Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes Reviews

Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes Reviews

Published by on 2024-07-11

About: Join the largest dominoes community to play FIVES, BLOCK, and DRAW multiplayer
dominoes with your friends! Join over 10 million people who have downloaded
Domino! Domino! by Flyclops is super addictive, fast-paced, multiplayer
dominoes done right for iOS! This easy to learn but impossible to master
strategy game is beautifully designed and endlessly entertaining! Play opponents
at your own pace or see who's online right now f.

About Domino Multiplayer Dominoes

Bored with other, slower multiplayer games on the App Store? Change that now with Domino! With the option to play Blitz mode in real time, taking turns is ridiculously fast.

Play your Facebook friends, contacts, or even random people across the globe! Push notifications let you know it's your turn.

In-game chat lets you tell your opponent who's really the best or connect with far-away friends and family.

entertaining! Play opponents at your own pace or see who's online right now for even faster game play.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 26,431 combined software reviews.

900 Domino Multiplayer Dominoes Reviews

4.5 out of 5


Nice Try!

Can be fun win playing other players head to head but the algorithm tends to take the surprise out of the game. Let’s just say that It’s not very difficult to determine if it’s going to your game or your opponent’s game after just the first hand. Making the game seem a bit scripted. I know when it’s going to be MY game because my beginning draw and all of my follow up draws are consistently strong throughout each hand, and after I domino I routinely receive Big Five or Six Four to extend my lead in each opening play. In situations where it is not MY game, the hands are consistently awful throughout. No back and forth. Even if you send your opponent to the the Boneyard they will generally pull once and that pull will be a scoring bone, over and over again. Which doesn’t make for a credible simulation. Don’t get me started on how there is always points scored on the play right before someone dominoes.

When playing the computer someone should also notify the developers that the Highest Difficulty, (Dominologist) should mean that the Computer doesn’t make many mistakes with the dominoes in it’s hand. NOT that the Computer arbitrarily has access to any “unrenegable” domino that we can’t physically see on the table or in our own hand. 🤣. Even when it’s obvious that the computer couldn’t have a particular Bone without reneging it will simply one pull it out a boneyard of 14 dominoes and score 15 or 20. 😂. I enjoy playing, but let’s do better, guys…


Not the correct rules

Not to be a stickler but there are a few rules you guys have that are NOT the actual rules and it makes me miserable. First, whoever locks the board wins the dominoes in EVERYONE’S hand. (I.e. if I lock the board and the two people I am playing have 10 points and 15 points in their hand, I get all 25 points.) Knowing how to lock the board is a skill thing and you guys average out the dominoes left in each person’s hand and award the person with the least amount of points the average of the points. It really drives me crazy to be slick and lock the board and I get penalized if I have more points in my hand. Also, when someone locks the board, this game makes the other player keep drawing from the boneyard until they’ve picked up all the bones and THEN they figure out who has more points in their hand. That’s a totally made up rule, NOBODY plays dominoes that way. Second, I wish you had an option to play tens and not fives. Again, no hardcore dominoes player plays fives. You ONLY score with 10 points or more.
I’ve had fun playing online with friends but these two rules (I call them non-rules) causes so many arguments. I just wish you’d give us the traditional options.



I first want to start out by saying I’m a big fan of DominoMultiplayerDominoes and enjoy it just as much as any bonehead would but once you play the game often or if you play friend repetitively you can start to guess the sequence of how the game is going to be roll out ie double six’s thrown opponent for sure has the six three or six two and worse then they’ll start off in an uncompromising game or if your opponent throws the six three more than likely you’ll win unless you make mistakes and the game “punishes” you with bad bones on upcoming rounds. I just would like the request of the coding of the game to be revamped and also add badges to the game like comeback badge being down 30 on a h2h random game and you win or streak badges things like that to show players skill levels and pride 🤷🏾‍♂️ just my suggestion it can make sense or not or maybe I’m wrong but from my perspective these ideas and/or topics I felt could be reasonably resolved for us beginners to us avid players to push the game to new heights


