Dragon Village Collection Reviews

Dragon Village Collection Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-04

About: " Irresistable enough to stick to your finger tips! " Have some 'Collector'
instinct running through your veins? Hop in and grab all sorts of Dragons by
playing games, along with collecting card packs and reading books! ▣ Main
Features ▣ ■ No More ‘Cliché’ Character Collecting! ■ Collect
hundreds of Dragons! Want more diversity? Try breeding them! Take care of your
Dragons and watch them evolve in marvelous for.

About Dragon Village Collection

4) 'Membership' holders who subscribe for a total of 3, 6, and 12 months (later on in increments of 12 months) are given a special badge to commemorate their subscription.

Canceling your subscription within the valid period will no longer allow you to enjoy all the special benefits given to membership holders.

2) Within the subscription period, the 'Membership' removes all ads in-game and allows 'Membership' holders to use emotes in chat.

3) 'Membership' holders are given a subscription reward item at the first day of each month.

Membership subscription is available by tapping the 'Join Membership' button at the right side of the Square.

Auto-Renewal is done within 24 hours of the end of the subscription period and is confirmed directly to the subscriber's iTunes Account.

Payment will be made through the subscription holder's iTunes Account after confirming purcahse.

To cancel the subscription, go to "Settings" > "Apple ID" > "Subscriptions" and select "Dragon Village Collection".

The subscription product we're offering is the 'Membership'.

Apple subscriptions are automatically renewed, meaning that your purchase will be made without further notice through your iTunes Account.

1) Subscription will be automatically renewed monthly.

Subscribers may cancel their auto-renewal through 'Settings' in their mobile device.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 4,514 combined software reviews.

60 Dragon Village Collection Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Excellent game for dragon enthusiasts

This game is a solid 8/10 for those who are looking for relaxed gameplay and cool-looking dragons. The developers provide frequent updates, and the events are fun and engaging. There are some activities within the game that are a bit questionable, such as the fishing and the new village building gameplay, though I wouldn’t say it negatively impacts the game. There’s a little bit of everything in Dragon Village Collection, though the game really does live up to its name— it makes you want to collect every dragon you can.
There are some setbacks, such as the fact that some dragons (specifically the Emart24 dragons) are only available for those in certain regions (Korea) and the storyline is a bit difficult to follow when it comes to specific dragons due to translation errors. With new updates, oftentimes not everything is translated yet, but the developers offer tamers the ability to put in suggestions to fix such errors, and they are resolved relatively quickly.
All in all, this is a fun game that is a good addition to the Dragon Village series. The graphics and designs are unique, and there are dozens of dragons to collect, with more being added regularly. I would highly recommend this game for its diversity in gameplay and the experience it offers.


Amazing game but SLOW DOWN!!

The insane frequency of updates to this game are making it feel very diluted. Nearly every week there is a massive amount of content added, and that’s awesome, but no one can keep up with it! I’ve invested quite a bit of money into this game already and it’s starting to feel like everything is losing its value because something bigger and better is out the next day, especially with how hard this game makes you work to get personalities and lineage on top of the fact that it’s kiiiinda pay to win. (Aka you get infinite refreshes when paid for and that’s the ONLY way to keep up with macro users.) Maybe string out the new updates a little farther apart. I never want to complain about new content in games, but nothing can run its course and it feels pointless to keep up with new things when the next dragon will be introduced with some more complicated mechanics, after I already barely learned the old ones. The pace really just needs to be adjusted, ESPECIALLY with the fact that the updates to this game causes the server to be down for over FOUR HOURS! A four hour server maintenance should not be this frequent, and it’s making the game feel unreliable and well… not very fun, when you get snapped out of playing because the servers are down AGAIN… I love this game but please please please fix the pacing of updates as well as maintenance times to the servers!


Love this game!

