Camcord - Vlog your life Reviews

Camcord - Vlog your life Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-17

About: Camcord is the vlogging camera in your pocket! Create entire vlogs from your
phone and share them with the world. VLOG Simple vlogging without the hassle of
editing! Start recording clips, and Camcord will stitch everything into one vlog
you can easily share everywhere.

About Camcord

Camcord is the vlogging camera in your pocket! Create entire vlogs from your phone and share them with the world.

Simple vlogging without the hassle of editing! Start recording clips, and Camcord will stitch everything into one vlog you can easily share everywhere.

Follow your friends or explore exciting creators to see the latest original vlogs in your watch feed.

Leave a comment on vlogs.

Whether with friends or creators, you can get the conversation going with a tap.

You can even leave some likes.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1,526 combined software reviews.

680 Camcord Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Vlogging has never been easier

I’m using Camcord to vlog publicly and it allows me to publish daily vlogs without the hustle of editing. Because it’s that easy to use! The explore section is fun, since recently lots of people have joined the platform, there are more creators publishing content. I don’t think you need to be a big name to create vlogs, and it’s fun to watch raw unedited vlogs from people around the world. The comments section needs some improvement though.


The New Way of Connecting

I love this new app it makes it a lot easier to stay connected to friends and family you don’t get to see often. Now I can see them at the end of every night when everyone has posted their Vlog. this app makes like so much more interesting and even motivates me to do more throughout my day.


Frustrating Issue

I am getting very frustrated because one of the vlogs I was most excited about won’t let me post it. First of all there is a clip that won’t upload and on top of that it’s a duplicate I already have that same clip uploaded but it says there is another one uploading which is weird. It also won’t let me delete the clip. Usually if there are clips uploading you still have the option to release it anyway and it won’t even give me that option. Also every time I go into settings and hit get help it just brings me back to my home screen.


good in theory but needs a complete overhaul

Camcord is good in theory and has an amazing concept but Camcord itself is EXTREMELY lacking and not user friendly at all, even the UI is complicated and bulky. My biggest gripe is the lack of editing features, for a vlogging app you should at least be able to trim or cut your clips. this should be a must.

The actual viewfinder when recording vlogs needs to be way bigger or, allow a full screen landscape version when your phone is rotated. It’s very hard to actually see what’s being recorded when the view finder is so small.

When playing back other people’s vlogs there should be tracking, i shouldn’t have to rewatch an entire 2 minute clip or skip over an entire one just to rewatch or skip over a few seconds.

I think Camcord has a lot of potential but usability and the user experience should be kept in mind.


wont let me log back in :(

its a really great vlog app!! it was one of my favorites but i had a glitch where it wouldnt upload a certain clip for +2 weeks and this same clip would appear to be uploading in ALL of my draft vlogs. when i tried to post my vlogs i couldn’t because of that one uploading clip. i tried to log out and log in again and now it wont let me log back in :( really great app though!!! i’m super sad its not working for me anymore



I recently deleted this app application, hoping that one day I reinstall it and can get back to my account and data, but now I write down my number and it just stops and freezes, could there be any solution?


its fun but hard to use 😭😭

tbh Camcord is really fun but it’s kind of confusing, but I wish we could change our usernames or change a private vlog to a public vlog. I also wish we could add songs to Camcord and edit little things!!! they should also add a little foryou page option. In general i think in some parts it shouldbe simpler like when u make ur vlog and edit it!


Amazing, just a few suggestions!

I love Camcord! It allows me to express myself the way i’ve always wanted to through a few short clips! However, myself and others would enjoy more to Camcord than it already has! Adding songs, the ability to use flash, and a timer to start the video and stop it in a hands-free type of way would make Camcord PERFECT!!



I deleted Camcord an redownloaded it, but when I type in my phone number and click the arrow it loads for a second and then nothing happens can you guys fix this please


My disappointment

I don't know if this update will allow me to add a description as well as a name for each videos that I recorded. I do not want each video to have the same descriptions as the first video.


it’s a cute app! 10/10

I just downloaded it today and loved it sm!! hopefully one day we add a text like subtitles to our vlogs 😊 whoever came up with this idea is amazing



Please fix your comment and notification system. We can’t reply to comments or delete them. I want to be notified when someone replies to my comment and be able to delete a comment if I have a typo.

I want to be able to see how many views I have and not have to scroll on the main page to find my video.

When watching other people’s vlogs, add a scrolling system. I don’t want to have to rewatch the entire video if I missed what someone said.

Please add a better system. Camcord is great but it could be much better.
I hope this somehow gets the developers attention. I would rate this 5 stars if it had a notification system and a better comment and video system.


Problem in uploading videos

I started 3 days ago a vlog with a lot of videos but there’s 4 videos each one 2 mins + till now it’s not uploaded all the rest was uploaded how can i know if there’s a problem in uploading the videos ? How can i know how many mg rest for each video?



