Limbus Company Reviews

Limbus Company Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-30

About: ▶ A Combination of Turn-based RPG and Realtime Brawl Each turn results in a
display of exhilarating action. In the combat phase, units on both sides will
act simultaneously.

About Limbus Company

User game profiles, including guest profiles, can be linked to an external (Apple/Google) account of choice.

The outcome of a Clash depends on the strength of their opposing skills and a sprinkle of luck; the winner can shut down the loser's skill.

For Steam versions, the profile is automatically linked to the user's Steam account when launching the game.

Profiles that have already been linked can integrate multiple external accounts.

Connect skill icons across the grid, and your units will take action according to your commands.

In this massive dystopian metropolis, you will embark on a journey to find Golden Boughs with a cast of 12 Sinners.

From the creators of Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, another tale set in the same, unique world unfolds.

Using simple and practical controls, watch as the Sinners dance to your tempo.

In particular, Abnormalities are formidable foes that may prove to be considerable challenges.

Your foes come armed with a variety of Affinity-based attacks and tricky effects.

Form teams of Identities and equip them with an arsenal of E.G.O that will create powerful synergies.

Chaining skills of the same color allows you to deal greater damage.

Enjoy a gripping story and the series of events that await.

All dialogue in the main story comes fully voiced in Korean.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 3,238 combined software reviews.

540 Limbus Company Reviews

4.5 out of 5


A stunning Project Moon Title

I’ve been with this game since it’s release and I feel it’s come a long way. There were so many issues which I new feel are no longer issues. Whether it be bugs, resource scarcity, or other issues they keep making it better. I feel like PM really asked “how many annoying mechanics can we add to this game and how can we make them actually fair?” Gatcha system? Add the pity system and ego boxes so you can always get what you want. Battle pass? Make it easily farmable and have no actual content loss. Literal coin flip luck? Add sanity which you gain from winning battles. Grinding? Press a few buttons and wait a bit, shouldn’t be hard or annoyingly long. That’s enough gushing over game mechanics and how they amalgamated so much bad stuff and made it work well. The story and characters are amazing. You, an amnesiac with a clock for a head leads 12 morons across a dystopian city to find gold tree branches which hold the power of a collapsed company but others want them. The combat is unique to any other game I’ve played before and rather simple for PM standards. Simple enough to drag your finger across the screen a few times and win but complex enough to sink your teeth into. The events and other content added and continuing to be added is always a breath of fresh air. You will not be disappointed in this game and it’s never too late to start!


Project Moon is Anti-Woman.

Project Moon just announced that it has fired a woman illustrator for Limbus Company after she faced a wave of sexist harassment from South Korean anti-woman incel groups. She was targeted by these violent men because she made a social media post 5 years ago, before she was hired by Project Moon, where she justifiably and correctly opposed women being filmed without their knowledge and consent.

This is a symptom of a larger problem. South Korea is building a reputation of a country that is not safe for women. It has a high rate of femicide, and over half of Korean women report facing misogynistic violence. South Korean politicians and company bosses are more than happy to give in to pressure from anti-women violent incels, and as a result Korean women are being fired from their jobs and even killed at work. Female tourists are discouraged from traveling to South Korea by themselves, and are warned to check for spy cameras. This has to stop. However, Project Moon seems fine continuing to make their country look unsafe and unwelcoming to women.

I will not be supporting anything that comes out of this game studio in the future. The damage is done. It’s a shame, because the fired illustrator created beautiful work for Limbus Company and we will not be able to see that again. The quality of the game will tank without her. I wish her the best and I hope she has space to heal and be safe.


Bug Need Fixing ASAP

There’s a bug that myself and other players are experiencing. The current bug issue is the “weekly mission tab” isn’t working at all. It’ll show a notification(!) of a weekly mission being completed but once you tap on the tab. Nothing happens at all, we even deleted the game and reinstalled it to fix the current issue but unfortunately, it’s still the same. I know the game literally just came out and there’s always going to be some form of bugs upon release(My opinion, that never should be the case with any release games but it is what it is I suppose). We the players, will give you the developers the benefit of the doubt on fixing theses bugs ASAP and being transparent with us on the current issues being patched/fixed. Other then that main issue(I’m sure there’s more that we haven’t found yet) the game been great. The combat is unique and a breath of fresh air.

