SmartNews app not working? crashes or has problems?

SmartNews Status

Published by on 2024-05-27

SmartNews is the award-winning local news app downloaded by 50+ million readers
in 150+ countries! SmartNews analyzes millions of articles every day to deliver
the top trending news stories influencing the world right now. News From All
Sides! SmartNews delivers high-quality news headlines and breaking news from top
news publishers: NBC News, MSNBC, USA Today, TIME, The Huffington Post, Bleacher
Report, Quartz, The Verge, VICE.

I have a problem with SmartNews

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Reported Issues: 100 Comments

By Calvin schwRtz   1 month ago

My 15 pro gets so hot I have to shut it down when I use your app What’s going on

By Sabatino panetta   1 month ago

This app constantly freezes on my iPad 10th gen…..pages get stuck

By Tanya Brooks   2 months ago

it takes forever for things like BuzzFeed to load now. I'm not sure if it's because my phone is full of storage or it's the app itself. Please advise.

By Michael Rocco   2 months ago

I'm only getting news that's already been posted for a day or two! What's up with this? It's been happening on and off for weeks!

By Charles T Snodgrass   3 months ago

Smart news Will not open article when pressing headline. Get "failed to load content" with retry button that does nothing.

By Kathleen Hollie   3 months ago

SmartNews topics and headlines appear, but doesn’t permit you to read. Click headliner, no response.

By David Latimer   3 months ago

Why do some articles take so long to load? It's not my internet connection or speed, on other sites it's working fine and some articles on Smart News load up quickly, others take for ever it seems. Are you trying to load ads or cookies and my ad blocker is stopping you from doing that causing the delay?

By Gary   4 months ago

While using SmartNews on my iPad Pro (3rd gen) it burns through the battery quickly. Is this normal?

By joy church   6 months ago

Smart new only coming in Japanese, NOT english

By Arnold Ladis   6 months ago

It freezes and will not allow me to close it out and then freezes my iPad so I have to reboot it. It is the only site that does this.

By Robert curlee   6 months ago

Every time i open app an video of some man buffing a floor in fast forward speed pops up then the app goes dark.

By Joe   6 months ago

Freezes constantly

By Greg   6 months ago

Click on article but it won't load.

By Phil jenkins   6 months ago

Smart news after 10 or 15 articles or sometimes right away it starts buffering and won't stop. I have the latest att internet via fiber. WI fi 6

By Jann E Greenwalt   7 months ago

I have notifications on and pop up allowed but nothing is showing. I uninstalled and re installed

By Karl Halmstad   7 months ago

why does smartnews only load half a story on some pages & nothing on others.

By Brian   8 months ago

All media clips accessed within the app are very slow, and in many cases will not play at all. This is a relatively new issue.

By Rodney. L Rafine   9 months ago

Smart news keeps freezing up when i scroll on a article

By Barbara hayes   9 months ago

When watching something like something about history half way though it go blank.

By J Palermo   9 months ago

Smart News has begun repeatedly freezing. Quitting; reinstalling; restarting iPad doesn’t help.

By Mary   9 months ago

App freezes when reading articles

By Eulonda Everest   10 months ago

I have 2 advertisements breaking into my news reading. HELP

By David   10 months ago

App won't load articles, I've reinstalled the app a few times already and it still won't load news articles it'll just stay buffering.

By Joe myer   1 year ago

Smart news will not download

By Al   1 year ago

In SmartNews my iPhone X randomly highlight stuff then jumps around the screen highlighting other stuff then kicks me out of the article or opens another window.

By Patti Geisenhoff   1 year ago

I used to be able to share a smart News article onto Facebook, I can not do that anymore. All it shows is the smart News name but not the article. I'm doing this on a Samsung A51 cell phone, and always have with no issues til about a month ago. Patti

By Ken Kirkpatrick   1 year ago

When viewing SmartNews, i get loud, overlapping music or conversation. It is unintelligible, but annoying. This is not just at home but anywhere I try to watch

By Dennis Beckstedt   1 year ago

The home icon, local, search, notifications and profile are showing up on the bottom of my tablet screen and my android icons are there also and I have them set to use swipe activation, only problem is I sometimes activate the wrong icon

By Don   1 year ago

Smartnews is stuck in an ad. I don’t mind ads, but it won’t quit this ad. 🤬🤬🤬

By Dick Mathson   1 year ago

I was reading an article and my screen came up BLACK. It won’t allow me to log out at all. Basically, I’m locked out.

By Carlla Cato   1 year ago

When I click on story an advertisement for apple games pops up . You have to wait for entire ad for game to play before you can return to smart news

By Leslie Simon   1 year ago

Articles won't open

By Alan Cornett   1 year ago

When I click on smart news I cant get the article to open it just spins it wont let me read the article

By Ronald Rittle   1 year ago

How can I share News Stories from my iPad to my wife’s iPhone using the Smart News app?