First of all, it’s a game where beginners aren’t at a disadvantage. I’ve only played for about a month, and already I have built up a wonderful pack of dragons with quite a few rare and unique species. Because of how the game is designed, and one of the main ways to collect new dragons is through finding eggs, everyone is in a fair playing field. Exploring for eggs and hoping to snatch a rare one is so fun, and it’s not too easy nor too difficult.
The devs really do care about its players, seen through how they make diligent efforts to discern and ban users who attempt to exploit the game mechanics through macro/exploitative software. I’ve never once felt discouraged or frustrated by how the devs have handled any issues or concerns of the players, and it goes to show that they really care about the player base.
Lastly, this game is not pay to win at all! I must mention that there really is no set definition for “winning,” as there are just so many ways to explore: collecting unique dragons, breeding pure lineages, unlocking cool personalities, building a beautiful base, and even pvp and colosseum. None of these features are locked behind a paywall, and you can in fact do practically anything in this game without laying down a single cent.


10/10, the greatest game! Very listening devs

This is one of the best games ever made. The only complaint I have is like many good mobile games you have to watch a 10-30 second ad for some important processes. HOWEVERRR… this game makes up for it by not locking most of not all the building possibilities and dragons and their features behind a paywall. As in, I don’t have to pay like 20$ to build more than 4 items in my village. This is why I would give the game and its developers a 10/10–very rare considering how most games plaster scummy quantity over quality ads in every game with in app purchases. But you guys don’t and I respect you guys. Heed my words , though— money hungriness only leads to people avoiding your products and thus less possible consumers, more immoral practices within a company, and sometimes downright lawsuits. Dont get any bad ideas, please. Stay the way you guys are! Also, another main reason I wrote this is, you guys KNOW your audience— as in, I almost burst out laughing when I saw the new MS-paint style start screen. Good job, and I hope you guys have a great day.


obtrusive, inflammatory, inappropriate google ads

i like the game a lot but it's listed as a 9+ game and the devs NEED to do something about the pool of google ads they've opted into. i have ad personalization turned off, and i understand dvc doesn't control the ads that are shown on their app, but it's gotten to the point where i've been reporting individual ads for months and still keep seeing them come back. per google ads' own policy it's prohibited to show ads about political material, terrorist attacks, gambling ads, dating apps, and scantily clad "create your own dream anime girlfriend" apps when there is an under-18 demographic involved. i saw an actual camgirl ad on DragonVillageCollection once after clicking on a video to speed up a dragon process. im an adult who fully supports the aclu, keeping books in libraries, etc, but i dont enjoy seeing government-funded ads specifically designed to incite moral outrage or ads beseeching me to set up "private chats" with beautiful foreign women while playing my cute little dragon-raising game. i cant imagine the effects on a minor being exposed to this kind of constant adult-oriented advertisement without consent. the argument that i can pay to turn off the ads is lost on principle, because $4.99/month is unreasonably high and it wouldn't make a difference to anyone besides myself in the end.


Excellent “idle” Game

This is definitely an app where collecting (& strategizing to do so) IS the gameplay. Dragons grow slowly, so this is not a “sit down and play for a while” game.
I have fun in looking through the wiki and planning out what dragons to look for, special ones to breed, or how to get the personality aura I want on a new egg.
There are some dragon appearances that can’t be unlocked without real purchase, and some species that can’t be obtained after events are over. In some games, this frustrates me because I feel like my collection can never “be finished.” However, in Dragon Village Collection, these are categorized in their own “special” book, and there are so many other dragons to unlock just through time and strategy.
I was going to give 5 stars, but I read the other reviews and realized that I agree with one about the events. A player who logs in every day and collects all of the event tokens should have enough for one of each (event exclusive) trade-in item. I believe these are all account-locked rewards, so this would not affect the in-game economy. If something needs to be monetized, it should be sold as a paid exclusive- we’re all collectors, so it hurts to have to choose which items NOT to collect!


