Fly Corp: Airline Manager Reviews

Fly Corp: Airline Manager Reviews

Published by on 2024-06-05

About: Develop your own transport network in various countries and cities. Open new
routes, buy new planes and upgrade them, increase the capacity of the airports.

About Fly Corp

Random events won’t let you get bored! Your daily airline management routine will be followed by positive (e.g. investments into your company), negative (disasters blocking flights to some countries or departure), or even ridiculous (a businessman sued you because of spilled coffee in turbulence zone) events.

- In the Unlock All Countries mode, your goal is to open every country in the world and cover the whole game map with your airline network.

For instance, European distances are short, and it’s very easy to manage the passenger flow here, while popular transatlantic routes will make you think more about travel time and expenses.

Each scenario is unique: for instance, you should quickly connect constantly unlocking airports or rebuild your air transport network due to virus outbreaks in a country.

Conquer the players’ leaderboard! Get additional game points for transporting passengers, complete scenarios, earn money to buy more advanced airport infrastructure.

- If you like idle tycoon games, Free Play is a perfect choice for you! Develop your own airplane network in various countries as long as you can without any limits.

Since you don’t have enough money to connect each city to all the other cities, you should analyze the situation and make important decisions about where the transport hub is going to be situated.

Develop your own transport network in various countries and cities.

Different locations require good airline management skills as you’ll have to adapt to different conditions.

For example, your airline should survive for some period of time or generate a specific amount of money.

Open new routes, buy new planes and upgrade them, increase the capacity of the airports.

It’s necessary to unlock a new country every 6 minutes, or you’ll lose.

The airport game features an advanced passenger flow system.

- Scenarios are various cases with certain pre-set conditions and goals to reach.


Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 9,286 combined software reviews.

20 Fly Corp Reviews

4.4 out of 5


Could be so good! Great Framework!

This game has the potential to be an awesome game! There is one major issue that has ruined this game. Saves, for some reason the game doesn’t save properly and progress is lost. I have had this game for about 3 days now and everyday has had an issue saving and resulted in loss of progress. This is infuriating and it ruins the game. I play for a couple hours watching dozens of ads and then I save and come back the next day to find that I am back where I started at the beginning of the day before. My time has been wasted and the enjoyment of the game is completely lost and has turned to frustration. This game is by itself mostly fun, and has the framework to be an awesome game. The only thing I dislike about the gameplay is the slow progression to force the watching of ads. this is what almost all apps do, but that doesn’t make it a good thing it is barely acceptable. You should make the game feel balanced and fun and then reward people with faster progression using ads, not forcing people to watch ads to make the game bearable. I would say paying to remove ads would be a good option, but your progress will be lost either way or the game would be too slow to enjoy due to being balanced for ads. I will return to this game in the future to see if it gets better, but I am gone for now. Good luck and you are on the path to make a great game here and I am confident you will make great games in the future!


Has some issues

So to start, the game has great potential and is pretty addictive. It’s kills a lot of time and is a fun way to apply strategy. The game has a lot of interesting aspects and really puts your mind to work on the business aspect of it. Unfortunately that’s where the good comes to an end.
The game crashes in the free play mode a lot, and if you haven’t saved the game you’re set back a ton in progress. It basically sets you back to the last spot you saved. I’m aware that you can access your saved games via the load games, but even then when the game crashes and you’ve done a lot of work is lost. It’s pretty annoying having to save after doing a single action being afraid the game could crash any moment. Now I do appreciate the fact that you can watch videos to improve the financial aspect in the game but beware of the fact that you lose all of the money you’ve earned when the game crashes. It couldn’t hurt to just let the game auto save. Another issue I have is the hyper sensitivity to touch the game has. It’s honestly ridiculous, every time I try to move around the map the game selects random stuff (very annoying!!!).
To conclude this game is definitely worth a try, but it does have a lot of bugs that should be addressed. I wish I could rate the game more but the bugs drive me crazy


Amazing game, just one problem

This game is one of the best games I have ever played. It’s fun and addicting and it’s a very good challenge. It doesn’t just say you lost if an airport gets too full, it instead says you lost but also tells you your score. This feature gives me more confidence that I am doing good. The scenarios are amazing as well. My only problem is enough to make a star get lost though. When I bought some ballots because I wanted to be mayor of a city, they didn’t actually buy. I thought that was just a weird glitch but when I tried it again, it didn’t buy. I tried buying at different times in different locations but I got no ballots. The scenarios I bought earlier, and that worked, so I knew that wasn’t the issue. I found the Restore Purchases button but that didn’t do anything. I closed out of the game and that didn’t do anything. I knew I paid money for it because I got the email saying I bought something, but I didn’t get any ballots. If you can refund me or find a way for me to get those ballots that would be awesome. The ign is ItsCocoTacos if that helps. Please fix this so my money isn’t wasted!