Terrible algorithm

Whatever algorithm was put in place to control game outcomes need to be scrapped. I know it makes it easier and cheaper to design it that way and gives those who aren’t really that good at the game an enjoyable experience while maintaining a 50% w/l average (which will keep their hopes up like a casino) however, you’re loosing your customers who actually know the game... which are the one who are the reason your app became popular! It’s not realistic to acquire 4-5 of the same suit every hand, for your opponent to have the exact needed scoring bone 5-7 plays, nor is it realistic to send them to the yard when you have one bone left and they pull the block bone 80-90% of the time (just to keep your customers engaged on DominoMultiplayerDominoes ! I’ve enjoyed DominoMultiplayerDominoes in the past (even through the hacker phase) however, if this algorithm is left in place, it won’t be long before a competitor replaces DominoMultiplayerDominoes as a better option... don’t become blockbuster videos flyclops. Adapt and reform before you’re replaced.


Updates updates...

The game play has gone to trash. But you probably have millions of users so it doesn’t matter. The game used to be bearable. Now I’m going to finish up my tournaments and delete it. I’m done. It’s obvious whatever your goal is by changing the game play isn’t conducive to a realistic, enjoyable game. I love to play dominoes but I am beginning to hate playing DominoMultiplayerDominoes. And it’s not just the game play itself which isn’t realistic, 4-5 of a suit every hand, the opponent having the counter every play in those scenarios, if you send the opponent to the yard when you have one bone left they will pull the block bone 99% of the time to stop domino and continue the game, thereby sending you to the yard(it doesn’t matter the odds there could be one bone to stop you and 14 bones in the yard they will keep pulling until they find it, all while not pulling another option to play. But it is also the bugs, getting 8 bones from the start, having to pull when you have a play, etc. I’m done.


The best game ever

Keeps me entertained and in touch with my friends and family!! We all enjoy the game and we challenge each other also is good for your mind. We all play it in my house. The kids love it because they can actually beat me and the brag about it with their friends is a good source of learning how to stay focused and they learn how to add at a very early age!!! I know is only adding but when we’re playing all four sides is challenging for everyone, I’m 65 and I mess up sometimes and makes me realize that I also need to stay focused along with everyone!! Is a safe learning experience for all of us,,, to bad there isn’t a regular dominoes game, that would be awesome!!! Thank you for such a great game!!!!!


Great way to play

Excellent way to play dominos with friends and families. Very simple platform, which I love. Only reason I gave 4 stars is because there seems to be a glitch with the profile picture not uploading, not being visible to others when you actually can upload it, and when you try to change the profile picture, it freezes DominoMultiplayerDominoes . Also, it would be nice if they had an option where it takes 10 points to get on the board (start scoring points). Otherwise, excellent app.


Great interactive dominoes app

I really enjoy being able to play with friends and family as well as other people. The only thing that I dislike about the. App is how they calculate score when the game is locked. Normally, the way I've been taught is that you receive everything in tour opponent's hand and its rounded to the nearest five. I believe the method here first subtracts what's in your hand from theirs and then rounds it. Other than that, you can have a number of games going at once and I love it. And, it automatically keeps a record of the stats. It’s still a really fun game. I play pretty much daily, making moves between work and rest periods to achieve optimum relaxation.



I love playing dominoes first and foremost....but my previous past experience with app has been somewhat a typical disappointment....for example I’ve experienced when you play against most players with a better record than yours it appears that they have a slight advantage in the overall gameplay...for example a better hand or when going to the boneyard it seems as though they pull the right bone or a money bone most of the time...and I myself have experienced it when I play against someone with a poor record than be totally honest I truly think that DominoMultiplayerDominoes is programmed that way as well...if I’m wrong please prove that I’m wrong



Great fun being able to play with family and friends now that we live so far apart but I would like to see some different versions of the game. The version I really enjoy is more of an offensive game. It’s fast and fun: To see who plays first just draw one bone...highest bone goes first. Mix them up again then draw seven bones each. Play as usual but if you play a double and/or score you play again. (If you can’t play again after a double or a score it’s off to the bone pile!)

Try it out. I have not seen this version in any book but my family has played it for many years. It was started at a duck club in the 1950’s.

