Intuition: Brain Health Study Reviews

Intuition: Brain Health Study Reviews

Published by on 2023-06-06

About: Wear an Apple Watch. Perform study activities on your devices.

About Intuition

What is Intuition?

Intuition is a virtual research study sponsored by Biogen, in collaboration with Apple. The study aims to investigate the role an Apple Watch and iPhone could play in measuring changes in thinking and memory in adults and identifying longer-term changes in brain health. By participating in this study, you can contribute to a greater understanding of brain health, and you can earn an Apple Watch plus up to $280 in gift cards or charitable donations.



- Virtual research study that can be performed on your devices

- Investigates the role of Apple Watch and iPhone in measuring changes in thinking and memory in adults and identifying longer-term changes in brain health

- Participants can earn an Apple Watch plus up to $280 in gift cards or charitable donations

- No office visits required

- On average, participants are asked to contribute just over an hour a month of their time over the 2-year study to help with brain health research

- Eligibility criteria include being 21-86 years of age, having and using an iPhone 8 or later, having access to Wi-Fi or hardwired internet, and having a compatible computer or iPad

- The study is committed to diversity and representation matters

- Data fields that will be collected by the study can be reviewed in the app

- Measures have been put in place to protect participants' data and privacy

- The study does not provide diagnosis or treatment

- The app integrates with the Apple Health app.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience


Negative experience

~ from NLP analysis of 8,776 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Intuition

- The app is fun and challenging, making you use your brain and memory.

- The seasonal and stand challenges are enjoyable and rewarding.

- The Intuition concept has helped the writer stay healthier and lose weight.

- The writer is excited to see what the next challenges will be.

124 Intuition Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Major Bugs - Unable to Complete Activities

Update- From 2 to 4 stars! Although there are still bugs with the activities, I was finally able to complete the tasks to qualify for the Apple Watch. Within 2 weeks of qualifying, the watch arrived on my doorstep!

I was so excited about Intuition and brain study. In my mind, it was a win-win. I contribute to valuable research AND receive an Apple Watch. However, I have been trying since November to complete the process to receive the watch. I completed the 1st thinking and memory activity, but the system does not reflect that I’ve done so. I called customer support in November and was told they were aware of the issue and were working to correct it. I continued to complete other activities in the meantime. Fast forward to February. I was again unable to complete the monthly thinking and memory activity. The email linked out to a page that told me I was unauthorized. A 3rd phone call to customer service. Given the same answer. They are aware of the issue and working to resolve it. I am so disappointed. While excited about the watch, I was just as interested in completing the activities to contribute to research. Frustrating to say the least. I am still hopeful they will eventually fix the bugs and I will be able to update this review to the 5 stars I had originally thought I’d be able to give Intuition .


Happy with my somewhat free Apple Watch

I have found I enjoy having an Apple Watch far more than I expected to, so the study has now cursed me with another Apple device to keep buying, though I’m sure that was part of the plan. Haha. The study itself was somewhat fun at first but overall gets a bit annoying. I’ve been screwed out of points a number of times during the seasonal challenges due to an app or internet glitch which is quite frustrating. Looking at other reviews I see that the company doesn’t help you with that at all so you just end up out the points and the time and they don’t care. I also find the larger monthly challenges to be quite annoying. After you’ve done them once or twice and understand how they work you should be able to skip all of the narration as it no longer adds value and is just annoying and a waste of time. It took me way too long to just turn off the sound during the monthly challenges which allows me to get through them with much less of a desire to pull my hair out. I finally earned my apple watch and am happy to no longer need to do these unless I’m just bored. I do wish there was another option at the end of each challenge where it asks you if you were distracted at all during the session. It should have a “Distracted, No. Bored, Yes” option.


Tests & free watch!

I received my watch very quickly and started right away on the daily tasks. It’s basically 5. Two of which are brain tests, same ones daily and the one I liked least bc it really challenges me has become one I like bc I am finally getting better at it! That surely has to be beneficial for my brain! I love the stand/exercise/mindfulness exercises that show progress by a ring filling in. Basically that is the whole process… howeve my watch stopped recording the stand ring more than a week ago. All other things work and it still tells me to stand and I end up getting 15-20 minutes of exercise in a day bc I go wild into exercise during my ‘stand’.. killing 2 birds with 1 stone, so to speak. I really enjoy it but do not enjoy having to delete Intuition to try to make the stand movements be recorded as done. All toggles are on and it shows on my watch as done but not in the health app… but all other features record… so am I back at square one? So bummed!! Anyway.. I’ll carry on, somehow… I always stay dedicated to the study I participate in!


