- Compare airline ticket deals from more than 600 airlines and 70 low-cost airlines
- Filter results according to the number of stopovers, travel time, departure and arrival airports, airlines, providers, etc.
- Choose flights based on cheapest price, shortest flight, or smartest price (best time/price ratio)
- Find offers that include rebooking with no change fees for flexible travel dates
- Create price alerts on favorite destinations to be notified when ticket prices go down
- Find car rental offers from more than 900 local and international car rental companies
- Personalize car rental search based on pick-up location, unlimited mileage, fuel policy, car type, etc.
- Compare prices with no hidden costs, including airport taxes, security taxes, and service fees
- Displays total price for car rental offers, including airport taxes and young driver fees, when applicable
- Displays fuel policy, mileage, and cancellation policy for each car rental offer
- Founded in France in 2006 and continuously developing new functionalities to help travel decision making.