Reviews Reviews

Published by on 2023-08-25

About: Up your music game like never before. See what a personalized music AI feels

About Recs ai

*A paid subscription through this app is required to unlock premium features including no daily limit on swipes, AI filters, and exporting your top tracks.

See what a personalized music AI feels like.

Up your music game like never before.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 2,110 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Recs ai

- The Recs feature is a great tool for finding new music.

- The app quickly learns the user's taste and suggests songs accordingly.

- The app has a wide variety of songs to choose from.

1046 Recs ai Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Great addition to the discz world

I’m SO happy they found a place to put the Recs feature of the old discz app. Great tool for finding new music and excited to see how they build it out.


My friends asked me how my music taste got so good lol

Absolute gas app, learned my taste insanely quickly and has shown me so many songs I’ve had on repeat non-stop! Must download


Finally back

So excited for recs to be back it’s my default app whenever I want to find some new songs


The best music hack!!!

the most useful filters to find new music, obsessed with Recsai😍😍



i like the swipe thing it like tinder


not afraid of the aux anymore

POV: you love music. all kinds of music. your friends don’t

Whenever I listen to music, I shuffle through everything in my library. I’ve collected so many gems over the years, but because I can’t remember names of anything, I’m never ready with more than 3 songs to fit the vibe.

With recs tho, I can create playlists that I know my friends are going to like (or at least not hate). On top of that, since I only ever remember songs by what they sound like, the preview/swiping interface is so much faster than trying to search through Spotify.

The way I wind up using Recsai the most is when I know I’m gonna be hanging out with people, I’ll come up with an idea and put together a 20 song playlist in ~3 mins. I’m finally not shuffling through everything, and not only do I get to have vibe-specific playlists with some songs I already know, I also find some new ones in the process.

Honestly this is a problem I didn’t even know I had, but now I can’t go back


Worth It

Obviously if you can’t afford the $10 yearly subscription or the $3 monthly alternative, this review won’t change your mind. But if you want to know if it’s worth that much then I’m here to reassure you that it is.

The two main reasons I feel this way have to do firstly with the recommendation system, which I believe compared to every other alternative is the best at understanding my specific tastes in relation to whatever music/ artist it is uses as a reference. And secondly I believe that the application stands head over heels above the rest when it comes to both the quantity of its features as well as the quality of those features. I am speaking of course from experience as I have used countless of music discovery apps and I’ve found that the only one that comes close to Discz( Recs) is Juicebox, which isn’t really saying much as it still leaves a lot to be desired in comparison to this technological masterpiece.

Honestly, I’m so pleased with the application that I remain utterly confused as to why it has not been marketed more widely and more efficiently. And while it is not a direct competitor, I believe that its ability to surpass Spotify’s recommendation systems justifies its current cost in reference to that of Spotify’s, while remaining the greatest companion to the music streaming platform that has been achieved so far.


Good idea but didn’t work well

App asked me what 3 artists I liked so it could get better songs to suggest me. I put in Britney Spears, Christina Milian and Christina Aguilera (so early 2000s pop music). The few songs it suggested me were random rock, punk, rap, basically everything as far away as possible from what it is that I put in. And this wouldn’t be that much of an issue if Recsai let you have far more suggestions before asking you to pay money. Recsai only let me go through about 10 songs before asking me to pay OR wait a day before viewing more, and I’m pretty sure I would have to go through over 100 for it to become more accurate, which would take over a week of using Recsai daily for it to become good. And even aside from that, a lot of the other features are locked behind paywalls too, to the point where I don’t think it’s worth it to have Recsai installed unless you pay the subscription monthly.


sleazy moves all around

The developers completely ruined a perfectly good app with the update of discz, and tried to back pedal late due to the backlash by setting this up as a separate app. It’s very clear that they did it that way to force exposure for their stupid new social media platform and to mooch off of the many existing users, good reviews, and recommendations earned by the original discz app. Now they’ve added an honest to god paywall on this “new” app, which really feels like a slap in the face. It seems to me that they got way too greedy as soon as their one app got popular enough. Don’t get me wrong, I love the function of Recsai and believe they deserve to make money from it. I would totally understand if they decided to include ads to make revenue. I just find it slimy that they’re trying to squeeze money directly out of the users they’ve been stringing along this whole time.