Great fun … BUT ….

This is great fun & does definitely make you use your brain/memory. This is my first test so don’t know how difficult it will be here on out but as for now I’m enjoying it. The biggest problem(s) I see here is #1 tgere are no clear instructions on how to access on-line from your ipad/computer - I had to call Customer Support for help. And BIGGEST problem is the glitch when testing - it freeze’s quite a bit so while I recognize the patterns quickly it freeze’s & I have to keep pressing the key pad to get it to check the box thereby losing time. So I can’t see how accurate that will be. Get that freeze glitch fixed & it’ll be golden.


It has some issues but I overall pretty good

I have recently noticed more and more glitches with Intuition. The most recent “challenge” kept freezing when I was trying to submit and I didn’t get credit for those events. Also I had to update my alerts for that particular challenge and it never accepted my update and still has the notification for it. The challenge is over now and it is still in my “to complete” section even tho I have completed it multiple times. It was all working fine up until the last 2 weeks or so. I notified them of the issues and they say it has been fixed and I would get my missed points but still have not. So that’s frustrating. But it was decent until these recent problems which is why they got the 3 stars and not 1 star.


Update to earlier rating

I finally received the Apple Watch so I was able to pair the watch and Intuition . So far I’ve completed the stand challenge and I’m still working on the seasonal challenge. So far I’ve completed 33/42 I missed one session 2 times. The pattern drawing is rather easy, the memory match I have to admit I don’t think I’m doing to well at. You really have to concentrate and pay attention. So far I’ve been enjoying the exercises can’t wait to see what the next challenges are.


They don’t care if things mess up on their end

Yes this is real, but they don’t care if things mess up on their end. Myself and one other family member are taking part in the study and during the seasonal challenge we have had three issues in the last two days where their system screwed up and we weren’t able to complete a task. Considering we both had perfect streaks on the two week task (which is rewarded with bonus points) until that point it was really frustrating. When we called the support line we were told not only do they not have enough control of the system to reset things, they also wouldn’t honor their screwup. Just be warned if you are trying to earn enough point to keep the watch, they will make it more difficult for you.


Good effort but falls short with app glitches

The study itself is well done but the constant app glitches are annoying. When I first started back in November 2021, Intuition worked and after awhile it has become a nuisance to use as there is an everyday glitch. The scheduling for seasonal activity is stuck and the reminder is always there. Contacting support has not resolved this. The past two weeks, I've completed a weekly stand activity and no points were rewarded so after contacting support, the work around is to uninstall/reinstall. If I could quite the study at this point, I would. Intuition is basic so these types of glitches should not be happening.


Has some issues

I signed up and received my Apple Watch in November. I completed the challenges and tasks each week. Point we’re building up and I even cashed out closed to $40 in just a few months time. But then it alerted me about the seasonal challenge and I was to set my alert times for the challenge. I did that but the task never cleared my app. The following 2 weeks would have been my seasonal challenge and I never got it. These are BIG points to earn. I contacted support twice and they offered no suggestions or solutions. I’m worried I’ll have the same issue with the next seasonal challenge. Kinda sad.


Just not worth it

I was pretty excited about doing the study I do have an Apple Watch but it’s an outdated one and thought it would be nice to get a new one. So I finally updated my phone so I could download Intuition and I went through it and I was approved I didn’t go to far because when I read that they want to do use your phone your phone calls, your messages, your possibly your face, your eyebrows, etc. How can anybody want a free watch that bad that they’re willing to give up total privacy and have someone listen to your phone calls. And of the negative reviews I’ve read it don’t work half the time so they don’t have to honor their commitment. Read the fine print people before you brag about having a nice new shiny watch.


