app, the functionality of this app is integrated to work with Safari. Some setup is needed, but it explains the process very well with a video guide included.

The interface takes some getting used to, but its absolutely seamless in my opinion. There are no ads or junk on the page. Actions like Upvoting, downvoting, comments, settings, favorites, custom subreddits; etc are all easily accessible.

I suggest users add an “Open URL” shortcut to their Home Screen to make Reddit more easily accessible. Steps are listed below:

1) Go to shortcuts, click on + in top right corner.
2) click add action > web > Open URL (under safari)
3) click “share” icon at bottom. Set custom name and icon if needed, then click “add”.

In conclusion, this is a clever and innovative solution for a smooth Reddit experience in comparison to other apps. Definitely recommend!


Such a great QOL upgrade

I don’t usually write reviews, but I absolutely love this extension and the work the dev puts in. I switched to using Reddit in-browser after third-party apps went away and this extension has made it immensely more usable and even enjoyable. Updates are so frequent and anything that goes wonky is almost immediately fixed within the span of a day or two. Hats off to the dev for an amazing product.


Apollo is dead, long live sink it

I left Reddit when Apollo shut down. I won’t use their app. I know it’s nothing more than advertising and tracking. I check the website every month or two but it’s horrible. Ads everywhere. I had no clue something like this existed. This of amazing. I’ll be subscribing to premium if only to support the dev. I don’t know what the premium features are and I don’t care. The first time I saw the Reddit website without all the promoted posts, it was like a warm hug. Like being back with Apollo again. I love this.

I don’t know how to subscribe to premium. That page has no payment buttons. I’ll just donate.


I want to like this, I really do…

It does not work very well. I am sure some of that may be on reddit, but not all of it.

* back button on browser sometimes has inconsistent behavior.
* open post in new window does not always work.
* scroll position often gets lost.
* remember sort does not always remember sort, and can sometimes lead to infinite reload loops. This appears to be something related to the URL, but i am not certain.
* sometimes reddit just flat out refuses to load until i restart safari
* occasionally the extension itself doesn’t appear to load.
* The old reddit change is a nice touch, but “comments” and “submitted” links are hidden by the please log in text blurb. I do not browse reddit logged in.
* The author appears to be planning some type of premium offering without fixing core issues

I am more than willing to revise this review if/when things improve.


Amazing extension and only way I’d use web

This extension app is amazing! Never thought I’d prefer it over a full fledged app but it just works so well on safari that I have no reason to go back to using the apps especially with the new changes on Reddit’s api.

Question, is there a way to remove the button that jumps to the bottom of the page? I was able to turn off the button that goes to the top but can’t seem to find the switch for the other button.


This is such an underrated app!

The only options to browse reddit without ads or obtrusive banners are to pay for premium in the official app (expensive and support them nuking great 3rd party apps), support one of the few good third party apps still remaining (good but pricey), or get this and use reddit in safari. It's improved the layout and rid me of the banner so between this and adblock it's perfect. Premium is also cheap if you want extra features. Please never stop supporting it!


A big thumbs up for the developer!

A big thank you to the dev for working hard to give back some power to those of us who dislike Reddit’s app and can’t stand the invasive ads and annoying “sign up for SinkIt !!” popups every time you load a page on the mobile site. SinkIt effectively gets rid of the pop up and also eliminates the promoted ads that invade the main Reddit feed like weeds giving the user a cleaner less frustrating experience; it also gives a bit of power back to the user so that you aren’t being railroaded into a one size fits all experience.

Thanks again dev. Also if you ever redesign SinkIt ’s logo maybe use a stylized anchor with a Reddit-like alien or robot face on top (not too similar though for obvious reasons).

Is Sink It Safe?

Yes. Sink It for Reddit is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 616 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Sink It Is 63.5/100.

Is Sink It Legit?

Yes. Sink It for Reddit is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 616 Sink It for Reddit User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Sink It Is 96.5/100..

Is Sink It for Reddit not working?

Sink It for Reddit works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Sink It for Reddit? Post a Review

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