Pretty good at recommending music‌‌‍​

I've been using Recs for a while now. I can honestly say that it's one of the best apps out there especially if youre into music. The whole tinder concept is so fun and kind of addicting. The recommendations are pretty good, the AI they use is super powerful. I don’t know how they do it but they keep recommending bangers. It’s pretty easy to use overall. The only thing is it does come with limits on how many songs you can swipe on unless you’re willing to pay. I think it’s super worth it (its only like 3 bucks) but i get some people dont want to pay. You can still use it for free though, its just limited  


kinda dig it  

I came across Recsai on tiktok and I really like it. I thought the recommendations would be bad but I can't lie, they're pretty good. I did see in the comments that Recsai leans more towards rap/hip hop but I'm a big rock fan and Recsai had plenty of those songs there as well. Recsai is free to use too so that's kind of a plus. The only thing I wish is for the filtering option to not be behind a paywall. I get they have to make money too, but im kinda broke lol. I wish I can search for similar artists so I can find the right vibe, but I get that's why it's paywalled I guess. Overall solid app, would def recommend ‍ 


can’t do anything without paying

i never even write reviews for apps but i’m so tired of apps i used to love putting every feature behind a subscription or paywall the second they get a little more popular. i understand wanting to make money and everything and i really do love the concept and idea of Recsai but why do i have to pay for every additional feature AND there’s a limit to how many songs i can swipe through a day (aka the entire point of Recsai )- also i swiped literally a couple of times and that was the limit for the day apparently. kind of annoying that every app is doing this now bc no i’m not gonna pay for a million different subscriptions for apps that should be free


Subscription issue

I have purchased the monthly subscription once and had to get a new debit card, so I thought that the new card was the issue when Recsai told me I had to purchase it again to be able to see more music. So I went ahead and got the yearly subscription, because I use Recsai regularly. A few days later when I get on Recsai again, it popped up the screen telling me I needed to purchase a subscription to be able to see more music. There’s a restore purchases button at the bottom of that screen, which I pressed, and it told me I didn’t have any purchases to restore. I’ve spent a pretty good amount of money on Recsai and I got to see 4 songs just now….



discz was an awesome app which i recommended to a bunch of friends. it was very useful and helped me put a playlist together of songs i enjoyed, and allowed me to find new songs. then a new update drops, completely changes Recsai , and ruins it. Then I see an ad for Recsai, and i was excited because this was the prime discz app i really enjoyed. i download it, but wait a little bit to use it because i already have a playlist im enjoying. when i log in and set it up to use, i get excited as i swipe new songs into my playlist. then a pop-up says i've used all my free swipes for today after 5 swipes. a wonderful app i once got to use for free was taken away from me, then re-released with a monthly subscription. very upsetting.



I was a huge fan of the older app, it was how i found a majority of my music since i could filter it through what i was currently looking for and swipe for hours until i was satisfied. i’m constantly looking for new music and it was a great app for me and i loved it…

UNFORTUNATELY, the developers felt the need to add a paid subscription fee into Recsai . which is so unnecessary. i have to pay money to find music now..

really wish they just kept the old app how it was, even the new separate Discz app is strange now, it was perfect before they ruined everything. Please bring back the old version.. please.



Honestly, Recsai could be way better if you didn't have to pay for basic stuff like filtering which types of songs you would like??? And daily swipes? Its annoying honestly, i feel like you should have a bit more daily swipes than only a few, i’d like to add music to my playlist without having to wait a whole day just for song recommendations, and they don't even give you the right type of music you asked for… Recsai is good but i feel like there shouldn't be daily swipes and you should be able to do way more without having to pay for everything.


Would give 5 but gotta pay to use basically

It would be better if unlimited swipes was free because without it you only get like 10 swipes


Apple Music

While I was not here for the transition so many in the reviews are talking about, I feel like Recsai has great potential. I already do a lot of manual work to try to find new music so Recsai is perfect for me and reducing the time I send searching for new music.

My only complaint is that it doesn’t support Apple Music. I understand the limitations Apple Music has but would greatly appreciate an integration soon.


Don’t support this app.

Recsai itself is not bad. It’s the developers that take advantage of their customers by removing previously free features and promising to return it as a separate app. Well, what they failed to say was that 99% of the original features are all paid now and you only get 5 or so swipe limits daily.

There’s a multitude of other ways that they could’ve profited from this without screwing over all the people who don’t want to pay a monthly subscription just to swipe more songs.

If you want a free way to get song recommendations then go with the Chosic website instead.


