You guys must have heard something that I missed somewhere. If I wanted to protect my husband, who is a high profile attorney and elderly plus did not sign on to the show, I wouldn’t have said anything about a head injury, etc. I don’t understand the, son thing, flipping a car and snow, what happened but he’s ok that’s all that matters. Plus with him being as old as he is I wouldn’t have wanted him put under to fix his ankle bc that would have hit the news. But maybe it’s bc she is my favorite but regardless. I don’t think she had any idea over the fraudulent chargers being brought against him. She probably signed papers not knowing what they were for. Plus, would you or anyone get on national tv and say my husband is 80 but he has 3 mistresses? I wouldn’t. I would do what she did has done talked about how wonderful things were so the women in question know I’m not going anywhere any time soon. But imagine what it does to your self esteem being young and beautiful yet you still wasn’t enough to keep him at home. The Boyfriend thing? I hope she has a dozen of them you go girl!!! But what we as fans should realize is she could have quit the show but didn’t. But we have to realize all these questions we ask SHE CANNOT ANSWER bc it can and will be used against her. So, cut her a little, no how about a lot of slack. I would say she was advised to quit but she sucked it up, put her big girl panties on and stayed. Thank you for showing up for your fans Erica!!!