Ps. Mine has never issue. I play on an iphone 6...?


Poor Configuration

When the creators of DominoMultiplayerDominoes learns to set the game up as a person is playing another person then there will be fair play. It is easy to tell that the creators have the game set up specifically for them to win. The bone yard only favors them, when a player has to pick from the bone yard we can tell you have the dominos moving so we end up picking almost all of them. Your methods of game play are predictable as to how the game will start and end with points right on the exact amount for you or the computer to win. It’s frustrating to play because really you know a seasoned opponent and you can’t really beat us without your cheating methods. You may try to say it’s not but it is definitely an unfair game and losing popularity. People love this game but you’re making them hate it. You also don’t deserve the one star I gave by mistake.



This is only the second ever review I have written. I say that to emphasize my review. I love playing dominoes, been pretty good at it for a while too. This game though... Beware! If you play the computer on hard it will and does cheat. They always seem to have the perfect domino no matter what you play. You could have 6 of 7 of one kind and still not be able to get the board as you see fit. When the computer draws, one and it's a score. You draw, half the boneyard and the computer score no matter what you play. If you're winning big, that's when the real fun starts: you will get every high double in the boneyard and you will get, and be stuck, with the double six every time. Computer doesn't add up your bones right either when you go out or they go out. The points are skimmed from what they should be.


Too robotic

I downloaded DominoMultiplayerDominoes because I wanted to understand the rules of dominoes. I don’t like this game because it’s scores the game for you without explaining how it came to that score and it forces you to draw instead of letting you realize you need to draw on your own it lets you know that you have a move available by taking away the bone pile to draw from without letting you figure that out on your own. I could be a robot playing this game. I’m not learning anything from it and I don’t find it challenging and I don’t understand the rules of the game anymore than I did before I started playing on DominoMultiplayerDominoes. Also there are way too many ads to keep me interested. If there was an option to buy this game I might be more interested but the constant advertisements have driven me away from wanting to continue to play. I will likely delete DominoMultiplayerDominoes today.


Horrible algorithm/ randomizer

Ive played dominoes my whole life. I have never seen situations where the other player ALWAYS has the exact domino they need every turn. At first you chalk it up to the game. But I’m DominoMultiplayerDominoes, it happens way too often.

Over the last 30 or so games, I’ve only won 2 or 3 times. Almost every hand I get dealt has 4 (or more) doubles. Over half the time my opponent is able to run the board because they have 5 or more of a set. The frequency in which this type of stuff happens is not statistically possible.

I keep coming back thinking it might just be a run of bad luck and maybe I’m just making excuses. But the same thing keeps happening. I like the format and everything else about DominoMultiplayerDominoes . But the program that controls the game play needs a lot of improvement!


Not understanding!!

I have been playing this gameFaithfully for the last three years..
I’m NOT UNDERSTANDING How 8out of 10 hands I have two or three doubles and something I can’t play on ..
now you have to remember that you only get seven dominoes this is waaay too often.
I don’t know if there’s a glitch in my app or what but that is just too many same type of things happening over and over and over again..
I have over 300 screenshots over the last week and a half of these hands I’m telling you guys about I have deleted DominoMultiplayerDominoes reinstated it and I’m just not understanding what’s going on..


Latest update ruined it

Return to your older version before around April 1st or so. I’ve been trying to get used to the new one but it really is inferior. It is really difficult to see how many tiles/dominoes your opponent has in their hand. Also, it is difficult to see the board score - really confusing being so close to the number of bones left. Those are mutually exclusive pieces of information that don’t deserve equal billing. Finally, when you finish all your games and it says “all turns taken” - and you exit out, it still as one number in the circle suggesting you still have a game left. You actually have to press the back button on top left before exiting out so the number indicator goes away. Not a good update. Will look for another dominoes app if these things aren’t fixed.


A quarantine godsend

Me, my husband and my grandpa have all played against each other on DominoMultiplayerDominoes for about 1.5 years. But right now it’s making a huge positive difference in my life. My grandpa has been admitted to the icu and they’re not allowing visitors because of covid 19. Playing dominoes with my grandpa all day makes it feel like he’s not so far away and gives us something to talk about other than all the tests they’re running on him. I’ve always enjoyed DominoMultiplayerDominoes but it currently is way more important to me than I ever could’ve ever guessed.

