Calcium Pro Reviews

Calcium Pro Reviews

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About: Blood calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis are important health issues. The
consequences of abnormal levels are often life-changing and occasionally

About Calcium Pro

Blood tests and bone density scans can be difficult to interpret—even many doctors do not diagnose calcium, vitamin D, and parathyroid problems correctly or timely.

Calcium Pro is a powerful software program that will analyze your calcium health and provide you guidance about the status of your bones, kidneys, parathyroid glands, vitamin D, and other related health issues.

Using this app is the equivalent to spending hours with the world’s most experienced doctors teaching you about your calcium, parathyroid, osteoporosis, and vitamin D issues.

Tracking tools will show your calcium and vitamin D levels over time, and will show if your bones are losing density (worsening osteoporosis), or gaining bone density.

This app was developed by doctors at the Norman Parathyroid Center, the world’s leading parathyroid and calcium treatment center using over 4,000,000 data points from over 30,000 patients.

A Risk Assessment Tool shows your relative risk for conditions associated with high blood calcium: Osteoporosis, Heart Disease, Heart Arrhythmias and Palpitations, High Blood Pressure, Kidney Stones and Kidney Failure, GERD, several Cancers, and others.

Blood calcium, vitamin D, and osteoporosis are important health issues.

Hyperparathyroidism is a disease that affects 1 in 800 people and 1 in 250 women over 50 and is very often overlooked while patients suffer from chronic fatigue, memory loss, depression, osteoporosis, bone pain and many other symptoms.

You start by entering your test results for calcium, parathyroid hormone, and vitamin D.

Let the world’s leading doctors help you understand these problems so you and your doctor can make important, informed decisions.

Watch your risk assessment graphs change as you address your calcium problems.

The app will provide guidance about talking to your physician regarding the possible need for surgery and other important steps.

It will let you know the status of your parathyroid glands and your chance of having hyperparathyroidism.

There are important learning tools on every page, and an extensive video and reading library at the end.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 1,005 combined software reviews.

680 Calcium Pro Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Dr. In your phone

I stumbled on CalciumPro while researching causes of high calcium levels. I love CalciumPro. It is so easy to use. CalciumPro made me smarter than my primary care Dr. CalciumPro allowed me to talk intelligently with my dr. about what test were needed and those not. My Dr. actually wanted to have me tested for bone cancer. Of course the pet/ct scan came back negative, as CalciumPro told me it would. With CalciumPro I was able to get my primary care Dr. back on track. I have never felt more in control of a medical problem. CalciumPro will help me to monitor the progression of my cure into the future. I felt so knowledgeable after showing up for surgery.



This simple tool was SO accurate in detecting my parathyroid tumor! It was easy to put in my blood calcium levels, PTH, and vitamin D level. and then CalciumPro told me I was in the "very likely" range of having a parathyroid tumor. You can also add bone density scan info. This information helped me make the decision to self refer myself. I just had my surgery today at the Norman Parathyroid center in Tampa, and a huge tumor was removed. Without this, I probably would have listened to my endocrinologist and really messed myself up by taking huge quantities of Vitamin D. If you are concerned about your calcium or PTH levels, get CalciumPro ASAP!


Life saving app

After my husbands blood work revealed an elevated calcium level, his physician decided to play the "wait and see" game. When his calcium level dipped to the high normal range, his doctor said that he was fine. After we found CalciumPro, we entered all of the blood test results, and discovered that my husband was indeed a candidate for parathyroid surgery. His doctor was still skeptical but went along with this. We chose the Norman Parathryoid Center at Tampa General. His tumor was removed by extremely competent surgeons and we have high hopes for a complete recovery.


Explains and Interprets EVERYTHING

I have an excellent doctor, but CalciumPro really filled in every question I had, giving me assurances I needed, helping me interpret test results, telling me what to expect post op, and not expect. I live in CA, SoCal where excellent care exists, than God, but if you don’t, it’s clear this group is cutting edge. Invaluable app if you’re suspected of, being diagnosed, or have had the disease. Literally most useful app for a specific purpose I’ve used since owning my first iPhone ten years ago. Thanks for developing!!!!