Update: They just released a patch on February 27, 2023 and fixed the current “weekly mission tab” bug.

Good stuff developers 👌 Keep up the good work.


I love it but

I really do love the game. It’s by far the most generous gotcha game in the history of them as it allows you to use even the basic identities to make way through the game until later levels, and even then you get enough of the premium currency to draw new identities and egos as they come out. Crashes are probably the worst thing. Usually whenever you’re using an ego, or there’s a scene shift such as a boss phase change, the game may crash you out. This is probably the worst during chapter boss, fights and dungeons, as there is no continuance from where the battle left off. Meaning, you’ll have to endure the entire battle again. At later stages this is frustrating, as you’ll find your way through 2000+ hit points of damage and coin flips just to have it all undone. Playing through those fights on PC, through steam, is sometimes the only way to make progress. All in all, the story is great so far and the characters fleshed out to fell like you know them after a bit. Definitely a great entry to the Lobotomy/Ruina Setting.


Random crashes annoy me. Good game otherwise.

Project Moon produced yet another banger of a game. I'm new to Project Moon games as a whole, but the gameplay and strategizing got me hooked. The art looks pretty neat in this game, and I especially like how the animations for the small character sprites are handled - it's smooth and elegant. Storywise, I'm excited to see what chapter 4 has after reading through the first three. The gacha system in this game is pretty lenient; there's no repeat unit pulls like in Puyo Quest, as the repeats get converted into currency to directly buy the units/EGO attacks you want. No repeat EGOs, either. The one thing that bugs me is how the game lags, though. It's probably an issue with graphics, since Low graphics typically give me little lag, while Medium sometimes make the game slow down (like using EGOs) or crash (during loading screens). All in all, pretty good game to get. Older devices might not take well to it, though.


Great but the glitches are…

I’m not the sort of person to rate or write reviews, but I think this sorta needs addressing. Limbus company is phenomenal game and there has certainly been a-lot of effort put into it. However, the glitches really take away from its glory. It’s annoying when your fighting a boss in a story dungeon and your game crashes. Now this would be fine if the battles progress would be saved but that’s not the case. You have to start the fight from the beginning. This glitch isn’t a one time thing either it happened at least 3 times for me through multiple story dungeons. It’s especially infuriating when your about to beat someone like kromer and then your game crashes and you have to restart. Also I’m playing on an advanced IPhone so it’s not a software issue, rather the games. Apart from that, top tier game and definitely deserves a try.

P.S. Project Moon pls fix this annoying bug.



Absolutely incredible and extremely fun! If you’re familiar with project moon’s previous games you will love the continued worldbuilding in this game, and if you aren’t I recommend you check them out. The cast of characters actually feel like people rather than your typical gacha characters who love you unrelentingly. They feel very natural and it’s so fun to watch them interact with each other and the story. The combat is (as per usual with project moon) impossible to understand based on the tutorial, but you start to understand it as you play, and the game only really stresses that you understand it near the very end. Project moon is wonderful at listening to feedback and is constantly updating and making changes to the game based on what players say (follow their Twitter to see these things). The story comes out slowly but if you take your time you shouldn’t be bothered. I love this game and I love Gregor!


Great game, but buggy

I absolutely LOVE Project Moon’s works like Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina, so I was naturally very excited for this. It seems very F2P friendly like Arknights too, but I have two MJAOR hangups. 1. Some loading tips are still in Korean and not translated to English 2. There’s a random chance of crashing in a battle Ok there’s actually a third one too 3. Sometimes tapping to start the game doesn’t work And I would like to make a suggestion if possible, knowing which units would be advantageous or disadvantageous to bring into battle without having to keep giving up would be nice.

(UPDATE) those bugs have been fixed but I’ve encountered a new one. The battle LOVES to hang when using The One Who Grips Faust’s Execution attack, forcing me to forfeit EVERY TIME. If that can be fixed I would appreciate it.