I love Camcord, but I wish there was a way you could flip the camera and film it horizontally because I wish I was an option to do it both ways because I just like some of my videos horizontal


A few

It’s an amazing app but I wish you can flip the camera so you can see what you are doing instead of looking at the back of the phone. And music in the video !!


I like the app tho

I wish there was a way to save the video and if deleted can recover it


About microphone and listening issue😉

There is only two way to listen or recording to the vlogs is using speaker or headphone’s, we need to find the way to use that easily, good work 😉


Good app, has potential

Would love some more features like private accounts to share with just friends, using the front camera, adding music or others! Overall decent app, have yet to really test it


SO GOOD but…

It’s a great app for vlogging and I love how organized it is but sometimes while recording it may lag and then not save the recorded footage. It’d also be great if we could add videos from our camera roll or add music.


I have a problem!!

Camcord always worked well, until a few days ago I recorded a very important vlog for me and now it won't let me upload it since 1 (one) clip can't load completely. Now I can't upload my vlog and I don't know how to fix it. I need help please.


So easy!!

Camcord makes it so easy to make fun little vlogs! There is no editing needed, you just take same little videos and it puts it all together for you. The only this that is a little difficult is that you can’t save or share the video. You have to screen record it to save it.


Not able to release vlogs

I love Camcord and its my go to for vlogs! However I've encountered a problem whilst trying to release my vlogs. In all the new vlogs i start theres a 21 second blank clip that i cant cancel and delete that keeps me from being able to release anymore vlogs.


Uploading issue

A clip has been uploading for a while now and won’t let me either delete it or actually upload. Really sad because I can’t release until they fix the issue ): I have tried everything and nothing has worked yet


very fun app, could use minor updates

i love Camcord, suggested to lots of ppl and will continue to, but i think Camcord could use some updates that can improve the quality of its usage, mainly being able to change the thumbnail whenever like how the title and description can be changed. i think creating folders dedicated to public/private vlogs, secret vlogs, and perhaps editable folders for the user’s choosing would also be quite nice.


Needs portrait mode

I like Camcord, like it’s a good app to start recording those little moments in your life but it definitely needs a portrait mode because sometimes I would like to post these on tiktok but I just can’t with the black border, I would love to see a portrait mode soon so it fills up the entire screen instead of being a tiny little viewing window.


Need to add some things

I really like the concept of Camcord. There are a few things I wish to see added to Camcord though. I think we should be able to watch our clips be put together as a vlog before we publish them. It would be nice to see the whole video in case we want to add anything before publishing. The second thing I think should be added is changing the publicity of your published vlog. For example, I think if you private a vlog you should then be able to change it to public. If Camcord already has these features could someone let me know how to use them?


Someone help?

I was going to try Camcord became i saw it on social media and i downloaded it but when i was supposed to put my phone number it wouldn’t resume the process? I put my phone number in and i clicked the arrow but it didn't do anything and just stayed in the same page.


love it but still needs some work

i absolutely LOVE the idea of this little social media where we all post our vlogs but there are many little things that discourage me from using it. having to wait for clips to download before we can delete them and even asking us to pay just to trim a clip is kind of ridiculous, i really like the “raw” no editing concept of Camcord but sometimes i do need to trim the clips. my app constantly crashes when i try to edit, and being unable to choose a specific moment for the thumbnail is also a little inconvenient. most of the issues i have are very minor and i will continue to use Camcord, i think the idea of Camcord is great, but with a few minor adjustments it will be perfect


want to draft more than one blog

i am totally down with the concept of only being able to post on vlog a day but i had drafts that the new update deleted :( i would love if we could have drafts saved while still only being able to post one vlog a day. besides that i love Camcord but HATE that the new update deleted vlogs i was working on. kinda ruins the vibe of Camcord for me.



For some reason i cant continue recording my vlog i tried deleting some clips here and there and still i cant record more clips or release the whole vlog and im so sad because it was a great vlog now i have to make another one💀💀


Deleted our life together

Me and my girlfriend downloaded Camcord a few months ago and instantly fell in love with the idea, we constantly used Camcord and filled it with countless videos, I loved it for the little moments that we could relive when we watched it. Quite recently our lives were destroyed. We were on a date when Camcord non menacingly asked to update in order to add certain features. We more than willing and happily obliged, but we were devastated to see that when we opened Camcord again it had deleted everything that me and her hold dear. We were distraught, disheveled and disgusted by the revelation that we now needed a subscription service to continue to enjoy our life. I’m writing this now as a warning to those who think Camcord may be beneficial for them. Do not hesitate to find a different app for documenting the important things in your life. They didn’t warn us our life would be uprooted in an instant and insulting way. I will not be participating in the activities Camcord offers now for it costs a whopping 2 dollars a month to continue vlogging. Talk about insult to injury.


love this app so much but.. why the charges now!!

