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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

Not working




problems reported in the last 24 hours

24 hour clock ⏰

Summary of Zest Cooking Problems 😠👌🔥

- Need more instructions on heat levels on the stove throughout the recipe

- Subscription fee for more lessons

- No way to unlock recipes without paying an unreasonable amount

- Ads not available to unlock recipes

Have a Problem with Zest Cooking? Report Issue

Common Zest Cooking Problems & Solutions. Troubleshooting Guide


  Contact Support

Some issues cannot be easily resolved through online tutorials or self help. So we made it easy to get in contact with the support team at Culi, Inc., developers of Zest Cooking.

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Contact e-Mail: [email protected]

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E-Mail: [email protected]

Website: 🌍 Visit Zest Cooking Website

Privacy Policy: https://www.zestapp.co/privacy-policy

Developer: culi_inc

About this app

Learn to cook with us through step-by-step explanations of foundational cooking concepts in fewer than 10 minutes and dishes that bring the concept to life.  Watch a short video on a new concept at your own pace and then cook recipes that reinforce what you've learned.  Our recipes are created by two former Michelin star chefs, distilled by a home chef, and cooked by you, the superstar home cook that you are (or will be).  Compile safe recipes in your menu to find them when you’re ready to get cooking.  Rate the recipes you cook, so we can recommend similar ones. Feedback? Technical Issues?  Zest embeds videos throughout recipes so you can click into content when you need it.  Stop copying traditional recipes - start learning from Zest.  Skill videos are linked in each recipe to guide you along, so you don't have to watch Gordon Ramsey on YouTube (we love his accent too).  Zest integrates a mind-blowing cooking education into your routine.  Zest is designed to teach you the how's and why's of cooking.  We've all tried cooking a TikTok recipe.  But when we took away the recipes we felt like lost puppies.  Tired of cooking the same 3 meals on repeat?  The promise: Taste improvement after one dinner with Zest.  Shop your menu with our automated grocery list.  We dive into topics like the science of tasting and the basics of seasoning, sautéing, roasting and more!