Hero's Way (Classic ACT)

Hero's Way (Classic ACT) Software

Company Name:


Hero s Way Classic ACT Overview

Love the fact it's a universal build and looks awesome on my ipad." - Mr.

"My first impressions are that the graphics are really nice and crisp.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

•Responsive intuitive touch controls makes playing Hero’s Way effortless and fun! •Never the same level twice! Random level generation offers unique replays! •Gorgeous graphics, fluid animation, original musical score and digitally mastered sound effects immerse you into this epic world! •Over 400 items and weapons to customize your heroes with! "Gameplay that focuses on maneuver...drag-and-drop mechanic adds up to way more fun than can be described on paper...a fun and refreshing innovation that only iOS could properly deliver...lusciously drawn environments...Hero’s Way looks as if it’s going to have that magical accessible-yet-challenging quality." - iFanzine, Sean Koch "My first impressions are that the graphics are really nice and crisp. Love the fact it's a universal build and looks awesome on my ipad." - Mr. Charley, CB Tester "... with high-quality stunning interface, accessible gameplay, gorgeous cinematics and amazing cute cartoon graphics ..." - Editor Picked by Best10Apps.com Game Features: •Dynamic single player control of three heroes in real-time action! •Responsive intuitive touch controls! •6 Classes to choose from (The Warrior, Witch and Rogue are joined by 3 new heroes classes...Cleric, Demon Hunter and Mercenary!)! •Upgradable hero stats! •Over 400 items and weapons to acquire and customize your heroes with! •Enhancing item and weapon magical gems! •Charged Power Attacks utilizing your weapon’s magical imbued abilities! •60 multi-level terrain levels of game play! •Random level generation for unique replay! •Over 80 monsters, ghosts and ghouls to slay! •6 Epic boss battles! •Gorgeous detailed graphics! •Smooth fluid animation! •Original musical score! •Digitally mastered sound effects! About Lakoo: Website: http://lakoo.com Our fans Page: Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/lakoogames Twitter: http://twitter.com/lakoogames

Top Reviews

By nosrepmodnara


Pls add new stuff!!! I’d actually really spend money on this game if it gets better!

By DreamingMonk

Very good game

A very in depth game that will keep you occupied. Levels are short enough to play on the go. Lack of a good story is a downer though. For those of you who believe the game is ramping the difficulty to extort your money, you're completely wrong. There is a very simple strategy to completing levels and gaining gold. Levels you have already completed will have monsters that drop less gold and exp, while the level you are currently on will contain monsters that drop significantly more gold. To farm, simply enter the latest level, and when you are about to complete it, leave the level. Treasure chests are not worth opening until the midstage of the game, so don't bother with them in the beginning. The last, and the most important, point is battle micro. There is more to the game than just watching your guys fight. The most important character to micro is the warrior. Right after the warrior completes his slashing animation, pick him up 1 millimeter off the ground. When he lands a split second later, he will begin his slashing animation again. Using this method you can slash about twice in one second. By using these strategies the game is not difficult at all. Right now I'm sitting on 500k gold and am eagerly awaiting updates. 5 stars.

By Tylondell

For the hardcore gamer... Or not

build your own character/team customize ur armor n weapons and have fun even w/o an Internet connection! Great for road trips when u don't always have reception. I spend a lot (and i mean ALOT) of time on video games from the regular NES to the PS3, and this game competes with any out there! Has the strategy for those that don't like to beat a game in an hour... And the interaction for those that don't like hitting the same button over and over and over again.... This game has it all and you don't have to spend money on it either. I'd recommend this game for everyone, Wether you play all the time.... Or just when you have nothing else to do!

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