
萬年歷黃歷-藍鶴日歷經典版 Software

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萬年歷黃歷 藍鶴日歷經典版 Overview

What is 萬年歷黃歷 藍鶴日歷經典版?

萬年歷黃歷 is a powerful calendar app that combines the lunar calendar, solar calendar, solar terms, festivals, holidays, and weather forecasts. It also includes features such as note-taking, reminders, birthday and anniversary management. With over 100 million users worldwide, it is a popular tool for time management and efficient living.


- Authoritative Huangli: Provides daily auspicious and inauspicious times, auspicious and inauspicious directions, 28 constellations, 12 zodiac signs, and other traditional Chinese calendar information.

- Global Festivals and Holidays: Covers hundreds of festivals and holidays from over a dozen countries and regions, with detailed explanations for each one.

- Efficient Note-taking: Supports text, audio, and image notes, with customizable categories for work, life, and shopping. Supports cloud backup to prevent data loss.

- Birthday Manager: Provides reminders, countdowns, age, zodiac sign, and other information for birthdays and anniversaries, including lunar birthdays.

- Convenient Living: Includes weather forecasts, zodiac fortunes, dream interpretation, gender prediction, name selection, date calculation, SMS blessings, vehicle restrictions, and food taboos.

- Multiple Calendar Modes: Supports switching between the lunar calendar, solar calendar, Islamic calendar, Buddhist calendar, and Tibetan calendar, with unique festivals and introductions for each one.

Official Screenshots


Product Details and Description of

萬年歷黃歷是功能強大的日歷應用。集農歷,黃歷,節氣,節日,假期為壹體,還有強大的天氣,記事,提醒,生日,紀念日管理。目前全球用戶已經超過壹億。 【權威黃歷】 黃歷,每日宜忌,時辰吉兇,沖煞,二十八星宿,十二建星,彭祖百忌,黃道日,黑道日,是您了解傳統老黃歷的必備工具。 【全球節假日】 中國,香港,臺灣,新加坡,韓國,英國,美國等十幾個國家和地區的節日,官方假期全知道,涵蓋全球數百個節日,每個節日都配有精美解說,是您了解世界民俗的窗口。 【高效記事】 文字,錄音,圖片全方位支持記事,支持記事分類,工作,生活,購物清清楚楚,支持雲備份,您的記事再也不會丟失了。支持重要備忘標星號,自動標在月歷上,清楚醒目。 【生日管家】 提供生日,紀念日提醒,倒計時,年齡,星座,生肖,生存天數,壹目了然,再也不會忘記家人生日。支持農歷生日。還提供自定義紀念日哦! 【便捷生活】 天氣預報,生肖運勢,周公解夢,生男生女,八字婚配,寶寶起名,日期推算,短信祝福,車輛限行,食物禁忌,您關註的我們都有啦!我們就是要您便捷的生活! 【多日歷切換】 融合公歷,農歷,伊斯蘭歷,佛歷,藏歷,可任意切換月歷模式。每鐘日歷都配有該日歷獨特的節日和介紹,真是壹歷在手,萬事皆有! 萬年歷黃歷,專註時間管理,高效生活,我們只想做您身邊的好幫手!

Top Reviews

By Yangmeituqi

Good app. Thanks, please continue the good work.

非常不错。谢谢你们的努力,让中华节日文化可以方便地让我们查阅和运用。 加油!

By c9096



By bigfish725



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