It’s been well worth the effort

I was introduced to the this app concept by my oldest son. I agreed to check it out and was surprised how well I’ve thrived challenging myself to keep doing it! I followed a routine of using their concepts and got to the goals with in a year. I’m gradually losing weight and feel a good schedule will keep my mind and body in better shape than it was. I’m 73 years old and feel really good. I’m staying healthier than before. The mental exercises can be difficult but



Got a call this afternoon from LIFELINE SCREENING which I do every year to keep me healthy and the super nice lady introduced me to Intuition came home hooked it all up tested my brain I like the mental exercise of it all I know I’m not Einstein but I’m not dumb as a rock either 66 years old in great shape looking forward to the future with my new Apple Watch and discovering how healthy I really am thank you once again so keep me in line and going to the gym four times a week thanks again


App is Fine for What it Does

I have had only one issue with this study, but it wasn’t related to Intuition ; it was a website freezing issue and that resolved itself. Intuition is fine for what it does and if I see a glitch I close and reopen and it is fine. I’m about 6 months in at the present time.

I would agree that customer service isn’t stellar, but that’s with most things so I’m not surprised.


Personal data collected before being disqualified

I was excited when my health insurance company invited me to apply for this study - who doesn’t want a free Apple Watch? I answered some basic questions and was told I was eligible to participate. I then answered a lot more questions, including my name, email and other contact information, demographic data, and medical questions. It was only after the last round of medical questions that I was told that I do not qualify. No reason was given for disqualifying me, but I suppose it’s because I answered yes to having a medical diagnosis. Intuition simply “dismissed” me and NO mention was made of what will now happen to all the data they collected.


Email link for the survey cannot be received!

The link to the “Think and memory activity” has never been received after I changed to my two email account and checked all the junk mail folders. I believe Intuition needs to provide options for participants to resend the link or to another email address after one’s account changes to another email address.


Frustrated with support

I am excited and believe in this study, however, since the beginning I have not been able to start or complete the Brain Study Activity to get the Apple Watch. I submitted support tickets, supplied multiple screenshots, more than once and NOONE has followed up to help. Even when I’ve reached back out, I’m told “it has been escalated” . “ it’s a broader issue we are trying to fix”. Still nothing. Now, when accessing the Seasonal Area, error messages and unable to open.

Please help! I really want to participate and enjoy the Apple Watch also. Thank you in advance.


Don’t give up

So far I am enjoying Intuition. I find the seasonal challenge and the monthly study kinda fun, I just wish there were more. In a previous review I hadn’t received the watch yet (using my own watch) but I just received my email from FedEx that the watch has shipped and will be delivered tomorrow!! For reference, I signed up for this around 11/4 so don’t give up hope or think this is a scam, it’s not.



I have tried to get through the first step to continue on to get the watch. But that’s not even the frustrating part. I got through all the steps but 1. I’ve called and emailed to try to get past this one. All I get is download different browsers and try that which I’ve done. I’ve tried it on my chrome book I’ve tried it on my tablet. I’ve gotten to the point where the screen shows a phone trying sideways. Yes I’ve tried it sideways and upside down. I think Intuition and the customer service needs to be better at trying fix these problems.


Enjoying so far...

So I've been in this study for almost a year and can honestly say I enjoy it! I already had an apple watch so that wasn't the real reason for me joining. I love the brain activity games and keeping up with my standing points throughout the week. It definitely keeps me on my toes with the matching game, I'm usually distracted while doing it though.


Needs serious update!!!

I have been using this for a few months and it has been consistently very glitchy, causing a lot of problems actually keeping up with the study. I can’t tell you how many times it has kicked me out of a test or made me repeat it until I give up on it saving. I have uninstalled and reinstalled multiple times per the suggestions. My internet has great connection, and I don’t have this problem on anything else on my phone. Every time I report this it is blamed on my phone or internet despite having no problems at all with any other apps.


Ridiculously glitchy

I tried to join and got through all the questions and then it needed to verify my email. I did that and it sent me back to Intuition where it then froze and I had to do the entire questionnaire again and reverify email. Again it froze. Then it kept saying error. Finally I just tried to log in saying I forgot pw (even though we never even got to the pw stage) and it let me create a new pw. I chose the recommended gobblygook one because it said it would remember it. Then it did not remember it, so I needed to create a new pw again and one that I could remember. Then I had a series of questions about any diseases etc and I did not have one negative — not one single one and then it said I was ineligible!!! What? So then I tried to resign in and it said the account was being used on another device, even though I was still using the same phone. Then I tried again and it said wrong pw even though it was the same pw. Then I tried again and it said app being used by another device. I gave up. What a joke.


