C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach Reviews

C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach Reviews

Published by on 2024-04-30

About: ■ The OFFICIAL C25K® (Couch to 5K) program with millions of success
stories! ■ Official partners and featured on FITBIT and SAMSUNG smart
watches! ■ Featured on The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Washington
Post, The Guardian, The Huffington Post, Men's Fitness, Forbes, Mashable,
Glamour Magazine, Popsugar Fitness, CBS News, NBC News, Macworld, Cosmopolitan,
The Verge, Lifehacker, WebMD and many more! "C25K is .

About C25K

What is C25K? The C25K app is the official Couch to 5K program with millions of success stories. It is designed for inexperienced runners who are just beginning and helps them to gradually build up strength and stamina. The app has been featured on various media outlets and is highly rated by its users.



- Convenient audio coach and alerts

- Map your run at the end of your workout

- Free Podcast Bits offers personalized playlists of podcast clips

- Light and dark modes

- Health app integration

- Free iPad integration for indoor treadmills

- Listen to your own favorite music and playlists while you train

- Integrated with Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

- Access to forums with thousands of veterans and newcomers starting the app

- Zen Unlimited Pass with award-winning music curated from top DJs, scientifically proven to increase motivation by 35%, and unlimited access to all pro features across ALL Zen Labs Fitness apps

- Connect with the C25K community on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram

- Subscription-based pricing and terms

- Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

- Legal Disclaimer

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 152,517 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of C25K

- The pacing is just right.

- Voiceover for the intervals is helpful and motivating.

- Runs are set up three days a week.

20 C25K Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Shhh...just trust the app

Ok so I have always hated running and running for even a minute straight was tough. I laughed when I saw some of the workouts through out the weeks on here...me running 5 minutes straight? Several times a workout?? Hah! Well after reading the other reviews and people with similar background having success I gave it a try. It’s like C25K puts a finger up to your lips and says “Shhh...just trust me.” You nod your head in silence and reluctantly jump on board. Some how, some way, you get through the workouts. Each week they get a little harder, but somehow you find yourself being able to sustain longer run times. You can’t believe it, it seems too good to be true. But you just don’t think about it and keep going. Because in the back of your mind you are afraid if you do think about it you’ll wake up and it won’t be true. Next thing you know you are running for the longest you’ve ever run in your life!! It’s a miracle! You feel great and your confidence is through the roof! Then it asks you if you want to start training for a 10k. And the panic and self doubt sets in all over. But it works!


Back into shape and an active life

I used to be an avid runner- my Mile was down to 4:50 pace. As you get older, muscles and dynamics change especially if one does not keep up with fitness. I was trying to get back down to 6min but was going about it the wrong way with a slow jog and getting mileage in. It was frustrating and would take a lot of time just to run. I couldn’t keep at it because I also had this sore on the side of my knee. Come to find out I was going about my run all wrong because of my defeated mentality.
C25K has changed all that. The mixture of walking and jogging encourages a faster pace and to kick up your knees. The reason; because it’s only 30 min- it’s like that carrot dangling to encourage one to run harder and correctly to build not only calve and thigh muscles, but also the glutes. I cannot emphasize enough on how C25K encourages kicking up my knees and picking up my pace during the running portion, thus targets the correct muscles and taking pressure off my knees. Because of all those factors, I can remain consistent and actually look forward to it. I still don’t like running- but 30 min isn’t that long and is a nice escape either with music or talk radio. The best part- being active helps me keep up with my son when I’m playing with him. Just 30 min of my own three days a week- enables me to go the extra mile with my son after a difficult day at work.


Life changing app

I’m 46 years old and haven’t exercised regularly since high school. My philosophy about running has always been that it can’t be worth it because I’ve never seen a jogger with a smile on his face. But once I realized that I was 30 pounds overweight and was out of breath after just a few minutes of basketball with my 10 and 7 year old sons, I knew I had to make changes.

I saw C25K and decided to give it a try. On my first day it was all I could muster to run for 60 seconds, but knowing I had 90 seconds of walking afterward gave me just what I needed to get through. That pattern continued each day as C25K gradually ramped up my running time. Suddenly after three weeks I found that I was able to manage the work load with a bit more ease.

Encouraged, I thumbed through the next two weeks to see what was ahead. However, I forgot to thumb back to the day I was supposed to be on when my next run started, so suddenly I went from the end of week three to the beginning of week six. To my amazement, I was able to do it! So, I just kept going. This morning I ran 5K and felt exhausted but great afterwards. I have lost 20 pounds and have gone from barely able to run for 60 seconds to comfortably running for over 30 minutes. C25K works! I doubt that I have a smile on my face while I’m jogging, but I sure do have one afterwards!