iPhone Overheat

The 1.4 update somehow fixed our(or, at least, my) "loss of save progress" bug.
However, the serious overheat problem is still going on, as soon as I play this game more than 10 minutes, having unlocked all cities of North American countries and northwestern Europe and Russia and connected them all. While I still need to unlock South America and Africa and Asia and Oceania, I am afraid of continuing to play this game because of the overheat. Computer-engineering-wise, the developer need to improve the graph search and display algorithm inside this game to reduce calculation for every passenger and plane every route every time. I don't think my device is deficient (iPhone 11 Pro) while other fancy 3D games don't make such heat on my device. I have tried many reduce-hit methods like disabling cellular and other background refresh and so on, but the heat is still going on: obviously because of this game, calculating the itinerary of passengers and planes every milliseconds.


This game is amazing! But..

This game is probably the most fun game I have on my phone it’s fun to play whenever I have the time two main things I’ve encountered has really been a let down for me is that for one when saving game then trying to load in back at a later time it appears that you cannot start back to where you saved. There is a way around this though after you load the first time try loading the same save again and for me it actually takes me back to my saved position. The second and probably most annoying thing is that sometime I have to leave FlyCorp to respond to a text phone call ect. When I return to the game especially if it’s been a while it will reset which is fine but what’s the problem is once I reload the save it says that I’ve used up my entire country limit for that day regardless if I even bought a new country or not and makes me have to wait 15-20 hours + to make progress in the game just because I left FlyCorp . But overall amazing concept and fun gameplay! Props to the creators for making this addicting masterpiece just needs a little more love 💜


All smooth until…

I love(d) this game. But I just recently discovered something that changes everything I think about this game. I had already completed all countries mode, and So I decided to do some free play. I start in North Macedonia, and things go pretty well. I unlock Albania, Montenegro, Greece, and Bulgaria. Then, something pops up. “You have reached the daily limit, unlock Turkey right now with 3 Ballots or with an ad.” And I’m not trying to be mean, but I WILL NOT EVER SPEND MONEY ON THIS GAME! And get this, I misclicked on Turkey, but I unlocked it with an ad. And Turkey has had some problems with my game, The next day (today) I get on. Unlock Bosnia and Herzegovina along with Romania. Then, I try unlocking Cyprus. “You have reached the dai-“ MY GOSH THIS MADE ME MAD. And this time, I couldn’t watch a 30 Second ad. I had a whopping 25 HOURS until I could unlock another country normally, and probably just like, maybe 3 anyways. I hope that this is fixed, and if it is, I will delete this review, write another one, and rate this 5 stars. I still love this game, though.


Amazing but issues…

This game is very good, entertaining and fun, but there is 1 major issue and 1 minor issue.
The major issue is that it can’t always seem to save correctly, like on my iPad, I saved the moment before I went to sleep, but when I played it later the next day, some of my progress was gone.
The minor issue is that when I was playing it on my IPhone, the ads weren’t working. I was on Wi-Fi and everything. You know when you reach your country limit for the day and then you have to use ads to unlock countries? That wouldn’t work. Then I pressed the ad 4 more times on the same country, but it wouldn’t work. Next time I pressed on it, It said I had to wait an entire day before getting another country. I was so mad I said “This game is a ripoff” before calming myself down.
So, what I suggest when you update the game (if you ever do) is to fix save-states and ads.


A few problems and it fails to tell you one important thing.

Got through the tutorial and played free mode for a little bit only to find that the next time I opened FlyCorp my progress was gone. Apparently there’s a save button in the pause menu and the game fails to tell you this. It’s pretty important considering 99% of mobile games just automatically save your game. Now onto the gameplay problems. It doesn’t seem to matter how times you upgrade a plane, route, or city. It will eventually get crowded and in the red again soon after which would be fine if it didn’t reduce your income. Another issue is that (in free mode at least) cities kinda just open up regardless of whether or not you opened a route to them. This isn’t really a problem on it’s own however despite not having a route to them the cities fill up with passengers which then causes the “overcrowded” problem and reduces your income by 30%… if there isn’t a route to a city yet there shouldn’t be passengers for it and the player certainly shouldn’t be punished for not opening a route as soon as a city pops up.


