Brickit App Reviews

Brickit App Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-28

About: Brickit helps to build new things with the old bricks. 1.

About Brickit App

What is Brickit App? Brickit is an app that helps users build new things using old bricks. The app scans a photo of the user's bricks, identifies and counts the details, suggests building ideas based on the bricks available, and provides step-by-step instructions for building. The app also has a feature that helps users find any brick they need easily.



- Photo scanning: Users can take a photo of their bricks, and the app will scan it, identify and count the details on it.

- Building suggestions: Based on the bricks available, the app suggests building ideas such as robots, kangaroos, X-Wings, and more.

- Step-by-step instructions: The app provides step-by-step instructions for building, but users can also deviate from them and come up with their own ideas.

- Brick finder: Users can easily find any brick they need by choosing a detail in the app's catalog, and the app will highlight where it lies in their pile.

- Scanner Pro Subscription: The app offers a subscription that automatically renews unless auto-renewal is turned off. The subscription provides additional features and benefits.

- Unofficial LEGO product: Brickit was created by fans and is not an official LEGO product. The LEGO Group of companies does not sponsor or support Brickit.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from NLP analysis of 11,252 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of Brickit App

- Scans your legos and gives you ideas of what you can build

- Has instructions for the thing you want to build

- Helps you find the pieces per stage

- Tells you how many pieces you are missing

- Records your sets

- Automatically identifies bricks from photos

20 Brickit App Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Good idea but could be more functional

I like how BrickitApp can tell me what i can build from the bricks i have, but what i would really like is for BrickitApp to be able to tell me what bricks i do have. i have all my bricks sorted by color, and sometimes i want one brick in a specific color, it would be so nice to be able to pour out all of that color and have brickit locate the brick i need. for example, if i want a bunch of white 2x2s, i could pour out all my white bricks, scan them, and have brickit tell me where all the 2x2s are in that pile. this would be more useful for me because i already know what i want to build, i just have trouble finding the bricks. still a useful idea and just a little bit of tweaking could make it really fenomenal


Fun but still beta

I thought that BrickitApp was amazing it just had some trouble recognizing the bricks sometimes. A couple times, it would say that there was a problem with trying to show the build ideas. I thought that the section where you can see nearly every lego set made is really cool. I personally used it a lot and I sometimes just look at all of the Star Wars lego sets. Overall, this is a great app and I highly recommend it for the people with massive amounts of loose legos.


Hot Dog AND *Not* Hot Dog!

So, this is a cool tech demo. But it doesn’t do what it says on the tin. It gave us a list of 31 things we “could build”. First thing that was obvious is that it’s not paying attention to the brick color…which the walkthrough kind of suggested, so, eh…fine (though when it suggests a rainbow colored popsicle or pencil with black+white end and yellow body…well, that doesn’t really work). But that’s not really the problem. The problem is that several of the pieces needed to build the whatever are not in the scan AND IT KNOWS THAT, but suggested them anyway. When you start working through the instructions it says “Not found in scan” and the part is greyed out in the directions. So, “Not Hot Dog!” Basically even if the tech works perfectly you got disappointed kids. Kudos, but don’t oversell with the hopes of going viral for 15 minutes of fame.


Fun but not accurate

It's great fun to layout and scan your bricks with BrickitApp, but the accuracy is not quite there. The scan shows bricks not in the pile, or misinterpreted, so the offered builds are not always buildable. If BrickitApp used real-time photogrammetry from multiple directions, this could be solved.

The best part of BrickitApp is the ideas it generates based on the bricks it thinks you have. Simple quick and fun builds, reminiscent of the old LEGO Ideas Books, made me feel excited to dig through the pile and complete the builds even if BrickitApp was a bit off.

A final note on BrickitApp quality. Overall this is very high for an early launch, and feels like an app I would expect to be created by LEGO Group. I look forward to seeing refinements in the scan recognition.


Nearly a great app

Brickit is great. Throw it on an iPad or a phone and try it out. It’s worth it.

That said, there are a couple of downsides. It does misidentify pieces some, so it thinks you can build stuff that you can’t. And it doesn’t sort (or allow you to sort) the builds by number of pieces you’re missing, so it’s kind of random. It might have a 30 brick house that you’re missing 12 blocks in, followed by a 70 brick town that you’re only missing 2 pieces for.