By Renee   1 year ago

I just purchased an iPhone 14. The notifications for this App are not working. I have tried EVERYTHING. Was working fine on the iPhone X that I had previously.

By Renee Becker   1 year ago

I just purchased an iPhone 14. The notifications for this App are not working. I have tried EVERYTHING. Was working fine on the iPhone X that I had previously.

By Mark Haas   1 year ago

For two months, most pages load slowly (can take 30 seconds). Other safari and chrome pages load immediately. Have cleared cache and redownloaded app. iPhone 12 Pro Max, new SIM card.

By Melita   1 year ago

On new iPhone (SE 2022) the app does not send notifications. When both old and new operational, notifications were going to the old one. Erased the old but still noting comes to the new. This is a second time this happens. Had two phones operational at the same time before and only one was getting notifications. If it matters, the one getting notifications was an iPhone 8 the ones not getting were an iPhone SE 2020 and an iPhone SE 2022. Just to dispel the SE issue, the first phone I had that as getting notifications fine, was an iPhone SE 2015.

By Volney Boswell   1 year ago

I am unable to view and read articles as it just keeps buffering.

By Mario Inchausti   1 year ago

I've been using smartness for a while but suddenly I can't read the news on my desktop. Every article leads with a demand that I scaredn a QR code with my phone & read it there. Kind of pointless.

By Mary Horosco   1 year ago

My last message and this page Poofed! back to my home page...Every Smart News article gives me endless buffer circle--really frustrating. Please fix issues! This just started happening a couple weeks ago.

By Steven Shattuck   1 year ago

Will Smartnews never again be able to be accessed on a pc or is this a temporary issue?

By Craig Biegen   1 year ago

On my IPad Air 1st gen, I cannot look at articles in SmartNews. I can only look at headlines. I used to be able to read articles but have not been able to for quite some time now.

By Pete   1 year ago

"SmartNews for desktop/PC stopped allowing the ability to read news articles. When clicking on a news article it now says to "To continue reading....scan-icon" Where is the app for the desktop???

By Flash Bazbo, Space Explorer   1 year ago

Ditto this from DrP on 12/1/22: "SmartNews for desktop/PC stopped allowing the ability to read news articles. If users click on a news article it now says to *download the app*...This is Not possible on a business desktop!"

By DrP   1 year ago

SmartNews for desktop/PC stopped allowing the ability to read news articles. If users click on a news article it now says to *download the app*...This is Not possible on a business desktop!

By Stephanie Kumble   1 year ago

An ad popped up on my smart news app - can’t get rid of it and can’t get any smart news.

By H   1 year ago

My iPhone becomes blazing hot when running the smartnews app. I measured temps up to 115 degrees on back of phone - Apple says it’s the app

By H   1 year ago

My iPhone becomes blazing hot when running the smartnews app. I measured temps up to 115 degrees on back of phone - Apple says it’s the app

By H   1 year ago

My iPhone becomes blazing hot when running the smartnews app. I measured temps up to 115 degrees on back of phone - Apple says it’s the app

By Jeffrey L Southwick   1 year ago

I love Smart News but many times it will either crash or when trying to load an article it just spins, I reinstall it and sometimes it works again and sometimes not. This happens most times and I use it every day. Very frustrating. Works great on my phone

By Jeff Wade   1 year ago

Smartnews articles won't open. Just spins and does not open.

By Bill   1 year ago

App keeps buffering when open news stories but works if you open in browser. Very annoying

By Anne   1 year ago

When I open articles it keeps buffering! So incredibly annoying. You would think this would have been addressed by now.

By Tim Holzrichter   1 year ago

I can no longer read comments people leave.

By James Silva   1 year ago

I post something on Facebook and my phone screen freezes at ‘shared to facebook’

By Lindsay Scott   1 year ago

Constant buffering, browser mode is 20x faster

By Leslie Simon   1 year ago

Buffers when I try to open news articles frequently

By Mike   1 year ago

Half of articles I try to open just stays a black screen. Happening the last 4 or 5 days and very frustrating

By Mike   1 year ago

Half of articles I try to open just stays a black screen. Happening the last 4 or 5 days and very frustrating

By Mike   1 year ago

Each time I open your app, I get constant background noise throughout the session. It sounds like the low frequency static commonly associated with radio and tv.

By Vernon Like   1 year ago

When I tried to click on my Smart news sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't and I cannot read all of the new stories and it just keeps spinning in circles on a lot of them I need help

By Darla Juelson   1 year ago

Only one or two articles are coming in. Some, only part of the artical.

By PAMELA GOEWEY   1 year ago

Why can I not see comments to read or post

By James William Cook   1 year ago

slow to respond to news items

By Herschel Jackson   1 year ago

My iPhone Smartnews crashed today. I downloaded it from the App Store. My comments section is no longer present. How can I add this? Thanks

By Bill Gasson   1 year ago

Stories will not download.