DO IT!!!

I never ever write reviews because I don’t care about this kind of thing enough usually to do that. But C25K truly changed my life. I hate running. I hate exercising. I also hate feeling fat and gross after having three kids so I decided to make an effort by exercising. The problem is, I’m 33 years old and have never truly put effort into any kind of exercise so my body was all around out of shape. C25K helped me completely ease into becoming a regular runner. I am one day away from completing the program and I’ve lost almost 20 lbs. I have WAY more energy to play with my kids and I feel like a better person all around. I plan to start the 10K training after I finish the 5k (today!) and I’m feeling so proud of myself. If you’re willing to just do the dang thing, you’ll find that you actually can. Don’t tell yourself that you’re not a runner. Don’t tell yourself that you’re too fat or out of shape to do this...trust me, if I can, you can too. My closest friends and family are now doing C25K because I can’t stop talking about it...and guess what, they’re losing weight and getting healthy too! JUST DO IT!!!!


Good Progression

If I can keep going so can you. I am about halfway through, I think I am on week five. It has been decades since I was physically active on a regular basis. I have never been a runner; I still do not like running. But I keep going with the help of C25K, for three reasons: 1. The pacing is just right. I have been surprised how quickly my endurance is building up, and I’ve not yet once felt like it pushed me too hard; 2. I’ve noticed running gives me better clarity and brain function the rest of the day, no doubt because I am feeding my oxygen-starved brain; 3. Each workout begins with a little inspiring quote to remind me of the mindset I am establishing through this new habit. As for this particular running app, I really like the fact that it allows me to listen to podcasts or training videos while it runs in the background. The prompts to change from running to walking are just loud enough to make the switch without interrupting whatever multitask thing I have going on. I am a 55 year old mother of six and looking forward to running my first 5K.


This app is changing my life!!

I’ve kind of been putting off writing a review, because I don’t know if I can accurately put into words exactly how I feel about C25K & how it’s helping me.... I’ve never been a runner. Never thought I would become one. If I ever made it into a gym, I would leave before really doing anything. I felt just as uncomfortable in the cardio room as I did in the weight room. I finally had enough & became miserable enough to do something & make a change in my life. Someone suggested C25K and I reluctantly tried it. I couldn’t even run for 30 seconds before I started using C25K. I just completed week 6 day 2, running two 10 minute stretches. Every day I run using C25K, I’m just speechless. It’s helping me build my endurance & confidence more than anything ever has. Coming to the gym isn’t a chore anymore. I actually enjoy it.. it’s a challenge, but I know I can do it now! I just signed up for my first 5K :) and I got my best friend to try it with me... she’s in her 50s, has never run either & every day is progressing with C25K!


Now a runner

I was not a runner. I hated cardio. I love long walks and hikes. I can spend a ton of time on the elliptical or stationary bike. I could do any yoga class. I loved the weight machine. However, when my gym shut down and some of that equipment became unavailable, I knew I needed to find something new to keep me moving.

Today I completed week 7, day 1 of the program. I have my fastest mile time since high school. I need to officially expand my running loop. I have shaved 3 minutes off my mile/minute time. I never thought I could run for longer than a few minutes at a time but today I ran for longer than 25 minutes.

I have been working through the this app program with a clean eating focus. I am down almost 20 pounds. All of my clothes are fitting better or too big. However, those have not been my favorite accomplishments. Rather I am proud of the progress I have made. I am proud to call myself a runner. I am looking forward to starting the 10k program after this.


App design did not work for me

C25K is super annoying, even with the subscription. The “disable sleep” function does not work, so C25K goes black on your phone AND watch unless you manually turn off your sleep mode every time you use it. (And even then, the watch still sleeps) And then the vibration does not work on the watch, so when I put my phone in a pocket and tried to rely on my watch, it not only kept going dark, but it also never notified me that I needed to switch to a run. Maybe it is set up to use the voice reminders through headphones, but I wasn’t using headphones because I was running with a partner, and we were chatting. If C25K is created to disable sleep function and to vibrate when it’s time to switch, then those features should work on an iPhone X and an Apple Watch 5. When I decided to just carry the phone and watch the screen, every time my skin even barely touched the phone, it would fast forward or back up to a different location in the run, screwing everything up. Basically I wasted a week of trying to run, using this glitchy app. I’ll figure it out myself from now on. I still plan to run, but not using some clunky app that slows me down.


