Great, I have a new option sitting in my app, that if I ever hit, tells me that I can’t use it unless I pay $5. Oh joy. Because that’s what I want, apps full of features that I can’t use, taking up screen real-estate.
Why is the option there if I can’t use it? Why, to nag me to buy it, of course.
The customer-hostility that has become status-quo in mobile apps is setting up for the mother of all backlashes. Abuse me once it’s your fault. Abuse me 3,482 times, it’s your fault. I mean, how do I know at the time of purchase that this nonsense is going to happen?
Answer: I don’t
So much for the free market yada yada yada. Instead, you purchase stuff, and 2 weeks later watch it go freemium, or watch paid options pile on, etc, etc. There’s no customer choice, and let’s face it, that’s the point.
Yeah, sure, I don’t have to buy the new features, but for crying out loud, who in the heck wants to use apps with features they can’t use?
The software industry thrived before all of this customer-hostile stuff, so please save the whole “devs gotta eat” stuff for the Walmart crowd ... devs can eat AND treat their customers well. They are only mutually exclusive to the most uncreative of minds.