In game economics broken

First off this game is a great game with a lot of potential. I’ve read a lot of reviews here saying they’ve had trouble with saving the game, and I have also experienced these issues, only in free play mode though. However my main complaint about this game has to do with its economy. I’ve found when playing unlock all countries mode they game severely throttles down your income when you reach around 40 to 50 percent of countries unlocked. It’s slowed down so much that even watching all available adds for more cash, opening cities, and to increase traffic flow, will not over come it. This makes the game unplayable for me. The game should be completable if you manage your senecios properly. To add to this the economy in free play mode is a joke. I believe the game actually changes to the free play economy in unlock all countries mode after reaching at certain point. This is what makes it unplayable. Great potential for a game it’s fun and challenging, until it turns to impossible.


Saving bugs

I was having so much fun on FlyCorp and it was very addicting because I spent most of the day playing in the different modes. BUT FlyCorp has some issues with saving progress.

I was very careful to manually save regularly since I had had issues with saving earlier in the day, but this latest loss of progress doesn’t even follow any logic. I had unlocked much of Southeast Asia with about 10 airports in Thailand, 10 in Vietnam, and all the countries were connected and running smoothly, but when I tried to re-enter the game from my save point, a couple of my countries had disappeared, all of my routes had disappeared, and the only airports left were the capital cities. The weirdest part is that the countries that disappeared had been opened before some of the remaining countries.

Like I said, this game is very addicting and I have no issues being addicted to a game where I am making progress. But I am disappointed in the amount of time I spent on this game when there appear to be so many problems with the save functions.


Most Addictive…. Most Irritating

I would love to give this game 5 stars…. I’ve spent about 8 hours playing and I would of spent all day… but I can’t. You can only unlock like 5 states every 24 hours… I got around that by watching ads to unlock states. But you can only do that 5 times in 24 hours as well. Doesn’t seem like “free play” to me. It says you can unlock more states by purchasing ballots and exchanging. I get it… y’all have to make money. But STEALING MY MONEY when I purchase 100 ballots for 6.99 and then not giving me any ballots. ABSOLUTELY UNACCEPTABLE and a TERRIBLE BUSINESS MODEL!

I would literally play this game all day and night if it would let me. Unfortunately, the effort has been taken away. Since I’ve just let the game run during the 24 hours and have tens of thousands of dollars to create and unlock whatever routes I want. The difficulty was what I liked… your greed has stolen that. I hope you guys take these reviews serious, because you have an amazing game on your hands… if you would just fix it and stop stealing peoples money.


Love the game but it has a few problems in the game and geographically.

I got the game today and I love it! It’s fun and I love planes. But I noticed two geographic errors in your game, the first one is where are the Great Lakes? It’s all just land! Second, in the Black Sea crimea isn’t there! It’s right below ukraine and they definitely have and airport in crimea so please add those details!! Also I made a free world and then left the game and turned off my phone for 30 minutes, I came back to play the game more and I saw that all my airports were gone except the capital of each country I already had! I couldn’t save the top left corner save parts weren’t their and the adds weren’t there either. And I tried to reload it 5 times and it did the same thing! And I had to make a new game. So if you don’t mind please fix that part of the game I lost many hours of game time. That’s all the problems I’ve seen so far it’s a great game otherwise! If any devs for respond to this that would be great!


Would give 4 and a half stars if I could

Hello! My reviews don’t tend to post but I’ll try anyway because I enjoy this game and think it deserves a review :)
I like this game solely for the free play mode (I’m not very good at the regular mode haha) and think this game is just lovely except for 2 things:
1. I think airports unlock too quickly, especially in the beginning stages which leads to, especially if you start in a large country, a very chaotic stressful starting experience. And with the penalties being quite harmful if your airports get full, it is easy to get yourself in a insurmountable hole which can be frustrating. Maybe have an option the game gives you before a free mode start to let the player decide whether they’d like airports to unlock gradually or manually at their own pace? :)
2. (And most importantly!) Why don’t free mode save files save correctly?? I find that I’ll load a file and some airports aren’t there or certain routes aren’t unlocked…if there are any AT ALL goodness gracious! That happened to me recently where I loaded a save file to find NO ROUTES were saved! How hard can it possibly be to properly program a save function good grief y’all.

Please work on those 2 things and I’d consider adding your 5th star thank you! :D


Intriguing game, if it doesn’t burn my hand in the process

This is an interesting game that draws you in quickly and keeps things moving fast with simple gameplay. There are a few issues, though:
1) a country’s first city available is always its capital. This means when selecting the US to start, you end up with Washington, Pittsburgh, NYC and a fourth destination. It would be nice if on occasion, a different part of the country were to pop up on a new game.
2) as stated earlier, lack of autosaving
3) If the game’s open long enough, it’ll bog down between the new flights, ads, and other cached items in the memory that it causes rapid drawdown of the battery and the risk of overheating the phone. I have to force-quit the game just to clear the cache.
There’s a PC version I might end up switching to if it ever goes on sale, just to see if that’ll clear up the caching problem on this phone, and hopefully that’ll coincide with some significant improvements.


