nice app, but honestly, IOS 10's magnifier accessibility setting makes BrighterandBigger obsolete. My wife & I are both legally blind, down to 20/600 range, & we just use the camera app. I use invert brightness a lot more then my wife does with cataracts & onset of glaucoma. we found out about BrighterandBigger from easter seals crossroads we were using super vision at that time, but preferred the camera app. We tried this & liked it better then super vision by far, but when IOS 10 came out, we have not used BrighterandBigger since. only thing nice about using BrighterandBigger for ios 10 users is don't have to triple click home to run it just tap on icon & go.
recently i upgraded to iphone 7 & my wife will too in april & one thing i've noticed BrighterandBigger doesn't support iphone 7's dual 12 megapixel cameras, so i'm back to using the camera app again