I got connected super easy and now I can mess with my settings super easily from anywhere. Not really so much a complaint as a recommendation though, when I hit go live on the remote it launches the notification bubble where I’m suppose name the stream, tag the game, etc. Great. Except it doesn’t launch the screen in StreamlabsController , it’s on my pc only. I would like to be able to launch my stream while I’m afk, while I’m finishing a few things, my starting soon screen can play. Then when I arrive, my stream will be going and I can launch into it just that much quicker. Also, a little more organization for the buttons would be great. Having the scenes organize them selves is great, but I could really use that for my templates and sound as well. Maybe a grid where we can freely place the buttons that use most, where ever we would like them? I don’t know, but it does what it says it does and I can’t complain about that.