(UPDATE2) actually this seems to happen on ANY 3 coin skill for now. Not sure if 4 coin skills have the bug too but I would advise against using any 3 coin skills for now. I hope this is fixed soon Project Moon!


Eat your Apple

I would liken my experience with Limbus Company to a young-ish gamer playing Sekiro/Bloodborne after a lifetime of growing up with button mashers like Castle Crashers or Diablo - It’s a rude awakening when the game, esp. a gacha, asks you to “git gud” in order to engage with it.

While this game has gacha elements, it contains a more robust and mechanically deep engine than the typical engaging gameplay of “roll SSR; enter battle; hit auto.” Those kinds of games invite you to a candy house game of Pretend the Gamer is competent.

It’s great, despite some bugs, and it deserves this 5 star review to offset the legitimate gripes surrounding the iOS launch (some of which have been, and the rest are being, feverishly fixed). Give it some love and maybe reward the devs for their honest, refreshing enthusiasm - After all, a glance at the overall rating will tell you that the devs did not pay for positive reviews, like so many gachas do.


Great game but stick to the steam version.

I love this game much like Lob corp and LOR but there’s lots of bugs that sometimes come up, some of which make the game borderline unplayable. 1 out of 10 times the game would crash whenever I use an E.G.O causing me to loose all progress in a battle most of the time when it happened it was during a boss, please try and fix this because of this glitch I literally can’t pass Donbaek. (EDIT: turns out the game also crashes if I hit a certain point in battle.. so that too..)
Overall you should really stick to the steam version, and hopefully we’ll get a Mac port too.. I guess.


refreshing angle, attentive developers

Considering that Project Moon is a relatively small team handling a live service game for the first time, the staff is impossibly devoted to addressing game issues and patching in updates. I don't think I've ever seen another game like this put out full, detailed lists and tables explaining exactly what balance changes are being made and what is being updated each week.
As far as content, I get the idea that the writers and illustrators behind Limbus Company understand acutely what makes the Project Moon universe so compelling and what kind of stories we would like to see told. I sincerely hope that their storytelling angle doesn't change as a result of Limbus Company's massive popularity, as it feels like a breath of fresh air in the gacha-game landscape.
Hopefully over time, optimization on the mobile version will help with the number of crashes.


Random crashes are annoying

I do not want to entirely base my experience off, because it seems like everyone’s game was doing fine. I have model IPad Pro in its current new update. Some lads here were saying this game may not handle older models, I hope it’s right. Because the game is straight up not letting me play the game and I do wonder if it is my iPad model that’s causing the trouble. I have enough space, and big games like identity v [until I uninstalled] were running just fine for my iPad. Sure they had their occasional crashes but it wasn’t annoying. As for this, this is annoying. It sometimes runs my game for a short while and then it crashes on me. I just want to play the game! But I will not be completely bias with my experience, it seems everyone had it fine. And it must be my iPad model that may be an issue. The art and story of this game is beautiful but please fix the crashing problem. I really do want to play the game myself


Buggy but the devs dont give up.

Even accounting for the many bugs at the start of the game and the adding of changing of features seemingly on the fly, the devs press on and try to fix and change and innovate quickly. I even emailed them a specific bug I was experiencing and they recompensed me for my time wasted. I respect the devs for the care they have for their game even if they didnt get it right off the bat. I hope the game continues to evolve and grow. My only complaint would be sometimes the story elements, specifically acquiring identities and awakening them isnt very compelling and is hard to understand the context because of the localization. If they could fix the localization all round including the main story I would enjoy the game more and would be invested in the characters.


What is this?

I downloaded it in after waiting for the update I’m in the game but every single clicks seems to bring me the things that cost between six dollars and $40. I’ve tried pretty much every button on the screen and they open up lots of other windows that just charge me for stuff. Did the money I pay for this game allow me to play anything or just open up the door for more charges? So far this game looks like you could spend hundreds of dollars in fact you may have to play the game.

I gave it another shot. It still seems to be a very bloated chunk of data that you buy stuff but I haven’t seen a game in it yet. Definitely worth going down to one star. They can make it a little easier to understand how to play the game unless you just have to pay to play and then it makes sense. Because as of now, every option seems to just bring me to buying stuff. I can’t find anything that starts a game. If there’s a button I need to click let me know.