Miss the old version

With the crappy update with Discz (which was an amazing app before) Recs has been made into a separate app. Discz should have a section where you can get recommendations for your playlist, it shouldnt be a whole separate app. A limited number of swipes too?! And i have to pay for more?! Cmon guys bring back the old Discz this is outrageous. That was a genius idea and you’ve ruined it with the greed. Also have lost many loyal people to the community because of it. BRING BACK THE OLD DISCZ!!!



I’ve been having trouble finding good song last to listen to and Recsai brings the songs to me would definitely recommend to anyone struggling to make a good playlist or find good songs


Amazing App

Recsai is fantastic for finding music I never would have found on my own. I definitely recommend Recsai to people looking for new music but don’t know how to go about exploring different artists


keep fumbling

i cant believe how bad you guys keeps fumbling your products. first you change the original app from a good idea to a worse social oriented one. To fix this? the second app was made, i was so pleased to see that this unique idea was brought back, but then a swipw limit? I dont know if this is a joke at this point but if you want to make money, just put ads. it greatly angers me to see how bad you guys keep making your products😕


Paying for what was free?

Discz was amazing, I got to swipe and find new music but then the update happened and I had to go on a waitlist because my account got deleted and once I got off the waitlist Recsai was trash, horrible update with such tacky animations and then recs app came out and it was okay but now I have to pay for unlimited swiping? Why did you guys have to ruin such a good thing? I’m deleting both apps, too much of a hassle, too bad to see a great app go to ruins



Recsai is amazing, I found out about it from a TikTok and immediately downloaded. I love how intuitive and easy it is to find new music, however I hate that they are trying to squeeze money out of their users by making them pay a subscription. A better suggestion would be to include adds instead of alienating your users while still being able to make a profit. Please do better.


the limited swipes was the mail in the coffin

I remember using Recsai when it just came out. I loved how i could swipe to find music but the limited amount of swipes really ticked me off. I really hope they get rid of the limited swipes. I don’t know where they’re going with this but who in the right mind would pay $10 a year for unlimited swipes and filters rather 2$ a month.


Paywalled App

I like the concept of Recsai, but the execution is awful. It recommended me 4 songs, none of which I liked, and then locked the rest of Recsai behind a paywall with limited recommendations everyday, again I only got four, and I didn’t like a single one! There’s no room for the AI to figure out what you like and have Recsai actually be useful unless you cough up the monthly subscription.
Overall disappointed.


Ruined by a paywall

The old discz app was perfect as it had the social aspect as well as the Recs included in Recsai . Honestly feels like a money grab that they made a whole new app for Recs and then made you pay for and added limited swipes. I could understand if the had special features and an ad free experience behind a paywall but this version is just terrible. Really unfortunate since the recommendations are great and it used to be way better.


Ruined app

The discz app was phenomenal for its time because it allowed me to put together so many playlists and let me explore my music taste a lot. Then it turned into a community app which is fine but ruined the whole point of what it was originally set out to do. I saw Recsai was recommended. Downloaded it. Then after 5 swipes I reached the daily limit. Are you kidding me? The original app there was no pay wall and I would spend hours just on it looking for music. But now it takes me less than 30 seconds to be done with my limit for Recsai ? Why is there a pay wall for things that’s not needed? Even with paying the pay wall Recsai will not be perfect. All in all. Recsai used to be amazing, but now you need to pay to even be able to use it. Don’t waste your time unless you wanna spend money. Even if you do spend your money it’s just not worth it


Could be Better but good

I downloaded this and was pretty mad about the pay wall sense they pitch Recsai as just what discz used to be which besides the pay wall it is. Which is true but it unfortunately has the exact same problems as it used to. Like the fact that you have to pay 10 dollars for a app that can’t export to Apple Music. A issue that was fixed in the discz app but not this. Disappointing but if you can look past that a pretty good app


I’m obsessed

Recsai is so useful. I’m literally a psycho when it comes to music and finding good songs, especially underground music. Recsai has helped so much and I’m a huge fan. When I first got Discz it was exactly like this, now Discz and Recs have separated but honestly love all of it. It’s such a good concept.

Is Recs ai Safe?

Yes. is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 2,110 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Recs ai Is 33.0/100.

Is Recs ai Legit?

Yes. is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 2,110 User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Recs ai Is 50.2/100..

Is not working? works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Premium Membership

- Price: $9.99/month or $49.99/year

- Features:

- No daily limit on swipes

- AI filters to find even more personalized recommendations

- Export your top tracks to a CSV file

- Ad-free experience

- Priority support

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