Set notifications to permanent.

Love the study and great to be in, help myself, and hopefully help others with data.

Set messages to permanent so you read when app notifies you to complete computer work. I was missing this connection so delayed Apple Watch witch isn’t shipped until complete 2 (in my case) brain exercises.

The exercises are def a solid 20 min. The talking lady is quite while doing exercises so well designed that way. If there was any more talking I would probably score worse as it’s distracting to me. Well done Biogen and thank you Apple for building this tech with an eye towards human improvement. Thanks for reading and hope helpful! -Brian


You can help others _&_ get a watch!

I joined this last May. It’s not difficult & you get to use the watch. The watch helps track your healthy habits, provides you w/encouragement, reminds you of appointments, and you can even answer your phone w/it. As you complete tasks, one set of points goes into hopper A and a duplicate set of points goes into hopper B. When you get to a 100K points in hopper A, the watch becomes yours. The points in hopper B? They van be cashed in for gift cards. I currently have 110K points in hopper B ($110) _and_ am the owner of my watch. (Yea!). I’m continuing w/the study as it’s potentially a valuable bunch of research.


Interesting study, sometimes glitchy app

I’ve been part of this study since last fall. The tasks are generally easy to complete, but Intuition has been very glitchy the past couple of weeks. The seasonal challenge didn’t load to my app until day two this time so I missed out on a full day of points. Since then, there have been several days when Intuition will just shut down in the middle of a task and there is no way to resume the task. The support team has given me credit for missed tasks, which is good, but it’s frustrating to have Intuition randomly shut down. I don’t plan to quit, but would like to see the issue fixed.


Enjoying This Study

I am nearing my one year mark for participating in this study. I have earned the points that are needed to own the watch already and am nearing the halfway point to being able to cash in for the cash. All this while doing something to help them to understand how things can affect the brain, memory, and eye/hand coordination. I feel this study is very important to us and future generations. I hope I am able to participate in other legit studies like this one.


Really enjoyed participating

I really enjoyed participating in the study, almost two years. I earned my watch (get to keep) about six months ago. I’m actually a bit sad the study is concluding, I have liked having/meeting the goals. I would happily participate again. The monthly and seasonal goals were fun. I never had any problems or glitches with Intuition except a few times on those rare occasions when wifi or data coverage was spotty. Thank you.


I will miss the Intuition study

I have been registered in this study for a year and a half, and it’s become such an interesting part of my life during that time that I will miss taking part in the weekly, monthly and seasonal tasks. It was a good way to remind me to get up and move during the day each day, and I enjoyed the monthly memory and seasonal tasks. I earned an Apple Watch and made almost $200 during the study. But it wasn’t the money or watch, it was the interaction that I appreciated the most. I hope another study will take its place.

William Baugh   9 months ago

I am unable to retrieve my reward for participating in the Intuition study. Can you help me with that?

Susan Goldstein   1 year ago

Just finished the 2 year study Fine until the last 2 weeks The app wouldn’t allow me to complete a 3000 point exercise that was assigned to me Numerous emails and calls - none of which were handled Very disappointing as I put my all into this for almost 2 years You would think the intuition staff would appreciate that and credit the promised points Terrible way to end the program Customer service is truly awful

Cheryl   1 year ago

My experience with Intuition was a nice Brain Health Study even with the glitches I was able to do the study. My age of 65 it was a very rewarding experience. Thank you for your Apple Watch and the experience of the Brain Study.

lem   1 year ago

I have been doing the Intuition Study for a year now; I already have over 100,000 points and received an email that I can keep the watch; I am continuing the study because I originally agreed to the 2 year study and I can get more points for the gift card;

Is Intuition Safe?

Yes. Intuition: Brain Health Study is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 8,776 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Intuition Is 82.8/100.

Is Intuition Legit?

Yes. Intuition: Brain Health Study is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 8,776 Intuition: Brain Health Study User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Intuition Is 100/100..

Is Intuition: Brain Health Study not working?

Intuition: Brain Health Study works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

How was your experience with Intuition: Brain Health Study? Post a Review

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