Thank you for creating something that’s become so special to my family!


Love the game, but please add this feature(s)

Please add a feature to prevent game forfeits.

I mostly play with family and friends and occasionally one of us will get busy to the point we don’t prioritize the game. It’s really unfortunate when a good game is ended by a forfeit due to the time lapse. I personally don’t care if it takes someone 3 days to play back. Both players should be able to agree to some basic rules including no time limit.

Second idea:
For many - I imagine the game isn’t always played live all the way through to the end. If you have 10 or more games going, you may start to forget certain elements of each game - like if your opponent drew on 3s previously or if you planned to play a certain domino on your next turn. It would be nice to have a history button to see the previous couple of moves or a little notepad to keep some quick notes per hand.

Overall I have enjoyed the game and it has become a staple. Thank you for developing DominoMultiplayerDominoes.


The game is rigged

You win one, you lose one; when the game notices that you’re in a streak, it will make you lose. While playing this game, you will notice that sometimes you will be given 3-4 doubles making it impossible to win. Why can’t you pick your own tiles at the beginning of the game rather than being given out to you? Makes no sense. The amount of ads is ridiculous in this game; I understand that they have to make some sort of money, but the game consists more of ads than it does of domino. Also forgot to mention, it will randomly crash. If you can’t pick your own tiles at the beginning of a match and every game pertaining to that match, you are playing against another user and against the entire system. Pathetic algorithm, pathetic creators.


Fix the broken dead ads so we can play!!!

Update: I’m lowering my star choice. It just took me 10 tries to get an ad that works and get into the game. My 10th time closing and reopening the game an older ad came up, played, and let me in. This is ridiculous.

Blitz used to be fun. Now all I get is an ad that won’t play and be done with it. It just sits there and I have to kill it. And when I restart I keep getting it sitting there. You can’t even play most of the time now. You just keep getting dead ads sitting there. The Twitch ad won’t play. The penny doubled daily ad won’t play. An ad with a blurry something, maybe a cup of coffee I’m guessing, just sits there. And I used to be able to send them a message about something like that in the game. Now it ships you out to a website that I’M REFUSING TO USE SO NOW I’LL COMPLAIN PUBLICLY HERE.


Good game until the newest update

My best friend and I have been using this game for a few years because we live in different states now. I love how DominoMultiplayerDominoes keeps us connected and has been a fun and competitive way of keeping in touch, but the newest update is extremely glitchy and making it far more frustrating than necessary to keep playing. It constantly either crashes or glitches and won’t bring up the most current game. It will randomly take us back to old games and then start new games which we don’t want. And sends double notifications for every time one of us plays which is just really annoying. We like using this game but this new update is almost more frustrating than it’s worth.


Cool game except for abusers

I love the game and would definitely give it 5 stars except for one thing. Every 4-5 matches that I play of blitz results in me running into a time clock abuser. These are the individuals who will wait till the last second each turn to play so that their opponent either surrenders or loses focus (due to the game lasting 45 minutes to an hour). The only option is to mute them but still spend an hour playing (then still playing them again as a muted opponent who does the same thing all over). If there was a way to report them and avoid them I definitely would give it 5 stars. P.S. Please ignore the last review. I’d definitely like My money back because it definitely isn’t random like other domino games. It should be impossible for me to have 7 2s one game then play someone with 6 5s the next….. it’s as if the game chooses who wins and loses to prevent a win streak.


Too Predictable!!

Like so many others have said, if you win a few games in a row, you’ll be sure to lose a few in a row. Not by a player who is actually skilled at dominoes but the algorithms of DominoMultiplayerDominoes that has a large lead disappear especially when you send your opponent to the boneyard then they all of a sudden domino or have the bone that scores the winning points.
Almost every other game, I’ll have a 40-50 point advantage. Then I get a crap hand full of doubles and opponent has bunch of fives or 4of the same set. I’m goin to the boneyard but opponent started with 4 or 5 so I’m pulling again & again and what’s the point when I finally pull the right bone and they down to 1 or 2 bones? Obviously they domino and get all the points from the bones I pulled! Look every now & then ain’t a problem but come on now!