Makes running FUN by pairing music that motivates YOU

I’ve never understood runners that run w/o music. Some like peace & quiet and taking in the run but I’d rather not hear myself panting :) Cheap me actually purchased the $50/yr music that plays with the C2K5 run as I can change genres, tempos, etc and it’s not the same ole music that I already have. So fun to be in the middle of a run & hear a song from “the good old days.” Also figured that if I ended up stopping after the 8 weeks that the prorated amount would be small when I canceled the music.

C25K is SMART too. I got through 6 weeks and then concentrated on another health issue for a few weeks and was a bit intimidated to come back to this app, knowing that I hadn’t run in a few weeks. Well, it actually took me BACK a week for every week that I missed so that I didn’t start over but it also didn’t put me in a position of taking on too much/potentially injuring myself (or my psyche :)) coming back to more than I can handle.


Ads at Unfortunate Times

Overall C25K is GREAT. I can put my phone in my pocket and have music on and C25K will come through my headphones and tell me exactly when to walk and run. The weeks are organized and set up so I don’t have to keep track of ANYTHING.
HOWEVER, the LAST thing I want to do when I’ve finished a 30min exercise and I press “DONE” on C25K is listen to a loud, annoying ad that stops my music and doesn’t let me X out until it’s fully played. It’s super annoying.
I also don’t appreciate how many of the features you have to pay for: you CANNOT sync this to your Apple Watch on the free version and it’s wont give you any stats on the free version. It’s disappointing.
UPDATE: I haven’t received an ad more recently, so I’m updating my rating from 3 stars to 5 stars. I’m not sure if they changed something or if it was just a fluke - but I’m enjoying ending a workout and not having to watch an impromptu ad.


Great for beginners!

I've never jogged in my life and I had poor cardio endurance. I had never jogged more then a minute and a half, even that was a struggle. I am a physical therapist assistant so I know a little about exercise. I believe C25K has helped me lower my hate rate and build up endurance. I thought I would drop back a day or two because of the lack of confidence and faith in workout apps, but C25K was perfect. I haven't repeated one day yet. I can tell they did a lot of research and put forth a lot of knowledge to prepare C25K for anyone. I'm not a person who gives many apps 5 stars. I only thought of one thing I would change in C25K. The way the music is set up. I am on my fifth week and excited to run my first 5k in July. I believe I am a healthier person and I'm excited the designers of C25K have done an exceptional job in creating a way to make it easy to be healthier. All you need is motivation and drive and you can succeed!!! Good luck!


I NEVER write reviews.

I did this little app on a whim. My girlfriend had been wanting to be in better shape and take control of herself and her life meanwhile my fat self couldn’t have cared any less about myself. I decided I’d do C25K with her to help keep her motivated and get myself into some sort of shape, though skeptical as to how I could go from not running since high school sports to now about ten years later and be able to run a 5k In 8 weeks only running three days a week. Well we stuck with it and from day one I was shocked as to how strenuous but not at the same time it was. Long story short yesterday I ran a 5k, i never thought or dreamed I’d do that again In life and here I am, almost 40 pounds down and running no less than 2 miles every time I go out to run. If you just wanna get in better shape this is C25K for you. Very great would recommend to anyone.


Basic Functionality But Doesn’t Reach 5k

I’m just about to graduate week 8 of this app, and I am debating whether or not I’ll continue to use ZenLabs’ app to continue working toward 10k. Unless you pay for ZenLabs Unlimited, the features are extremely basic, including no Apple Watch integration. The voiceover for the intervals is really the only perk here, but it is helpful and motivating to have your runs set up three days a week. My biggest complaint is that once you’re through the first half of the program, you begin running longer runs to use the stamina you’ve built, but C25K assumes people are running a 10 minute mile. If people are truly couch potatoes, a 10 minute mile in only four weeks doesn’t seem realistic. Right now, I’m running the final 28 minute runs at a 13 minute pace, and so I’m going to need to keep training to reach 5k. Despite having a distance goal, this program uses all time-based intervals (ex: run 5 minutes, walk 3) rather than distance. C25K is really rudimentary and if I could do it over again, I’d recommend everyone use another app.


