Guidebook Reviews

Guidebook Reviews

Published by on 2025-02-11

🏷️ About: Guidebook is your guide to events, conferences, campuses, and more. Download the app to: [+] Build your personal schedule and to-do lists.


Overall Customer Experience 😎

🤬 Negative experience

😎 Positive experience

🫥 Neutral

~ from NLP analysis of 3,681 combined software reviews.

Summary of Customer Reviews (Takeaways): 💎

- Easy to navigate for events that use Guidebook

- Practical and easy-to-execute tools and tips

- Everything in one place for seamless event experience

- Inspirational leadership discussion

- Helpful for convention events, locations, and times

Read 25 Customer Service Reviews 😠💢

4.7 out of 5
What an incredible battery drainer.

I installed Guidebook, didn’t install anything else, in that time. Within 2 hours, I barely looked at my phone, and had the screen on less than 5 minutes total to check emails, the battery drained 20%.


The schedule refreshes every 20 secs makes it hard to use

Scroll on schedule does not work

On schedule after scrolling to look at events happening on a day, the scrolling feature will not work. Please fix.

No way to turn off alerts from within the app

Alerts that you didn’t sign ipnfor clog your notifications. You can only turn them off via the phone’s notification settings.

Same issue as July 2021

The schedule will freeze and not load. I am unable to select events/sessions to add to my schedule. It happened with the TCDA convention back in July 2021 and it’s still happening now with the TMEA 2022 convention. It’s frustrating!!!! I have a new iphone now so I don’t think it’s my iphone.

App keeps crashing

Guidebook keeps crashing when I try to load any event. It works about 20% of the time. This needs to be fixed.

Time zone wrong

Apparently Guidebook shows the times for an event in your current time zone instead of the event time zone. Really dumb.

Font colors need to be more contrasting

For people with visual issues the lack of contrast in font colors makes the content hard to read. Black font on white background is best. Light gray font on white background is hard to see. Aside from the font colors, Guidebook is fantastic.

Irritating “glitch”?

I’ve used Guidebook for years - and I love having all pertinent info at my fingertips. However, it is SUPER irritating that it continually pops back up to the top of the day’s events anytime it is in use. Is there ANY way to fix that? So annoying!

Can’t set profile picture and won’t save changes

I’ve tried all day to set a profile picture and change some information in my profile but every time I try to save the information and picture it doesn’t even save it, it acts as though I’m not even putting any changed in.

Cannot add non convention activities

Guidebook is awesome for the actual convention events, locations and times. I am easily able to add these to my schedule. When I open my schedule and click the +, I am unable to add an event of my own, even though I click save. I cannot get it to show up on my schedule.

Great but…

I like Guidebook and all but…

1. As I’m scrolling through each day’s schedule, it constantly SMU suddenly scrolls back to the top of that day’s schedule causing me to have to scroll back down to where I was. Very annoying!!!

2. Does Guidebook sync across devices?

Great tool with a lot of room for improvement

I’ve only used one guide so far and my comments may be off because there could be features missing that are school dependent.

• no hyper local (beacon) support for campus location and guidance
• need additional maps
• need parent version if the focus is college tours
• need list of potential auxiliary events (eg. volleyball game) with potential for colleges to give passes (free or purchases) within app
• give food places ability to coordinate with colleges to offer reservations and make deals within app

Good app with a lot of potential.


I wish every event used this service - literally get excited when I see that they are using this app cause then I know it’s going to be easy to navigate

Well done

Very inspirational leadership discussion.

Awesome to use

Guidebook was awesome to use for our event. Having everything in one place and tailored made things seamless.

Ready set start new tools and tips to bring clients in

This session was very helpful. It was well presented with practical, easy to execute tools and great tips.

Great All use app

For any and all events you are going to that use this app it works out well and it is at NO cost to you which is even more convinient

Outside the box

A creative original thinker. What would nhappen to the social problems by asking what is working? The current model is great at putting out fires. We are beginning to concentrate on prevention

Amazing App!

One of the best apps I’ve seen on here and It is extremely helpful. Especially since I’m landing schedule for San Japan as well.

This is annoying

I don’t like this at all, that is the nicest way I can put it.


I created a this app last year and it worked wonderfully for my events(s). This year you have changed the reports and now I can’t see who is attending each of my events so that I know who to have name tags ready for. You are collecting the data, why can’t I run a report of event and see who is attending. This makes it impossible to plan properly.

Best thing to happen to conventions since cosplay

I would feel lost without Guidebook. I used to make schedules by hand or computer until I found conventionist (that's what this app used to be called).

Now with this app, It's super easy to not only plan your schedule ahead but also to figure things out on the fly. Using the maps for example of you get lost, or finding somewhere to eat, or stayin updated with breaking announcements or news from the convention.

My favorite feature is how you can view the schedule and then add events from it to "my schedule", so that you only see what you want to, and then you can get updates or reminders on your mobile device in case you forget something.



The Anime Convention's Best Friend

Got Guidebook back in 2011 for Otakon and I have been using it every year since. this app is fantastic and makes your con panel experience much easier. I No longer have to carry large paper schedules, and whenever a panel time changes, you get a push notification. Also scheduling panels is so easy, just click add to schedule and you can set a time for it to remind you. Also it makes browsing convention programming much easier. this app is definitely a must-have for any convention attendee!

Is Guidebook Safe? 🙏

No. Guidebook does not seem very safe to us. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 3,681 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.7/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Guidebook Is 19.5/100.

Safety Analysis

81.0% of users say app is Safe 👍

16.2% of users have Some Concerns ⚠️

2.8% of users say app is Risky 🚨

Is Guidebook Legit? 💯

No. Guidebook does not seem legit based on our analysis. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 3,681 Guidebook User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Guidebook Is 34.5/100..

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