I love Project Moon

I love Project Moon and their experimentalism, creativity, and storytelling abilities. This is PM’s first crack at any sort of gacha game, and although Limbus may have it’s faults, (especially on LimbusCompany version) I still find it to be very very impressive. PM is learning from their experiences as they go and they listen very well to their audience, which is a huge rarity out of game companies nowadays. Another thing is that for a gacha game, this isn’t very pay to win which I can appreciate. I’ve not spent a dime on Limbus Company, but I’ve had so much fun with it nevertheless. In conclusion, I think that PM is a great company, and I think that Limbus is only going to get better from here as it gets more updates to the story and game mechanics, bug fixes, and so on.


Fun, but there is padded content

Game itself is fun, mechanics are good, and depth is there well enough that if you want to optimize you really can.
That said, the padding in the main story content can go a little longer than desired. Like 9-10 stages with all the same enemies but in different number or order, and if you have a goof stable team you end up doing the exact same thing over and over. Again, not a bad game, but if the desire is to reward players with easy to reach stages I’d suggest bonus challenge stages one level easier than the railroad but one level harder than the main storyline. The chicken stage was perfect imo.
Bu that’s just my own opinion. Still a fun game though.


Love the game Just a few issues

I love this game so much, love the characters, love the gameplay, I just have a few issues. Since season 2 the game has been crashing a lot more for me, and since slightly before that I occasionally run into an issue where I can’t use ego or defensive skills because tapping or holding the character portraits only makes them slightly bigger instead of swapping the skill or bringing up the ego selection. This is quite frustrating and has required me to restart quite a few battles since I can’t seem to solve the issue without the battle ending, and sometimes it is impossible to win without the other skills.


So many crashes it unplayable

So look the game is good but the game crashes at every opportunity it can. You use an ego the game crashes, you play two stages back to back the game crashes, you play the game for more than 5 minutes the game crashes. I can’t even play the new content like mirror dungeon 2 or the summer event because there locked behind story progression and guess what I can’t progress the story because the boss fight keeps crashing. I hear that season 3 will come with major optimization improvements (don’t know if it’s true though) but that’s like 2 to 3 months away. If this game looks interesting to you play the steam version, if you don’t have a pc then wait for optimization updates as I don’t recommend this game to new players until the obnoxious crashes get fixed.


Great game, but…

I’m a big fan of the previous titles these guys have put out, and this one does not disappoint. The combat is really slick - think Library of Ruina, but streamlined and made far more intelligible.

The one big issue that plagues this game as it is right now is its instability. Expect fatal crashes on mobile every half hour or so. It can be incredibly frustrating to put 15-20 minutes into a boss fight only to have it crash in the final stages, and don’t get me started on when it happens in a post-fight cutscene. Fortunately, you don’t lose resources when the game crashes, but time and frustration are a cost of their own.


god i love this game

everything abt this game is so good. the fact that the writers can perfectly balance a cast of OVER THIRTEEN characters is amazing, and none of them feel like they get too much or too little screentime
the jokes are funny, but dont distract from the more serious parts of the story theyre trying to tell.

this game gets pretty frequent updates, and recently i feel like the game has been running a LOT smoother compared to a month ago when it was more prone to slowing down or crashing
the gameplay is EXTREMELY f2p friendly!! you get a very stable allowance to roll for IDs, and even if you dont get the Newest ID, everything is still possible. and even if you ‘need’ an ID, you can borrow one from a friend! its genius
the recent update to the UI also makes things a lot easier to navigate

the art for this game is great, from the ID cards to the story CGs!! i love them so much, the amount of detail in them, and the thought into colors/composition is so inspiring!


Love Limbus!

I was first introduced to the PM games through Ruina and I played its prequel (L Corp) soon after finishing the card battler. This most recent addition to the franchise does not disappoint! The plot is engaging, the gameplay is great, and it's very f2p friendly. Aside from the occasional crash, this truly is a lovely game.

All your previous games have helped me through tough times when I was still in high school and even now, I can't help but feel excited for every update Limbus Company receives!