But the main issue is that you can’t see what you’ve built in the past, or look up instructions for something that you started and put the iPad down, intending to come back later. Some of the longer models do have many steps with 70+ bricks, and when it’s bedtime, it’s bedtime. But now, if it’s bedtime, we can’t finish the lego, ever. Because we can’t find that model again. Every scan of bricks has different results.

Sooooo close. If you could sort by “number of bricks missing” and if you could look up the directions for stuff you’ve built recently, it’d be 5 stars even with misidentified bricks.


Bogus app and overpriced fees

First, BrickitApp won’t let me sign in at all - not via Apple, Google, or FB. Next is the fee (currently $8/mo or $45/yr). BrickitApp lets you record your sets, but doesn’t do anything with that info. It only showed me simple builds using 50 parts or less when I scanned. I have over 3 million pieces at this point so not intended for my level of collecting. Fine. Let’s try a smaller level. Tried it with my kids separate (and smaller) collection - still garbage suggestions. Ultimately my 5 year old didn’t like it because he wasn’t engaged, 7 year old didn’t like it because the ideas were boring and couldn’t integrate with built sets, and wife hates that I now have a few thousand pieces on the floor. 🤣 0 stars.


This app is amazing!

BrickitApp is out of control cool!!! It scans your legos, gives you ideas of what you can build based on the pieces it recognizes, has the instructions for the thing u want to build and helps u find the pieces per stage!!!

The only thing that can be improved is when u are trying to lookup where a specific piece is - it's hard to get back to the page. I always seem to exit the thing I'm trying to build.

I have already shared this with many people!!!


Great app!

This is a great app to catalog your Lego pieces if you buy them in sets, and BrickitApp lets you know what you can build with all the pieces you have. However, I wish there’s a feature that will tell me which set(s) a block is from, since some of the blocks I need to build a new model may be in use in something I already built. The beta version is pretty neat but for it to work well you really need to place your blocks carefully, difficult when you have a lot of blocks.


Color Recognition

BrickitApp would be literally perfect if it weren’t for one downfall: color. Like for example I’d love to build the huge R2D2 model and BrickitApp will say I have almost all of the pieces except they’re like red or green or yellow, instead of blue and white. I just personally think adding a color recognition and sorter would be an amazing addition to BrickitApp and it would instantly be my favorite app I’ve ever downloaded. Please consider this.


This is a great start

This was pretty exciting to see in the beginning, watching the AI scan thousands of our Legos was pretty cool. But the lack filter/sort options is a down side. Models are pretty basic similar to what you saw in the TikTok video. Or the models are extremely extravagant but it does not take into account which Legos I currently possess. Also not being able to add legos to a owned collection is a downside. I wish There was a way to scan small sections of Legos to build an inventory of the Legos. I hope they continue innovating it is a phenomenal start


This app has good intentions but is broken

so i saw BrickitApp on tiktok and i thought “ill try” so i download it and pull my legos out right as i try and scan my legos BrickitApp keeps crashing so I'm getting frustrated and decide ill try and lay them out more and then put them on a white cloth instead of carpet and it just keeps crashing the reason why I'm rating 2 instead of 1 is because i like the concept and BrickitApp design is good and easy to use but you lost 3 stars because of BrickitApp crashing and my main issue it shows tutorial then press “scan” and it says 1% and then crashes.


App is too closed for learning and growing

Two stars for the younger kids that can have some fun with BrickitApp. The scanning is looks like it works great but there is no way to tell if that is a performance or it is doing a good job identifying bricks. BrickitApp only gives you information on number of bricks and shoes you quickly and no place to go back and look at at scan stats. Models are not very complex and don’t make use of the diversity bricks well. BrickitApp is much more of a showcase for thousands of simple models that, frankly, could be made with any pile of bricks.


Great but has some issues

I got BrickitApp after I watched a video of it. I was so excited to use it because I have a lot of lego pieces lying around my lego table.
So I scanned the pieces and the first flaw came to me. When I scan it doesn’t scan some pieces correctly and mistakes them for different pieces.
I found an idea with the pieces I have and started building! It was pretty cool, helping by giving me directions. ✨❤️✨. But then I realized it doesn’t have all the same colors in the picture. I know we could make an effort and use like tan for a dog, but I would love BrickitApp more if it had pointed out the pieces and the color in the picture.

BrickitApp is great overall! But I would be happy if you added these things in an update.

✨Cool Cyan Cat✨


Need new building ideas? Get this app!

I love BrickitApp. My daughter said 4.5 stars because it sometimes misidentified bricks. To be fair to BrickitApp , I didn’t spread them out perfectly.

