SacredMusic has all the hymns beautifully formatted to sing or play on the piano. And the ability to have the hymns played audibly is great.
But that is also its major flaw. It is way too easy to accidentally touch the play button at the bottom of the screen and start the hymn playing aloud. Often it's not evident that this has happened until the church organist stops playing, long after you have closed SacredMusic and turned off your phone. How embarrassing to have to quickly fumble around trying to stop it from playing while the sacrament is being blessed.
And as if in an attempt to make this all the more common, the music doesn't stop when you put the iPhone to sleep, and it even plays WHEN THE MUTE SWITCH IS ON!
It is a fairly common event that this happens in our ward, perhaps because we have too few hymnals, coupled with he fact thatcher our ward is comprised of mostly young, tech savvy individuals not afraid of pulling their phone out to sing from. But maybe they should be afraid.
Please fix this. All it would take is to add a confirmation dialog asking if you really want to start it playing. Oh, and don't play WHEN THE MUTE SWITCH IS ON!