Terrible updates

This used to be a great app. It’s still okay, but the updates have made it so much worse. It is now much slower in every respect but the updates have not improved anything at all. No positives. Just slower. Everything works so much slower…flipping dominos from the boneyard, seeing the other players move, finding opponents for blitz games.

And, for some stupid reason, when you open DominoMultiplayerDominoes , it does not open to the main page or to the list of your open games. It automatically opens on the last game you played, regardless of whether it is your turn. It used to always open on the list of your ongoing games. So, when you opened it you could then select one of the games where it was your turn. Now, if I have a badge notification saying it is my turn in one or more of my games and I open DominoMultiplayerDominoes , Nate as of taking me to the main screen or to the game where it is my turn, it opens to the last game I played even when it isn’t my turn.

Please undo some of the updates you’ve made that have done nothing to improve the game and have only slowed it down.


Trash.. frustrating..

I don't normally write reviews but this game is awful now.. If your good at dominoes get a different app.. The randomized hands are trash .. If you know how to play ..your opponent or the computer will have every off domino needed to score .. You are forced to one choice often and the opponent always has the right domino or they will pull it in one pull.. There is no way as a player you can guess what domino your opponent has and the bone yard is still full of dominoes .. If you have over a 60% win rate be prepared to lose almost every other game while also getting bombed with more ad breaks then new players to the game .. I had an 83% win ratio now its at 60% because you are playing against the person and a weak algorithm helping them stay in the game.. I stopped playing games to 250 because it’s comical to be winning by 100 points and lose by 50 like all of a sudden you forgot how to count .. Fix this problem


Pretty improbable odds

I love dominos in real life. My mom sent me DominoMultiplayerDominoes so we could play. I was very skeptical because games online always have tricky unrealistic algorithms. I played her for about a week eventually bought the game because of the obscene amount of ads. I understood because everyone needs money. However once I got into play blitz / quick games the Losses overwhelm the wins simply because you opponent will have every domino that would get them points while you only have one domino to play for example. Opponent plays 5/5 you only have one domino with a 5 so you play it. Lets Say it’s 5/4 your opponent will conveniently have 4/0 🤷🏾‍♀️ this will continue throughout the games and hands that’s are “randomly” put together. My last five games my opponent started with a domino I conveniently had none of which in turn made me pull a whole deck which in turn gave each player over 50 points ✅. Great game if you don’t care just improbable odds


Bad Changes

I will start by saying I am not into just winning all the time. If I feel the game is “tilted” in my favor or the person I’m playing I get frustrated. I want a realistic and competitive game. That is what makes you a better player. I feel that this game has made some bad changes recently. It used to seem more realistic and random when it comes to which dominoes you get on your original 7 and even your pulls. Now it seems that everything is preplanned. If you’re going to win its dictated from the start. Also it comes down to what you pull from the boneyard instead of strategy. Case in point; I routinely see all 7 dominoes of one set (say all the blanks for example) on the board and no one has pulled from the bone yard yet. Or, I’ll have 4 of one set in my hand and the other person has one or 2 of the same set in there’s. The odds of this happening are pretty low but this happens way too often to be by chance with this game. Also, if you are “designated” to win, you often get points or just get a play off of the 1st pull from the bone yard no matter what’s on the board. Real dominoes don’t play like that. It used to be one of the best games out there but the recent change that was made seems like the makers want the game to be fun for more people, especially people who dont know how to play dominoes, instead of a real competition. I unfortunately will be shopping for a new dominoe game and I “HATE” shopping…


Rigged Game

All the reviews are consistently the same with saying the hand play is rigged and have a unrealistic feel to them but yet the developers have yet to change anything. I only play the game when I’m absolutely bored and I still don’t play long because it just makes me come to write another review on the trash game they have in place. After playing almost 800 games I can see that the games are rigged the computer gives the opp the bones he needs to stop you or score. You almost have to let them play or score.. if not they will pull all the bones and score 100 and win. I’ll finish a hand and start the next one off with 3 doubles smh. It can be 6-4-2 on the board and I need to lay 2/2 the computer will give my opp a 2 so I can’t play .. I’ve seen it almost 500 times this game is rigged . Makes it not enjoyable at all


Avoid this game at all cost!!

