Once was a time, where the world was at peace. I had a wife, kids, and friends, this was my family. We all lived in this edenic world where everything was perfect. A town, where everyone could rest and be at ease. This was all thanks to this app, it blocked ads, had a vpn, and most importantly, it was free, but then the fire nation attacked. Our very protectors who swore to keep us safe betrayed us. They started to force us to pay and our free trial had expired. No free trial existed prior to the announcement, they stopped blocking ads, we then realized that it was a lie, this whole time. We did the best we could to protect ourselves, but it was futile. My friends, wife, my kids, all slaughtered in cold blood. I sat in the ruins of our once humble town surrounded by ones whom I was closest to, I was sad, angry, and filled with grief, I had been trolled. To think that this was a free application would be a lie. To think that Blokada protected us and swore to do so, is a lie. Blokada is a lie. Don’t get this app, it will ruin everything. I sit here, in my temple upon a mountain, meditating, training. Preparing myself to be ready, ready for my revenge, on this scam of an app. Once again, don’t get this app. It is terrible, and I will never come back again, ever.