My main issue is the diet portion of it. VShred should be able to make it more personal, but instead, to do that, I need the old paper and pen. I wish VShred could take my stats and show me meal options that work for ME, after determining MY recommended caloric intake. Instead, I have to keep fussing with all the meal options until I find a combo that fits the recommended caloric intake for my stats, which by the way, seems to always come up short of what they are recommending someone like me to eat (And I fall in the middle range). Moreso, it would be great if once VShred figured out a meal plan for ME (again, it doesn’t), that VShred could then produce a tailored grocery list based on that info. It seems to insinuate that it will, only to find out that section is simply a paragraph telling you to make the grocery list the old fashion way, pen and paper. Really?!?!
And simplify the whole thing guys. Too much info and too much Vince videos.
Lastly, to the tech guys, when I click on a menu item or workout, and then want to get back out of it, it is so easy to hit the back button that takes you back a whole other step rather than just to close out the recipe/exercise (the X or Close button is meant to do that, but it’s not intuitive), I kept doing it and it was sooooo frustrating. Maybe when a recipe is opened up, get rid of that back button, leaving only the X. Bad tech design.