Mic Chart

Mic Chart Software

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Mic Chart Overview

This simple chart allows you to record the fluid you drink and the urine you pass over two or three days (48/72 hours).

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Product Details and Description of

This simple chart allows you to record the fluid you drink and the urine you pass over two or three days (48/72 hours). This can provide valuable information about your bladder situation. When completed, bring or email the chart to the appointment with your doctor or nurse.

Top Reviews

By seb667

Great appl., needs some update

I should say it looks like a very good idea, but it is not convenient to keep a track just for 48-72 hours. Please add option to track during 24 hours. And an option to have report by date and the total amount by days. Also, please add option to indicate what kind of liquid was consumed during the date. It would be nice to be able to Download to excel for few days for the doctors to see the progress. It will very convenient if it would be shared on the iPhone and iPad. Thank you!

By Doc Windy

App is now nonfunctional with current iPad Os

As the report function no longer works so there is no way to export the data. The concept is there for a useful app but it needs a lot more work to extend the way it works as the other review notes.

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