Great game! Needs improvements…

I’ve been playing this game for awhile now and it definitely has gotten better! While FlyCorp has progressed, it still takes awhile for new updates to come to the game. In my case, the game moves very slowly, the freezes, the screen goes dark, and FlyCorp closes. This happens whether you’re just opening up a saved game or a new one, and it doesn’t matter how long you were on FlyCorp , this can happen in the first few seconds or in a couple of minutes. I love this game and have invested time into making my routes and am working on getting flights worldwide. I think a few more updates would do the trick and improve gameplay. I believe it would also help if y’all responded to the reviews with acknowledgement and estimates on when things will be worked on. The communication seems one-sided. Looking forward to what else FlyCorp can do!


Problem with Discover the World mode

This game is very fun, but the discover the world mode (my favorite,) is broken. The cost of unlocking new countries is really weird. At the beginning, it’s fair, until you unlock 30 or so countries, at which point it becomes very easy. Unlocking a new country gives 5 extra minutes, and it this point you can save up to an hour’s worth of time. But then, around halfway through the game, the cost spikes. Each time it’s 30k to 100k+ more expensive, and your income just isn’t catching up. Even if you had an hour saved up, you’re spending 10 minutes to save enough up for a country. And on top of that, your routes get more expensive, so it takes 50k to connect up many of your countries.

Please fix this, in its current state this mode is impossible!


Great game with one noticed flaw.

So far the game is great. A wonderful concept and fun to play. Haven’t played long but see myself getting hooked. One good issue and one bad I need to bring up to the developers. I love the fact that you don’t have ads pop ups while playing, that’s great! Love that watching ads are on your own terms to get money. This will keep me playing and watching ads.

Now the bad. I’ve noticed when you close out, you lose several upgrades or even cities. I’d appreciate it if the developers could look into this and see what they can do to allow you to save cities and data a little better.

Overall, a very fun game and one I would give 5 stars. I’ll keep playing and let you know other little quirks I find. Thank you!


It is good, but some issues

It is a good airplane game, but, I discovered that sometimes the game crashes if you try to save or you open the menu to the save. This almost ALWAYS occurs with me, making me lose my data! I even quitted the game because of this bug. Also, there is this boring wordle ad with a glitch that makes you watch it FOREVER. No quit button. And you will need to restart you game, making you lose data, again! The wordle ad showed an IQ meter. With a clip art image of a brain on the left side, and Albert Einstein on the right side with 4 circles. These blue circles spell a word I think is, “Star.” I was stuck on this ad and had to restart. I was FURIOUS that I lost data and had to restart from my starting country (Madagascar) due to these bugs! My suggestion to fix the boring wordle ad glitch is to add the option to disable ads for 1 USD. It will make me update this review. And for the save crash bug, just do automatic saving. Trust me, it will be better then just manually saving.


Nice game, frustratingly hard at times

Cool game, I have the version on my computer as well which I enjoy a lot more than this mobile version. Mobile version is same premise of course but for some reason I find it much harder in certain situations, like when I unlock India or China in any situation, the entire game just ends, it's almost impossible to not lose once you unlock them. Tried to get back to a good place after unlocking India and I ended up with -3000 cash and every single city full. Idk if it's just that I'm not playing well, but I seem to be able to pull it off on my computer. Also ads and stuff make it lower quality but that's what I'd expect from a mobile game


Dire Need of an Update

Pros: This game is fun and addicting at times. I like how many random events happen, allowing a bit of uncertainty in the game. There’s also some scenarios you can play to make the game more fun and challenge yourself. Cons: This game is a major battery waster (Think 100% down to 75% in like 25 minutes). Not to mention this game makes my phone overheat (I have an IPhone x). After a while of playing, this game gets boring and repetitive. The thing I hate most about this game, is the saving and the music. The developers couldn’t be bothered to get more than like 2 royalty free music tracks. My ears start to bleed when I’m listening to the most generic music ever. Now we’re onto the saving. The saving DOES NOT EVEN WORK. I’ll be playing when I decide to get of the game and save. The next day I play again, only to realize THAT EVERYTHING IVE WORKED FOR IS GONE. All THE ROUTES AND UPGRADES. The developers might as well remove the option to save, because IT DOES NOT WORK.

Is Fly Corp Safe?

Yes. Fly Corp: Airline Manager is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 9,286 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.4/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Fly Corp Is 68.6/100.

Is Fly Corp Legit?

Yes. Fly Corp: Airline Manager is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 9,286 Fly Corp: Airline Manager User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Fly Corp Is 100/100..

Is Fly Corp: Airline Manager not working?

Fly Corp: Airline Manager works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

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