AnyTrans app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with AnyTrans

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️

Not working

Something else


Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of AnyTrans Problems 🔥

- Glitchy

- Fails to recognize devices

- Connection of computer and device are lost

- App closes on phone

📋 11 Reported Issues:

Theo Hutter 2024-04-14

I am using the trail version. The transfer of video-files in the folder "fotos" of the iphone to pc ends in files, which are not readable. Transfer performed as in "original format" or "converted to mp4". The files cannot be opened on the pc. Error message "not valid format". Transferd on the standard way via usb-connection the files are all readable on pc.

Joe 2023-08-19

When anytrans reads the ipad or iphone it gets as far as the apps and stops even though it appears to be reading the apps it doesn't and never finishes so you can't backup your device.

Anytrans Sucks 2023-07-14

Anytrans does not transfer between icloud accounts even after successfully login on it.

Timothy Reynolds 2023-03-30

The program gets to the point of transferring and doesn't do anything, it just stays in the "preparing to" mode

Markus Bronkhorst 2023-02-10

Anytrans app on windows 10 will not even launch

OpeningSuccesful621 2023-01-08

Crashes immidiatly after opening. Thanks.

Jim Snow 2022-12-16

AnyTrans has always worked smoothly until lately. Every time I try to move a file from my computer to my phone, I get a message saying I'm not connected to the internet, and it failed to transfer. But I AM connected to the internet. I've tried rebooting everything, and I've updated to the latest version of AnyTrans, and still no luck. Boo!!!

Peter C 2022-11-18

Same error as Len Archer above. Anytrans used to work very well on my windows 8.1 without iTunes ever installed. Now whether I connect my iPad or iPhone and try to transfer any music or ringtone, there will be an unexpected error and program will close. In the Windows event log it will say, it’s related to .net. All of my files are up-to-date and all of my drivers. I have contacted the manufacturer IMOBIE about a week ago and sent them the requested Anytrans log file to which they still have no solution and don’t seem to really care. Very sad.

Yiu Kwong Lee 2022-10-21

anyTrans is not working . Thanks

Oauk Rickard 2022-10-17

I'm on mac OS 10.12.6 got notice to upfate AnyTrans which I did and after installation the app will not open and report says unable to open. So I deleted the app reinstalled original app installation before update... and now that app won't open either!!! What gives?

Len Archer 2022-09-19

Program crashes when sending one mp3 from my computer to my iphone. Hard crash, anytrans program dissappears. I am pc windows 10.

Showing 1-11 of 11 reported issues:

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