Good game but…

I’ve had this game for about a month and a half and it’s pretty fun. i love that a lot of the important stuff that would normally be locked behind a paywall is completely free! I have been logging into this game a couple times a day for the entire time I’ve had it but today when i tried to get on it got stuck on the loading screen and i tried multiple times to close and reopen the game to see if that would fix it but it unfortunately didn’t and the game continues to get stuck on the ‘check account connected’ part of the loading system. it seems like the only way for me to fix this would be to delete the game and redownload but i don’t really want to do that because i am decently far into the game and that would erase my progress, i hope that me making this review will bring this problem to the devs and it can get fixed but if i still cant get passed the loading screen then I’ll just have to erase my progress and start again :(

Update the game was fixed after a few days and i didn’t lose anything! I will continue to play this as is really good! Thanks for reading my feedback.



Honestly, I really love the game. It’s fun and you don’t have to invest much time into it. The dragon designs are cute and there are a wide kind variety of things to do. Main quests, explorations, fishing, daily and weekly quizzes, the arena, and even the events. Everything is so beautifully designed. The one thing I’m a little iffy about is the translation at time because some of them don’t make sense, there repeats, or typos. Another thing I’m iffy about is the fact that I’m in the united states server yet during the day time over here it’s night time in the game and vice versa. A bit odd and weird and of course frustration but oh well 🤷‍♀️ The dragons take a bit to grow and such which is a little annoying to me but it adds to the anticipation of what it’s going to look like later on. Overall I love the game and it’s super fun and the colors, design, and characters just make it all the more special.


Miss spelling and words a lot more…

Hi I love this game as much as you do but the miss spell and 2 other things I mind you to fixing. first is the Miss spelling it drives me nuts look again at the scarlet dragon the action pat or is it really FAT I’m like LOL why make it fat and I saw a hand PATING it really it’s not fat. respell it I’m nuts ofer it and 2t the trading my favorite thing to do and I put one of my offers up and 5 secants it’s gone and I did it again and put up my special dragon and hess what It said PUT A DESCRIPTION FOR YOUR OFFER like please and I did I hit save and it didn't it was blank and again and again and again I got so mad I closed DragonVillageCollection 3d the word cut off I do not understand why but I went fishing And pulled to early and My dragon said I pulled to ea ly to o k the b ait see things people think throng and keep it I saw the 3 things and nobody cared so I just gave up naw i’m here righting this and still bugged so please fix it your game otherwise is a some I am the biggest on fan In the whole world! and thanks to you I can happily have a good dragon-loving life!


Great Game!

I’ve been playing the game for a little while now (working my way up to 40 dragons!) and I’m enjoying it so much! It reminds me of classic virtual pet games like Neopets and the old egg hatching Pokémon game that you could play in your browser.

There are a ton of different dragons, each who grow from egg, to hatchling, to adult. All of them have descriptions and lore and alternate variations including color variations and sometimes unique versions you can hatch. Finding rare dragons is really fun.

Interacting with the dragons is engaging but relaxing. There are little mini games you can play, you can breed dragons, trade dragons, and decorate your own area. There are also quests to do but I would say that overall they are there more as a teaching mechanic than a large part of gameplay.

Overall I would really recommend this game. The pixel art is really nice and the game never gets overly grabby for your money. There are a few things you can use premium currency for but they are optional decor items and monthly special dragons. These dragons can be bred like normal dragons which is nice, so if you buy one you can breed more. Other than that you can use optional ads every once in a while to speed up your dragon eggs hatching. Other than that the game doesn’t beg off of you. It’s well designed, fun, and good to chill out with!