By Michelle Reed   1 year ago

Won't load webpages. Error message

By Art Sadin   1 year ago

Out of nowhere the text doesn't appear. Endless loop of nothing

By April Anderson   1 year ago

The layout on my phone has changed. I used to see buttons say Ruetgers, BBC etc. That I could swipe through. Can you tell me how to get them back?

By Jacqueline Kelly   1 year ago

I'm going along clicking on news and after a bit I go to click on news and won't open the story.

By Christine Cayer   1 year ago

Being able to read the news articles

By John Coffey   1 year ago

Will not connect 30% of the time spins remain blank it is happening with more frequency frustrating and not acceptable

By Ken Colman   1 year ago

App starts, downloads new articles, can change tabs, but when clicking on article it won't open. Only get the wait symbol

By Ac   1 year ago

Smart news not loading articles. Spins. Tired of this crapp. Removing it.

By Valerie Young   1 year ago

Why is smart news not working.? When I click on a article, it just spins and will not open article.

By Mary Conley   1 year ago

Every day, for 1-3 hours, don't get news. I wait and wait, but no further stories can be shown

By barbara m mathys   1 year ago

Just get a spinning circle when I try to open an article.

By Rich Peterson   1 year ago

When I click on an article it shuts off after a few sentences

By Christopher LaFarge   1 year ago

Links to articles in Smartnews won;t connect -- just get a spinning circle of death. Usually several dozen at any given time

By Connie Smith   1 year ago

New articles gail to load

By No one   1 year ago

It won't load new articles! Says network is busy and failed to load every time I refresh. Uninstalled them reinstalled and now it has NO articles at all!

By Kandis Glasgow   1 year ago

The network has been busy since 6am mst. No updates

By Linda Scott   1 year ago

Won’t download new articles. Deleted app and tried to reload app and now it won’t download app at all. What’s the problem?

By Susan Warda   1 year ago

It’s not updating, it’s not letting me comment or like articles. I tried signing out and I also tried rebooting my phone. It’s telling me also I don’t have Internet connection which isn’t true.

By Melanie   1 year ago

Smart news won't refresh. Still showing headlines from yesterday. When I try to refresh, it says network busy. Restarting my phone and changing from wifi to mobile data doesn't help.

By Lin Carigan   1 year ago

New articles won't load.

By Lin Carigan   1 year ago

New articles won't load.

By Jeff d   1 year ago

New news not loading

By Neil Webre   1 year ago

Get "Failed to load" always when click "New articles" button.

By Jay Howlett   1 year ago

New articles won't load

By Jay Howlett   1 year ago

New articles won't load

By [email protected]   1 year ago

Love smart news, big fan, recently won't down load articles on my Android phone. This problem began when comments pop ups were implemented. I'm very frustrated and disappointed

By Shirley A Richardson   1 year ago

Suddenly I am unable to give feedback on SmartNews articles. Has this changed?

By Shirley A Richardson   1 year ago

Cannot share SmartNews articles to Facebook.

By Roger Dixon   2 years ago

Too many ads, annoying games displays which I have to wait to finish.

By Ginny   2 years ago

I can't access the articles. I can only read the headlines and post comments.

By Linda   2 years ago

Smartnews continually stops loading articles selected leaving a blank screen....what is going on ?

By BILLY Lee TUCKER   2 years ago

I am having issues with stories not downloading and even with green arrow to open it does not work. I would say 70 per cent do not open up. I deleted the app before and returned hoping i was fixedbut now worse than ever. I have an Android Galaxy A51. Received new upgrade today. Problems persist..

By Deloris Young   2 years ago

I have an android phone and when I did your latest update I now can't see comments on articles or replies. How can this be fixed?

Common dislikes about SmartNews app

- Annoying commercials interrupt reading

- App freezes up after a few minutes of use

- Full screen ads with hidden dismiss buttons

- Has a noticeable political bias

- Trump/Republican bashing articles on the front page

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  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at SmartNews, Inc., developers of SmartNews.

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Developer: SmartNews, Inc.

E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: Visit SmartNews Website

About this app

this app is the award-winning local news app downloaded by 50+ million readers in 150+ countries! this app analyzes millions of articles every day to deliver the top trending news stories influencing the world right now. News From All Sides! this app delivers high-quality news headlines and breaking news from top news publishers: NBC News, MSNBC, USA Today, TIME, The Huffington Post, Bleacher Report, Quartz, The Verge, VICE, VOX, AP, Reuters, Buzzfeed, Fast Company and more. “Better than Feedly or Flipboard. Love it! ” Jack C. “Much better than the new version of Apple News. “Been using Google News but this is better. Much easier to share. ” Eddie H. “Literally one of the best news apps… It ranks with the likes of BBC News. “Browse headlines quickly, customize your channels and read the news offline. this app is an excellent free alternative to other popular news apps. 

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