Filmlog is almost great but a few glitches get in the way.
As the first glitch, Filmlog crashes a lot...usually when searching.
The second glitch is hard to catch. For some reason if you try to edit a log that is already saved Filmlog often saves the date as one day later than the date you set it at. For example if you save a movie to your watch list for January 1st, 2019 then go back to edit the date to, say, January 3rd 2019 it will save as January 4th. Sometimes this can be corrected by editing it again, sometimes it takes several tries. After finding this glitch I don’t have any confidence in the saved data.
The third glitch happens when searching. If you’ve already saved a movie to your list you can search and bring up that saved log. That’s great if you want to search if you’ve already watched a particular movie. But, if the movie title has an apostrophe, for instance “We’re the Millers”, the search function doesn’t recognize the movie is already in your list.
If the developer can reduce the crashes and fix this date glitch I would definitely recommend Filmlog.