Cool game, VERY shady business practices

I have been playing this game since August and US release, and I have to say I ADORE it! I have spent money and have grown a massive collection of dragons! What I DO NOT LIKE is how shady this company is with microtransactions, especially the gatcha aspect of this year’s christmas event. There is a special dragon that you can get in the gatcha but the rate at which it drops is NOT DISCLOSED, and if you dig into the files to find out the rate it is AGAINST THE RULES OF THE GAME. The game claims there is a “drop rate boost” of this particular dragon but the “boost” IS ONLY 0.01%! THIS AND THE REGULAR PERCENTAGE ARE NOT DISCLOSED TO CUSTOMERS OF THIS GAME!!!! I am under the impression that this is HIGHLY ILLEGAL and can get this game into serious hot water, especially considering that the boost is ADVERTISED BUT NOT DISCLOSED AS BEING SUCH A SMALL AMOUNT! People are spending hundreds trying to get this egg with NO KNOWLEDGE that the total drop rate is so low! I am reporting this to proper authorities as if you are going to have a gatcha aspect that involves real money in your game, it is a MUST that you should disclose the % so that people can make informed decisions with their funds!


Amazing game (minor issues)

I've been playing this game for about a month now (a little bit before Christmas) and it's absolutely amazing. I love pixel art of all the dragons along with 2D art in the background. It's very easy to get dragons and some dragons such as the egg dragon can even help you evolve your dragons, the designs are all unique and adorable. The people who run this game really care about the playerbase and even try to keep expanding it to other countries. They even have a special event where you the player can have a chance to design your own dragon. The thing is that some advertisements are not age appropriate, of course I do assume they are trying their best to get rid of them. I hope they add even more amazing things to this game!!!


A great game with horrible greed

Edit (4/6/24): Everything I’ve said here still stands except they are sinking more and more into greed. It’s very sad. What an awful and corrupt company HB is. I really do love the game, but I don’t know if I can stay any longer.

I can tell that the art team behind DVC is passionate about the game, and it shows. The sprites are fantastic, the game is charming and fun, and I love the dragons’ designs. I bought the membership because I’ve been having a great time with it. But I think that the corporate end of the game is becoming more and more greedy, and the management pushes for a pay to win model. Everything has a microtransaction currency now. Rates for F2P players are deceptively low and everything is getting so convoluted with so many half-finished projects (the coliseum, pvp, stroll, etc). The new dragon drink system is the last straw for me and I think I will be cancelling my membership. I really enjoy this game, truly, but it’s becoming far too predatory for me to keep supporting. Edit: And now they’ve removed stroll, which let players get some free growth, only forcing the drinks more. Ridiculous.


I love this game, but…

I’m a long time player. I have about 300 dragons now and I love the chill collection aspect. That being said, the current situation with the events is really harsh on f2p players! I spend money on the monthlies and the membership because I support games I like, but I don’t want to support events that make it impossible for f2p users to get all 3 top tier items, as well as the decorations. At least 3050 candies would give people a chance to have at least one of each item, but 1500 is how much users will actually get, which is one zombie dragon and NO auras. I really don’t want this event to be a tell for the future and lead to the downfall where the only people playing are whales. I really like collecting and such, but I don’t want the events to be a gateway to making the whole game p2w/p2p.

Please try to fix this, or at least add more ways to get candies. It’s unfair as is, and the events in the future will only get worse if they’ll be like this from now on. Thank you!


Fun but kinda slow

For the creators : I wish that there was more than one dispatch ticket given a day, or the chance to watch adds 3 times a day and not 3 times a week for tickets. With the main storyline and side quests in the game relying on items received through dispatch, it takes FOREVER to do anything! So I’m just kind of biding my time with mindless things more than I’m actually playing the game. I’m only getting to dispatch 10 times a week for a quest requiring 15 items, and sometimes it takes a full week to get ONE of the items I need…

For players : the game is fun! I like forming relationships with other players and building my collection! The main story is kind of slow (if you read my “for creators” review, you’ll know why I say that) but there’s other/more casual things to do in the game which still makes it fun! I’ve shared the game with other people who enjoy it too!


