My company requires us to use Citrix Secure Hub with Worx Mail and Worx Web. Every week or so I have to "Authorize" CitrixSecureHub which includes extra sign-in steps. This is good for security so I don't mind doing it...except that about every other cycle, it exceeds the allotted time and times out. This also wouldn't be so bad, but when I attempt the sign-in process again, I get a message saying "CitrixSecureHub has been removed from your device." No prior notification, no warning, no explanation. Seeing this, I realize I'm in for a 20 - 30 minute wrestling match-- re-downloading CitrixSecureHub and various profiles, installing CitrixSecureHub , enrolling my phone, then downloading and installing the email and web apps and re-setting all my preferences (signature, sync period, etc.). So the apps work OK for a week or two, and then they conk out again with no notification. And the whole distressing cycle continues. I could go on about variations on this theme, but I'm sure you get the picture...