The best!

Save yourself precious time and money on unnecessary medical bills! CalciumPro is so easy to use. I had high blood calcium for the last 20 years but no doctor ever considered primary hyperparathyroidism. I stumbled upon Dr Norman's website while conducting a Google search on hypercalcemia and quickly obtained a PTH test. I entered all the blood calcium and vitamin D tests and DEXA scans I had for the last 20 years as well as my single PTH reading, and received an immediate diagnosis. Yesterday Dr Norman and his team removed not 1 but 2 adenomas in his Tampa, FL clinic. So thankful.


This app knew more than my endocrinologist

Always do your research, people! My endocrinologist wanted to "fix" my low vitamin D first and then see if my Ca levels normalized. Said he thought I had early hyperparathyroid disease and wanted to run more tests. Sigh... I said 'no' and went for a second opinion. Just had an adenoma removed that Dr. Norman said has been there for years, based on the amount of PTH it was pumping out. So glad I found CalciumPro and the doctors at the Norman Parathyroid Center! Can't recommend enough.


Fun, but is it useful?

If you already have test results that are probative of hyperparathyroidism, then your current doctors have probably already diagnosed you. If you are in those grey areas, where doctors disagree, then you are likely to find that your docs put any credence in this tool. If you are already going to these Florida docs, then this tool preaches to the choir. Although these Florida docs are very opinionated, they do not appear to speak for the majority of endocrinologists. Who is right, I do not know, but this tool is not likely to persuade your doc that you have a problem. It would seem to be a better marketing tool to get you to take your case to the Florida docs.


Dr. Norman is the man!

CalciumPro is a wonderful tool! I gained so much knowledge from its content that I could personally diagnose people having hyperparathyroidism!!! The knowledge gained allowed me to push my mother's bottom feeding doctors (or goats and monkeys) into several corners, where they had no choice but to listen. If you or someone you know is suffering from the symptoms of hyperparathyroidism, plug all the data you have into CalciumPro and present it to the doctors and then get scheduled for Dr. Norman and his team to save your life!!!


Self Empowerment!

If you have the slightest belief you possibly have a parathyroid tumor/ hyperparathyroidism EMPOWER YOURSELF with CalciumPro!! You will have EXACTLY what you need to start gathering/demanding the blood work tests you need to get an accurate diagnosis without flying to Tampa with a one on one consultation. If I had waited any longer (like my local Oklahoma Endocrinologist wanted to do) I would have lost my voice due to the fact the tumor/adenoma was wrapped completely around my vocal cord growing for so long!!


Incredible Tool!

Thank you, Dr. Norman, for creating such an amazing tool for patients to use. CalciumPro allowed me to easily enter a few lab values and provided me with some very detailed (and concerning) information which I would not have had access to otherwise! The results I obtained prompted me to take immediate action in becoming a patient and scheduling my surgery at the Norman Parathyroid Center. I highly recommend CalciumPro to anyone looking to maintain a proactive role in their own health care!


Awesome App

After years of misdiagnosis by my doctor, I downloaded CalciumPro, entered my lab data and sure enough I was correctly diagnosed with hyperparathyroidsm. I am happy to say that just yesterday, Dr Norman and his team removed one tumorous parathyroid gland from me and I am cured !!! Don't waste time and money on endless tests, get CalciumPro so you can know for sure and be cured yourself. CalciumPro is also very informative, containing many links to further educate you as well.


Found truth at last through this app!

I had 3 different doctors telling me that nothing was wrong with my blood work levels. Using CalciumPro, I was able to use that same blood work to correctly diagnose myself for a serious yet completely treatable disease. I received the simple outpatient surgery that I desperately needed and my blood work and health is back on track!