Update: DominoMultiplayerDominoes continues its less than stellar gameplay. Users I play against continue to receive 5,6, and 7 of the same thing almost every hand. I can’t make this stuff up. This is the worst algorithm I have ever seen. Not to mention, my opponents continue to receive hands that are comparable to mine. I expect to be screwed out of winnable games because these sensitive engineers sabotage me after a negative review. Flyclops is garbage!!!

Update: This game is still trash. I left it alone and returned and the algorithm continues to be sketchy. The devs do not care…they’re trash too. I used to enjoy this game until it has been revealed that the algorithm used favors weaker players. It is bad enough that the game IS NOT played accurately, nor is it true to the real game of dominos (ie when a draw occurs, the lower hand is subtracted from the larger). If you are a beast at this game, please do not be fooled into thinking you are a contender in real life. It’s like being great in 2K and thinking you can go to the park and dunk on everyone. If I could give DominoMultiplayerDominoes zero stars, I would. So disappointing.


Super fun and I have a suggestion!

I’ve been playing this game for YEARS. It’s super fun and I like the updates. I also have the no ad version so I can play game after game without interruption. However, I would like to suggest if the developers could possibly add tournaments to the game that could be really fun. I love that this game is your standard domino game but just to spice things up a bit and add a little more variety for players, I think tournaments could be a welcome addition for some of us who truly enjoy DominoMultiplayerDominoes! Hope to see it see it at some point and thanks for keeping the game fun and straightforward all of these years!


Taking out authenticity of the game.

I have a win percentage in the 60% tile range across the board. I use to be able to look at other people individual skills to determine if wanted to play certain people more than others. They have changed that if my record is better than yours then all my stats pop up when I go to their page. That’s not cool or fun. Some people only go to nascar races hoping to see a crash. You can not water down the dominos and take fun and desire away from me. People having good records should not be punished by not being able to see their opponents record when they check the stats. If felons might not get a job because they have something to correct. The same goes for if the person record is in the 30%,40%,50%,80% everybody should have they stats shown. Don’t change the game because some people want to cry that they percent is low or stuff like that. If you just play dominos and put a bone down because it looks cool. Your going to lose most times to a numbers counting good domino player. We should be able to view everybody stats/records when we go check out there stats so we can make a conservative and informed decision if I even want to play against this individual. Make this change immediately and this world is too sensitive. Make everybody stats public.


New update

Thumbs down after the update. The game has been much slower, kicks you out of the game at times, and the worst part I’ve noticed is that the game will state that its the opponent’s turn and nothing happens during their turn then you receive a message saying that you lost because you let the game expire. How is this when it wasn’t even your turn to play? It’s not my WiFi because I have excellent service and I’ve played this game for years. Regarding Ads, I’m pleased to say that you can restore your original purchase. There is an option to do so under settings.



This is a fun game to play with randoms and even friends. However, the algorithm with the game really shows how similar each match is played. There has been too many times where I’ve had the same/similar hand in two completely different matches. I’ve played a match with a random while having another match open with my wife and had the same hands in both. Even losing to the same domino in each of their hands. Not sure if it’s a glitch in the game or if that algorithm dictates who wins but it truly shows. And the best proof that I have that shows this logic to be true is when this has happened, my wife would let me see her hand and I would see the random player play the same bones that she has. It may not be the exact hand, but they both would have the same winning domino to play at the same time. Pretty weird huh…? Other than that, I wouldn’t bet any real money over the game (in person) but it is something fun to play to pass the time.

Is Domino Multiplayer Dominoes Safe?

Yes. Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 26,431 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.5/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Domino Multiplayer Dominoes Is 61.8/100.

Is Domino Multiplayer Dominoes Legit?

Yes. Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 26,431 Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Domino Multiplayer Dominoes Is 100/100..

Is Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes not working?

Domino! - Multiplayer Dominoes works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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