Keeps crashing on my IPhone XR

I’m really disappointed that C25K didn’t work out for me. C25K crashed 2 of 3 workouts that I tried to use it. C25K does not give you any distance, map or heart rate stats unless you pay for it. Which is fine but C25K apparently doesn’t like it very much or there are some bugs. I ALWAYS have my apps and IOS software update and restart my phone just in case if I start having app issues. The first time I used it everything was going great but my Apple Watch detected I was doing a workout and I started the outdoor run, shortly afterwards my app crashed and lost my workout. Day 2 I used the default workout app on my Apple Watch and everything was fine no issues. Day 3 did the same steps as day 2 and C25K crashed halfway through my workout. It’s extremely frustrating losing your progress so I downloaded a competitor and if it’s stable during my 7 day trail they will probably get my money. Sorry this app you missed out on some $$. I at least gave you 2 stars because I did like C25K layout and the screen lock feature for keeping C25K in the foreground.


It works! From the Couch 2 running 5K

Started using C25K this year. My goal was to run a 5k this fall. Now it took me longer than eight weeks to finish this. The reason being was I doubled or even tripled the weeks. At the beginning I was over weight and extremely out of shape. Today I ran over 5k in 30 minutes. Could not be more self satisfied. At the start I thought there was no way I would be able to run continuously for more than two or even three minutes. I stuck with it, changed my diet, and started working out. I have lost over 35lbs and only 10lbs from my target goal. Now I know I can finish and will be starting the 10k app soon. Also looking forward to this fall where I know I will be able to run my race. Thank you this app C25K is awesome, also like the messages when I open C25K . You guys rock! It would have been more difficult without C25K.


Got me running again after 10 years!

I was a competitive runner in high school but after a couple of injuries in high school and college I stopped working out consistently. This past winter a friend suggested we run a 5k together. I had been wanting to try running again and this seemed like the perfect opportunity plus I had someone to hold me accountable. It has taken me longer than the plan laid out in C25K but that was by choice. I figured if I came back slowly this new habit would be more likely to stick. Every time I run it gets a little easier and I get more confident. This weekend I will be running my 3rd 5k for the year. I'm not sure I would've gotten to this point without C25K . Thank you!

My only suggestion for improvement would be to allow me to lock my phone while C25K is on. I found that if I lock my phone and allow my screen to go black C25K will stop speaking. Other than that everything works great!


If you’re picking up jogging definitely download this app!

I started C25K with the worst expectations. I didn’t think it could ever help me. I just knew after having a baby I needed to get back into running. My sister told me about C25K and I thought it was too good to be true. Especially looking at the weeks ahead on C25K . I thought, “there’s no way I’m gonna be running for five minutes straight I can barely run for a minute”. C25K gave me 100% hope and inspiration to keep going. I’m now on week 3 and feeling better than ever. If you really stick to it and don’t give up, C25K will definitely help you get into shape. Don’t second guess it, download C25K! You can pay for the premium but the good thing about C25K is it works just fine without paying for anything! Just download it! You won’t regret it!


Good, but not Great

It does a good job of starting simple and building over time, but there are a couple big cons for me that keep me from giving it 4 or 5 stars.
Pros: - pre-designed training sessions so you don’t have to research, build a training schedule and figure out when to walk vs run each day.
- built in playlists
- when using their music, the coaching can still be heard easily so you don’t miss a cue

- music variety isn’t great, you can only skip a couple times, some playlists aren’t long enough to last the 35 minutes if you skip 1 song
- if using another music app, you can’t hear the apps cues/notifications, they’re extremely quiet and it doesn’t lower the volume of your music.
- the noise indicating to start/stop jogging is the same as the halfway/1 minute notification so when your jogging you hear the ding and start waking only to find out it’s just updating you on where your at in the session, this could easily be a different noise so you don’t loose your rhythm
- to hit the distance goals, including the final 5K run, it assumes your running 9min mile which for a couch to 5K app is ridiculously unrealistic
- on the final Run a 5k session, despite having built in GPS tracking, it just starts a timer for 30 minutes, absolutely nothing about distance so I guess if you haven’t hit 3.2mi at exactly the 30min mark your out of luck and on your own to figure it out.


Love it!

C25K is everything I’ve heard it is and more! I’ve never been a runner, never really worked out or played sports. I don’t struggle with my weight so I just never saw a reason. This year though I wanted to get truly healthy by giving up some bad habits and getting fit. I wasn’t sure I could do it, but it’s set up to keep you challenged without being impossible. The running/walking ratio keeps gradually moving toward the goal. I was never so sore I didn’t want to run, but I felt myself getting stronger and my endurance growing. I’m now starting week 7 and it’s such an amazing feeling to hear that ding notifying one minute left, and knowing I just ran 2+ miles without stopping. AND without feeling like I’m going to die lol. My first 5k is in 2.5 weeks and I’m so excited. Strongly considering doing the 10k app next! If you’re out of shape and want to get fit, I definitely recommend C25K.