Please keep up the goodwork and don't be discouraged by the other reviewers! The western reviewers here are no better than the Koreans that protested the artist. Both sides are trying to pointlessly spew vitriol and hurt people for self gratification under the pretense of moral righteousness. Forcing consumers away isn't going to help Vellmori, it's just going to make things harder for the other uninvolved, innocent artists and staff members.


Love it but..

Please, PLEASE work on your mobile app stability before the next event. I'm not able to sit at my computer to play it through Steam often and having to redo the same fight twenty times because LimbusCompany keeps crashing in the middle of it is really making it hard to want to keep coming back to it, especially when the battles can already be quite lengthy. I won't ask for a way to speed up clashes since that would likely just lead to MORE crashing at this point, but it would be nice in the future after you've got the stability figured out better.

Storywise everything is fantastic.

For getting a good grasp of game mechanics I'd definitely suggest playing it on PC if you can, or even just a tablet -- there's a LOT to read and much of it goes by pretty fast esp if you're a dinosaur like me and can't read lightning anymore. It can be pretty complex but the autobattle options can get you through a lot.

The game itself is 5 Star. LimbusCompany unfortunately needs some work before I can comfortably give it that rating.


They finally fixed the crashes.

On my phone the game used to crash when it ran for too long. It made some battles winnable, and eventually it crashed often enough so I couldn’t play at all. That is until not so long ago, when they fixed it so it doesn’t seem to crash at all for me. I played it for hours and it was still going. That was my original dislike for the game but now I’d say it’s one of the best free games you can get, especially on IPhone. It’s highly focused on strategy, more than most other free games like this, or at least strategy is valued over draw luck a lot here. The amount of variables you can think about and consider is immense, but the amount you need to look at is manageable. Find the right balance of what to care about and what not to, and I’m sure you’ll enjoy the game!


Stop being mad at project moon

There was a controversy online where project moon fired a female artist because one of the character wasn’t in a bikini, but the art was made by a man so they started to target our story artist. Project moon is a really small company full of people that loves them, they aren’t used to people who do extreme things just to get what they want, they tried to dox the people who work with project moon and went to the studio itself and threaten them. So obviously they are in a tight place, I don’t forgive them but I hope that they learn that catering incels will make them ask for more and they should put their foot down.

Also it is a gacha game, it was bound to attract really weird people. Also sorry if my English is bad, it isn’t my first language.


Absolutely AMAZING!

I wake up every day excited to play this game. The characters all foil each other in such clever ways, they each have distinct and unique personalities that go very well together. I love they way they all interact and treat Dante. Though it’s basically the same thing as Honkai Impact, fighting and gacha with a story, Project Moon really found a way to make this game stand out. Even the gacha system has its unique qualities (and I was reluctant to get this game because I hate gacha games but this game is super F2P and the drop rates are good.) The art, AMAZING as always, the storytelling is very unique and very well done even through translation like SERIOUSLY. Every word still resonates very well and makes sense. There’s the PERFRCT ratio of dark and gorey content and humor, which I’m not gonna spoil but… two words. Sinclair. Maracas. I love it. Which… there is an abundance of gore. But it’s 17+ so don’t expect it to be kid friendly. Though I think teens would still be fine with playing this because I’m 16 ☠️ I love every project moon game and I am happy to play this one :) thanks for the great game I love it!!!!


Great expansion on the lore of previous titles

I’ve been playing PM games since the early days of Lobotomy corporation and the lore has always made me curious. In library of Ruina they gave us much more insight into the denizens of the city and the workings, purpose, and story of the previous title Lobotomy corporation. In Limbus company we got much more in-depth looks into the different corporations especially N and K corp which we have only really heard bits about. I like limbus because it gave me a closer look into what the city is like and its culture with identities and such while still referencing the previous titles such as lobotomy corp branch facilities and Dante’s notes regarding Nest L alongside the distortion of Hells chicken.

Is Limbus Company Safe?

Yes. Limbus Company is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,238 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Limbus Company Is 33.1/100.

Is Limbus Company Legit?

Yes. Limbus Company is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,238 Limbus Company User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Limbus Company Is 49.6/100..

Is Limbus Company not working?

Limbus Company works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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