It tells you how many pieces you are missing so I build what I can and find a creative solution. Do I have a bunny flying my plane instead of a cockpit? Yes. Did my elephant loose part of an ear in a turf war? Absolutely.


What a time to be alive!

This might be the most amazing thing I’ll see all day. This free app scans your pile of legos, identifies the pieces you have and projects that you can build with them, and then gives you detailed instructions not only for how to build that thing, but also highlights from the photo it took where in your pile the bricks you need are located. Mind = Blown.


Like magic

Wish I had this when I was a kid, but now I can share it with my own. I would welcome some filters and options, maybe to only see builds where all bricks were identified, or settings for how close the colors should match. I’d probably even drop a few bucks here and there if it gave me the chance to order missing pieces a la carte.


Perplexing, frustrating design choices

You seem to have implemented a tool that can automatically identify bricks from photos, or at least imply as much in your advertising. That's already something no other app in the store does yet. But users don't get direct access to this information? They can only be suggested some really niche builds from your library, conditioned on a match between the detected pieces and one of those builds? Just seems like a waste of functionality when users will often be interested in using BrickitApp to take account of their brick collection.


Just a quick question

Were or how do you get the the new one? Bc my brother said it’s not working it is broken we had 123 bricks but what came up is *Sorry we couldn’t find anything you can build why?* so we clicked why and it said not enough bricks! So we got frustrated so we quit working on BrickitApp . But I need help with it so if you have any ideas or tips we could use please tell us thank you


Great potential

BrickitApp has great potential… if I could get it to work! I have thousands of Legos. I tried every single suggestion, and with different kinds of Legos. Every time, it tells me it couldn’t find anything to build. I could really use this in my Makerspace class, as most of my students don’t have building experience and BrickitApp could help give them a creativity spark. I’m deleting BrickitApp for now, but I’ll come back to it in a few months and see if there have been any program improvements.


Sep 2021 The app can scan now, thats progress

Update Sep 2021: BrickitApp can now scan lego I have, but the lack of access to the full inventory it found make this not very useful yet. Dev needs to offer that data up for export. I'm not likely to build the very limited mocs shown in-app. I just need the inventory list. Hoping they keep improving the AI as many say there are mismatches - hence why an export feature would be good.


Great app just lacks a few things

BrickitApp is wonderful, however, I’d like to be able to take a photo of pieces we have and have them added to our library. We were given a huge tub of Lego and have no idea what sets we actually have.


Manual entry?

I love that you can enter the sets that you have and it catalogues your piece, and I REALLY love that it give you ideas of what you can build with what you have!
But is there any way a feature can be added that allows you to manually enter pieces and numbers if pieces? I have hundreds of loose pieces not necessary included in specific sets that I would love to include in BrickitApp’s inventory.
Thank you!


Awesome app, but...

I love BrickitApp! But I have a couple incomplete sets that I want to put into my library, but unfortunately you can’t scan bricks into it. PLEASE FIX THIS! Other than that it is a great app.


I can’t find the camera

It’s a great app I love it it’s just it pulled up a pop up for the new identifier and I cannot find it again but other than that I love it!


peter faris

This is so much fun I love this game I like looking for stuff that I can make OMG I keep saying😹😝


Best LEGO app

I love BrickitApp!


Crashes with every photo taken

BrickitApp crashes every time I take the photo


Horrible App

It’s horrible I can’t even do anything!! There’s this scan thingy to find bricks in a pile and it doesn’t even work!! 😤😤😤


Scan doesn’t work

I can’t scan


No ideas for this brick

Tried with numerous sets of LEGO’s but it keeps saying “No ideas for this brick”






BrickitApp can scan 150 Lego parts or more.Why not less than 150 Lego parts?I find this to be unacceptable.

Is Brickit App Safe?

Yes. Brickit App is quiet safe to use but use with caution. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 11,252 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for Brickit App Is 36.7/100.

Is Brickit App Legit?

Yes. Brickit App is legit, but not 100% legit to us. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 11,252 Brickit App User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for Brickit App Is 53.2/100..

Is Brickit App not working?

Brickit App works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

Scanner Pro Subscription

- Price: $4.99/month or $29.99/year

- Features: Access to the app's scanning feature, which allows users to take a photo of their bricks and have the app scan and identify them. This subscription also includes access to advanced building instructions and the ability to save and share building ideas. The subscription automatically renews unless auto-renewal is turned off at least 24 hours before the end of the current period.

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