I definitely consider this app one of my top favorite apps! I use it as a way to connect with my friends and record new memories that we make throughout high school. For the many months that I used Camcord, I have been able to post consistently without a charge. Now with the new app update, it allows you to have 2 more free vlogs then you have to begin to pay. This makes me so frustrated because how is an app that is supposed to be used as a journal for memories and special moments all of a sudden have a charge? Now, I will not be paying for this and I am at a loss of words for the memories that I will be missing. I was hoping to rely on this app at the end of high school to hold so many memories that I can look back at and laugh but now I have lost those opportunities. PLEASE TAKE AWAY THE CHARGES🙏🙏🙏


This app is great! but there are a couple suggestions I have.

First, I absolutely love how Camcord can be used to vlog your day and not have to struggle editing clips, the thing is, if you mess up, you have to delete the whole vlog you cant just delete that one singular clip, everything else is fine, I like how you can follow people, watch others vlogs, its really nice! If you want to do separate clips though you have to pay 0.99 cents but its not too bad I actually thought it was generous! Thanks for Camcord I've been searching solely for a vlogging app and I've found it. Its amazing! Thanks!!!


please! 🙏🏽🥲 make changes to the charges

Ever since I heard about this app on tik tok, I went to download instantly! I was so excited to vlog and I love it because I was able to blog on my phone (: and hold so many memories ✨💕☺️. However now with the new update I don’t use no more to vlog because I don’t wanna waste my 2 freebie. I perfer how it was before 🥹. Please take away the charges or make some changes, for example if they want features or other stuff that can be charged that way people can just vlog like it was before with no charge. Thanks! I just wanna vlog and I don’t delete app because I have vidoes before the new update and don’t want to erase the memories


Why The Charges???

Like many people have already stated Camcord is wonderful and a great way to casually or seriously vlog and document beautiful life moments. As many other people have also stated the decision to charge for some of the most basic features and now even the removal of access to Camcord for free? was definitely a huge disappointment to me. I hope that I don’t lose any of my previously recorded vlogs. I just don’t think that charging for Camcord is a smart move especially since you can’t even see what you’re being charged for? Anyway love you app, hate the new charging features.


pay to use app..

I loved using Camcord to capture small moments to remember. The quality of the camera was never as good as just using the camera on the phone but the way you can just record everything and it’ll clip it together outweighed the quality of the camera. I didn’t mind not being able to edit because that truly added to the authenticity of the vlogs. However.. with the new winter update you’re forced to pay in order to use Camcord . We get two free uploads and that’s it. I understand that people need to get paid but this is driving users away. I loved using Camcord and will miss it very much.


Good app

I used to make a vlog silly little vlog on Camcord like every few weeks. It was all good until they started charging you to publish vlogs. I know the charge is low but still I was very disappointed when I saw you had to pay I did really like Camcord until this update. I always saw this as a raw video but the editing makes it not feel like it anymore. Please PLEASE stop charging people to make vlogs on a “free” app or PLEASE PLEASE make just a normal raw no social just for vlog making camera app


Subscriptions??! Makes NO Sense

Camcord was literally perfect. My friends and I live in different states/cities and needed a way to keep up with our lives that allowed us to publish different cuts into one video. Snapchat did not function like this this app app, so when we had tea to tell or stories to say it was funny and enjoyable. The cuts, the way that it was one seamless video, it was perfect.

Now when I go back on Camcord I’m forced to update it, which in turn makes me have to pay for a subscription to keep using the service. What sense does that make if you want it to be a social media platform?! Make video editing features and extra things like that an extra fee, not the whole app!

So now my friends and I are searching for an app that would allow us to have access to normal features Camcord used to provide.

Thanks this app🙂.


Highly disappointed

I just downloaded Camcord about two weeks ago I was looking for something to quickly vlog day to day life and rewatch. I loved Camcord for a small period because I was able to keep private while also sharing with my bf. The last update now wants to only give 2 free vlogs??? What is up with that!? That was the whole point of downloading Camcord, if I have to pay monthly for videos that are already not able to be recorded full screen I will be deleting soon.


A five star app, but…

I really love Camcord. But as an occasional user, I don’t upload very often. Maybe a couple times a month, if that. I use it to hold important moments of progress or interests of mine, so every vlog to me is special. I downloaded Camcord a while ago, and was so happy to find its basic features were free. I could understand paying for the tools, but as I said, I use it every so often, so I didn’t bother. I’m really disappointed with the new pay-to-upload setup of Camcord . It especially caught me off guard that I wasn’t aware of my 2 ‘freebies’ until after my vlog was finished, and that it one was used even if I only wanted to upload it privately and with no edits.