This is the answer

CalciumPro is fantastic. It knows more than your doctor. My endocrinologist did not believe I had primary hyperparathyroidism and gave me a mega dose of vitamin D. I got extremely sick from it! I used CalciumPro and referred myself to Dr. Norman. CalciumPro was right! I had a huge parathyroid tumor that's been growing in my neck for 8-10 years and I'm only 41! Use CalciumPro . It knows more than your endocrinologist!


App crashes when I try to put in my data

I think CalciumPro is a great idea, but it doesn’t work. I’m a developer myself, so this isn’t an issue with lack of IT experience. Every time I try to enter my data, CalciumPro closes/crashes. I reopen CalciumPro and only some of my data is saved. I’m unable to get CalciumPro to show me my results because it keeps crashing. I’ve tried 7 times now. It’s very frustrating. I’m using an iPhone 7 with an up to date IOS. Can you please fix this? I will absolutely update my review (if you remind me) after this is fixed. Thank you.


Very Helpful During Difficult time

CalciumPro was very helpful in helping me to confirm my diagnosis as I was working with my PCP and Endocrinologist. I was able to input all of my data and see a number of graphs and diagrams to put my medical condition into context. I recommend this tool as part of your research and had a very professional and successful procedure at the Norman Parathyroid Clinic.


Very disappointed, inaccurate

CalciumPro would not allow me to add the - or + to my values. It also determined I was at a low risk for hyperparathyroid disease, rhythm problems, kidney stones, etc. I have been monitored for almost a year for this disease. I also have a heart rhythm problem and have had a kidney stone. As far as the DEXA scan, I lost 10% of my bone density since the past scan two years ago. I may not have the disease, but my doctor isn’t convinced. Sorry I wasted my time and money.


Great App!!

CalciumPro is so simple and accurate. Add just a few test results to find out if you have hyper-parathyroidism Even though my doctor said I was a-symptomatic I used CalciumPro and took matters into my own hands. I had a tumor and thanks to Dr. Norman and his excellent team I have been cured. No more tumor. I am getting my life back!! Thank you Dr. Norman and team.


Great tool but needs a minor software fix

I purchased CalciumPro and indeed it is a snap to enter data and use, but I found that the Blog tab will not open and causes a 404 error. It contains an error message that my app has connected to the Word Press site but cannot login. Please fix this error. I am running version 1.4.1 on a 9.7 iPad Pro. I live in Thailand and this may be the cause of the error. Thanks.


This app changed my life!

When I found CalciumPro and used it my lie changed. My doctors had it wrong and were giving me the opposite advice that they should have. Having CalciumPro allowed me to move forward with confidence that I was doing the right thing despite what my doctors were telling me.


Calcium Pro

Good when it worked than after four years of meticulously entering all data it crashed and All DATA WAS LOST. CONTACTED THEM SEVERAL TIMES BY EMAI,AND NEVER ONE RESPONSE. SO, to me that’s a indicator and not a good one of any future contact with the providers of CalciumPro. I don’t care about the fee but to ignore the fact that four years of data in a medical monitoring device was lost because their app crashed is an inexcusable action by people in the “healing “
profession. They leave you in the lurch and don’t care about how hard you worked to follow their program.


Measurement Options Won’t Change

I tried to load the Calcium-Pro app to add my information and try to pinpoint if I have PHPT or not as my labs come back, and am not able to add my lab values in, due to not being able to change the unit of measure selection to the correct units of measure. It seems that it is one line off… the selector changes the unit of measure for the next line of data entered below it for some reason (in app on iPhone). Hope they can get this fixed so I can update the review, and add stars/update review after CalciumPro is working correctly.
Thank you

Is Calcium Pro Safe?

Yes. Calcium Pro is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 1,005 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Calcium Pro Is 50.1/100.

Is Calcium Pro Legit?

Yes. Calcium Pro is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 1,005 Calcium Pro User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Calcium Pro Is 67.7/100..

Is Calcium Pro not working?

Calcium Pro works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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