1. Be able to log/differentiate your standard vs foiled cards
2. Add enchanted/alternate art cards to the catalog somewhere - it’s fun to know what you are hoping/wishing for, and to see different versions of the cards!
3. Maybe add a haptic response option to the lore counter? Sometimes I have to add, say, 5 lore, and I lose track of how many actually worked because there’s no haptic feedback when I click +1 lore.
4. I might be one of few who would use this feature, but I wish that you could sort by alphabetical. I was comparing cards with someone once, and wanted to quickly scroll to the letter M for Moana to see if I had that card too, but it wasn’t an option. Couldn’t remember off the top of my head any of the other “sort by” options, so had to just search for her which seemed like an added step, rather than just quickly scrolling through my cards.
All in all, great app so far, just a few things I wish could be different! Looking forward to future updates, and of course more Lorcana releases!