Please consider changing it so that you can at least upload your vlogs privately for free and pay to upload them publicly, if you absolutely must charge. I would hate to see Camcord be the kind that someone deletes two seconds after downloading because they have to pay for the most basic and simple functions. It has the potential to be so much more.


new updates deleted my best vlog yet:

Hi, i am writing this as i am extremely disappointed and sad because my vlog fully disappeared during the uploading process. the charges of having to pay to upload your vlogs i think isnt the best idea especially because it was free before. i just sent you guys behind Camcord of this app an email to try and help me get my vlog back because i even have the unlimited subscription for free vlogs for a year. how am i paying for it monthly but yall are still trying to charge me and deleted my vlog? please get back to me if there’s any way i can retrieve my vlog because im devastated. i read other reviews and have seen others with the same issue. please listen to your this app supporters and take away the charges.


Used to be good…not anymore

A couple of months ago my friend introduced me to Camcord and I fell in love with it. I showed it to my boyfriend and a couple of my other friends and we would use it every day to vlog fun moments or capture times that we wanted to share when the other person wasn’t with us. EVERYTHING USED TO BE FREE!!!! I was devastated when I just went to upload my first vlog since a couple of months had passed and, for one, all of my old videos were just completely gone. All of those memories. For two, it then stated that we are only allowed 2 free vlogs, and from there on out we would have to pay. I don’t understand what the logic and reasoning is behind that because Camcord had so much potential and so many loyal users, which now are all going to delete Camcord including myself. All and all, do not get Camcord. It is not worth it.



Love the idea of Camcord but there's a file that is still uploading and I am unable to delete it. It spills onto the next vlog and I cannot upload that vlog unless that clip is done. I've done everything to try to remove the clip and it still won't work. Been occurring for 2 weeks now. Please fix!!!! I've been wanting to use Camcord but if this issue won't be fixed then I'm gonna have to not recommend to others as this is a potential issue that will cause others to not vlog w Camcord.



I used to adore Camcord, was a perfect visual diary for me. It had the occasional bugginess of too long of a clip, it would take either forever to load or not at all, so I’d have to usually delete because I wouldn’t be able to save the video all together. It would crash sometimes and the biggest pain of all: if there was an update, it deleted the vlog I was working on. But even still, I adored Camcord very much, it has my 20th birthday saved on there…..and now, you’re charging? Not even to use your edit features, but to even use app? You only get 2 free video uploads and my account and videos have been on private and secret since the beginning when I first started using Camcord. You can delete my videos, you can continue to crash, but don’t you dare rob my memories and dare to rob me of my money when you’re app can’t handle 20 sec. of extra footage per clip. This is the worst way to make profit, especially because many of us adored Camcord because we had a safe space. Now, we don’t even have a choice….


sorry, not worth the $

to the developers:

the reason people in these reviews do not want to pay your charges, is simply because the faultiness of Camcord is not worth the money. why would i pay for a product that already carries consistent crashes, limited access and very simple features? its like selling goods at the store, already broken on the shelf.

people will not pay for simple and common camera features, especially if they are limited and buggy. the consistent glitches when uploading and crashes of Camcord make it impossible to upload a project for me, and after ive already recorded a video ive fallen in love with.

i like the charm and cleanliness to Camcord. i WANT to continue to use it, but its the own app that is discouraging me AGAINST it. the bugginess when uploading, the way you cant start one project until you finish another, but you cant even upload that one since it is too buggy..

more people dislike the charges than not, which means in the end, you are driving away more users than gaining.

i understand every business needs profit - but this is not the way to do it. you are driving your audience away.


It was a really good app till the update

Honestly I was so happy to have something where I can easily record short videos, especially for my freshmen year of marching band for highschool, I had SO many memories of each games and Just remembered I had the videos. When I opened it I was kinda heartbroken they were gone and felt really sad since It recorded them from the very beginning, All the memories are gone now and honestly it makes me really disappointed for the update to erase everyones memories just for the money membership. Hearing everyone elses loses with Camcord makes me feel a bit less sad about the memories that got erase knowing im not alone.❤️



I have had Camcord since march of 2023. I didn’t have any complaints and made many beautiful videos and memories with it. But now I see that they are charging a subscription fee to use Camcord and post videos. I did not have a problem with this. What I do have a problem with is Camcord deleting the videos I posted on my private account because I do not pay the subscription fee. I am really angry and disappointed. Because I had many memories saved in those videos. As you can tell I deleted Camcord and will not be using it again. I recommend that other potential users don’t as well.

Is Camcord Safe?

Yes. Camcord - Vlog your life is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,526 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Camcord Is 75.8/100.

Is Camcord Legit?

Yes. Camcord - Vlog your life is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,526 Camcord - Vlog your life User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Camcord Is 95.3/100..

Is Camcord - Vlog your life not working?

Camcord - Vlog your life works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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