- Full female and male 3D models for studying gross anatomy, alongside cadaver and diagnostic images
- 3D views of key organs at multiple levels, such as the lungs, bronchi, and alveoli, and the kidneys, renal pyramids, and nephrons
- 126 histology slides showing cells and tissues to aid in understanding anatomy morphology
- Brief animations and illustrations explaining core physiology and common conditions
- Muscle and bone models that can be moved to learn muscle actions, bone landmarks, attachments, innervations, and blood supply
- Fascia models that divide the muscles of the upper and lower limbs into compartments
- Dissect models on screen, in augmented reality (AR), and in cross-sections, with free lab activities available
- Access to hundreds of free visual and interactive Flashcard decks covering key course topics, as well as the ability to create and share your own decks
- 3D dissection quizzes to check progress
- Make interactive 3D presentations that link sets of models to explain and review a topic, with the ability to label structures with tags, notes, and 3D drawings
- Cross-platform mobile and web access, allowing use on phones, iPads, and laptops.