Awesome Trainer!

Just completed my first week and I'm on top of the world! this app is so user friendly and gives me the confidence and guidance I need to be successful. The goal actually feels attainable.

I love especially the ability to sync with your music on iTunes and C25K called RockMyRun that adjusts the tempo of the music based on your strut or even your BPM or Heart Rate. It also syncs with my Apple Watch which is quite handy and allows me to just feel and see when I need to switch to walking from running and vice versa as opposed to solely audio cues through my headset, which I have found that I'm not always alerted, one of the reasons I gave C25K 4 stars.

I also gave C25K 4 stars because if I happen to go into the forum, there seems to be no way of exiting back out to the main area of C25K for training without quitting C25K and reopening. But other than the quirks I mentioned that need to be fixed, this is an awesome trainer overall!


Best app for beginners

If you hate running but want to start running because your friends are runners and you want to be like your friends (or just improve your overall health), this is the best app to start with.

I've always hated running. I couldn't even run down the street without stopping and bending over, trying to catch my breath while holding up one finger saying "I'm fine, just keep going". I wanted to change up my workout routine so I thought I'd overcome this inability by learning how to run. I heard about C25K and decided to download it while eating a bowl of chips. I was going to start tomorrow. And I did. I'm on week 3 and I gotta say, now I can run down the street, around the block, to the corner, without bending over. It's a great feeling. If you're a new runner and don't know where to begin, this is hands down the best app to download (from my experience).


So far so GOOD

Just a little background story, I have never ever jogged/ran in my life unless I was being chased and that has never happened. I am on my fourth week on C25K . When I first started my first week, I thought I was going to die by the end of the one min jog and this also happened as the weeks progressed.
Yet, I am alive and loving it!!!! C25K suggests three days a week I go with four days a week just to build my tolerance and I think it works well for me.
I am in my third week and about to close it. When the three min jog first started, I thought I was going to die and I was about to hit STOP on the treadmill but I kept going and didn’t. By the third jog, I actually thought the three mins went by fast and I’m excited!!! I hope you will give C25K a try!!!! It really works and I can’t wait for my fourth week of feeling (I’m going to die)!!!


Optional slower pace of progression please

Running isn't easy. Starting out running is even harder. Trying to start running when you have asthma feels impossible. Running will help build lung endurance, but the asthmatic runner has to understand that while their perseverance will get them to the same abilities of running as someone without asthma, they will progress slower. That being said, how about a slower paced option on C25K? It took me three weeks just to get past week one of this program comfortably. Perhaps you can have a setting option (you don't have to say it's for asthmatics, who should seek medical advice - just for anyone who would want or need the feature) where a user could select a slower pace of progression through the program. You could have a slower course with easier transitions. That would be nice to try to help someone who needs to exercise but not get discouraged or frustrated because they can't keep up. You'd be the only ones to have such an option - making you more valuable.


Helping me become a runner!!

As an adult, I had stopped running because it hurt my knees too much (I'm more of a swimmer). I tried C25K to prepare for the 5K for Wanderlust. I love how it starts out easy and it builds up as you build up your stamina and endurance. It still hurt a lot the first time, but it was short enough that two days later, I was willing to do my next round. I found that I was able to keep up AND, I was blessed with tips from runners on Instagram on how to land, to take smaller steps, and to pace myself. I'm only on week 4 but I'm so happy that I can run 5 minutes without stopping!!! It made me motivated and I bought new jogging clothes and audio books. I'm so excited now about running that I've run three days consecutively without a break! Who would have thought this would become a "habit"! Lol. Thank you so much for C25K!!!

Is C25K Safe?

Yes. C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 152,517 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for C25K Is 41.7/100.

Is C25K Legit?

Yes. C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 152,517 C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for C25K Is 58.4/100..

Is C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach not working?

C25K® 5K Run Trainer & Coach works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

Zen Unlimited Pass

- Price: $9.99/month or $49.99/year

- Features: Award-winning music curated from top DJs, scientifically proven to increase motivation by 35%, unlimited access to all pro features across ALL Zen Labs Fitness apps, unlock calories, distance, Apple watch integration, and more. One subscription unlocks all apps.

- Free trial: Available

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