Cute, colorful, minor issues

A friend had me join for an event, and I didn't realize how new it was until really recently! I appreciate how the gameplay accomodates for different levels of activity. You could spend a while battling/foraging/doing other daily activities or you could just bond with your hatches. My only real gripe is that the UI is pretty overwhelming at first. It nearly turned me off of the game entirely. Although I'm not a game designer, I feel as though it would be a good idea to possibly format something like collapsible "folders" for the rows of icons in the Square menu to make DragonVillageCollection look less "busy". The translations are also a little confusing at times but I am definitely able to forgive that - I know they will likely also improve over time. Overall, the illustrations are colorful and so is the gameplay - I hope this game stays fun. :-)


Issues with Kirin.

I love this game and I have had so much fun but I am having an issue getting a kirin. I have three full sets of guardians and have been trying for two months now. Every four days I have tried with all three and fail every time. I dont know what the chance is but others have had no issues getting a kirin. This is the one thing that is starting to get ridiculous and is genuinely upsetting me. I have tried close to 20 times now and have failed each time. Is the chance lower than what Ive been told (50%), is it a glitch, or is it genuinely just bad luck? I fail to see how bad luck can cause me to fail over 20 times though. Please fix this if this is something that can be fixed because I am starting to lose my mind over this issue. Everything else in the game is great aside from this problem.


Still a Mobile Game

So, in terms of mobile games this game is great. It’s playable as a F2P player, and it doesn’t chokehold progress as you get farther if you don’t pay money.

However, it still very much feels like a mobile game. In order to rename dragons, you need to watch ads. Every time. Also, attempting to finish quests is a joke. You need dispatch items, and F2P players can get a max of one free a day, and one more from an ad. There are chances for getting dispatch tickets elsewhere, but you can’t really get more than three dispatches a day.

This is a problem when you need hundreds of dispatches to complete a single stage in a quest. The quests need to be nerfed, or dispatches need to be buffed.

Events are also egregiously P2W. Or in some cases, not even paying players have a chance.

Take the Xmas event for an example, in terms of F2P it has been really good. Expect for the special form of the event dragon. We were told the chances for the special form would be increased on Xmas, however it is the time they said chances would be increased, and paying players have spent hundreds or thousands of diamonds trying to get it.

It is ridiculous that you are not only harming F2P players, but also P2W players. It’s my expectation that if you give your money to a game, the game rewards you for your support.

This game is really close to perfect and to feeling like professional game alongside games like Minecraft and Among Us. Take those extra steps!



I downloaded this game because I love pet/creature collector games and virtual pet games. This game is great for both lovers of creature collectors and virtual pet games because you can collect SO many unique looking dragons and take care of them!! There is SO much more to the game than appears. It can be overwhelming at first, especially the personalities, but there’s a huge sweet, loving, and helpful discord community willing to help and answer every question you might have. For people who love decorating and placing furniture, you can make your own village for your dragons with a variety of different furniture themes. Mine is currently a farm/spooky theme. I could go on and on about the greatness of the game, but you should definitely try it to see for yourself!


Good collecting game

If you like dragons and like collecting this game is great. One of the few mobile games that has kept my interest for months. While I wish the pay to remove ads was a one time fee they at least do something other mobile games don’t, pay to remove ads removes *all* ads, not just the mandatory ones (like any optional extra you can get by watching an ad will no longer require watching an ad when you subscribe). Plus it gives you a little extra on top.

I love that they are constantly adding new stuff to the game and new things that you can do. One reason the game hasn’t gone stale for me (and the devs really do seem to care about this game).

Is Dragon Village Collection Safe?

Yes. Dragon Village Collection is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 4,514 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Dragon Village Collection Is 83.7/100.

Is Dragon Village Collection Legit?

Yes. Dragon Village Collection is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 4,514 Dragon Village Collection User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Dragon Village Collection Is 100/100..

Is Dragon Village Collection not working?

Dragon Village Collection works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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