Avenza Maps app not working? crashes or has problems?

Avenza Maps Status

I have a problem with Avenza Maps

Are you having issues? Select the issue you are having below and provide feedback to Avenza Maps.

⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Not working


Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of Avenza Maps Problems 🔥

- Unable to share recorded “track” via a simple text

- Errors in downloading maps

- Poor search engine in built-in map store

📋 6 Reported Issues:

Abdul Asis 2023-11-19

Tidak bisa apload peta pdf

Mike McCall 2023-06-16

Why do my PDF files when trying to open from my email go to Avenza app and then I'm unable to open them? I would like to stop PDF's that I open from going to Avenza. thanks

Željko Belša 2023-02-19

I can't start the Avenza maps application on the Huawei 10 mobile phone at all. On the Huawei 20 mobile phone, the Avenza maps application does not have access to purchased maps, downloaded free maps and maps downloaded from other sources. When I try to log in with the email address zeljko.belsa@redacted, I get the following message: „A password reset link has been sent to your email“.

Chuck 2022-06-12

My blue dot locator on my maps is not in the correct location

Megan Strickland 2022-06-08

Really need these to work and not sure why it keeps crashing. It is the only download version for state park hiking trails. Please help me with this.

Mark Nagel 2022-05-31

When I load the 2020-2021 Douglas County Summer ATV Trail Map (Map Store Product 1120586) it shows in my maps but crashes whenever I try to load it.

Showing 1-6 of 6 reported issues:

Have a Problem with Avenza Maps: Offline Mapping? Report Issue

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Website: 🌍 Visit Avenza Maps Website

Privacy Policy: https://www.avenzamaps.com/legal/privacy-policy.html

Developer: Avenza Systems Inc.