JRNY® Reviews

JRNY® Reviews

Published by on 2024-05-23

About: MEET THE JRNY® Digital Fitness Platform. Personalized fitness, just for you.

About JRNY

What is JRNY?

The JRNY® Digital Fitness Platform is a personalized fitness app that offers tailored workouts, on-demand classes, real-time coaching, and more. The app assesses your fitness level and recommends workouts based on your abilities, available time, mood, and the workout experiences you like best. The app offers a free trial for first-time users and requires a JRNY®-compatible Bowflex or Schwinn cardio fitness machine for some features.



- Multiple workout types: Cardio, bike, treadmill, Max Trainer, HIT, whole body, yoga, pilates, strength, and more. Both on and off-product.

- Individualized adaptive workouts: Experience tailored workout programming that automatically adapts as you get stronger.

- Smart recommendations: Recommends fresh workouts every day based on your abilities and the features you like best.

- Real-time virtual coaching: Motivates your every move and keeps you within your target zones.

- Explore the world: 50+ stunning HD destinations you can explore at your own speed.

- On-demand classes: Sweat it out with world-class trainers who inspire your best effort.

- Whole body workouts: Round out your routine with workouts like yoga, pilates, and strength.

- Curated music playlists: Match your pace with an ever-changing lineup of new playlists.

- Rewards & tracking: All-in-one tracking celebrates your milestones, achievements, and personal bests.

- Choose to sync workouts with Apple HealthKit.

- Free trial: Try JRNY® features for free with a trial for first-time users.

- Cancelation: You may cancel your membership at any time and enjoy the use of your membership through the remainder of your current free trial or membership period, as applicable.

- Terms of Use and Privacy Policy: By using the JRNY® app, you are certifying that you are at least 18 years old and that you understand and agree to the app's Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Negative experience

Positive experience


~ from Justuseapp.com NLP analysis of 17,128 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of JRNY

- Allows you to select music and scenery to accompany your rides

- Syncs workouts with Apple Health

- Adaptive workouts are challenging and fun

24 JRNY Reviews

4.6 out of 5


Thanks for screwing up the app

Well it was a great app until the update. The update no longer allows you to adjust the time slider on the custom workout. It allows me a max of 14 minutes when before it allowed me to adjust the workout all the way up to 30 minutes. If you try to adjust past 14 minutes it tells you to “ work out more to obtain longer workouts “. Well that would be ok if I was just starting out but I’ve had my machine for over a year and I do a minimum of 25 minutes. Please fix this ASAP. !!!!


It’s the little stuff

While I can appreciate the time and effort that has gone into revamping the application, I’m disappointed that little things seem to be missing from the experience. For example, take something as simple as saving preferences. Each time I log into JRNY and look at the personal recommendations I have to change the duration and difficulty fields. I would prefer to be able to save that as a default. I literally have to click a button that says Save for that session, but have to do that each time I use JRNY .
I’m also curious what changes were made to the adaptive workout recommendations. Prior to the revamp of the application a number of months ago it seemed like the recommendation was a better fit than the workouts that are now being proposed. This may simply be that I don’t understand how to use the new app fully, but I have yet to see any training videos from Bowflex on how to get the most of the application. Along those lines you have a section titled programs. Are those actually programs? Or are they simply workout videos in a different section of the application? Like others have mentioned, it’s a decent price we pay for the subscription. I’m not sure I’ll renew if little things like preferences and how-to’s aren’t part of the package.


Paid $150 for this app and I’m on my third bug that leaves me without use for at least a week

This is the most infuriating app I’ve ever bought. When it works I love it but I’m in my 6th month of using it and have had major 3 bugs that keep me from using my premium feature for at least a week. JRNY is currently telling me that I don’t have a subscription but my iTunes account proves otherwise. If I could get help with these issues immediately I wouldn’t be so harsh to give a one star review.

Every time I reach out to this app customer support I don’t hear back for weeks. After the 3 day sla, I will reach out to Bowflex customer service and the issue is usually get resolved within a week. The funny thing is that this app must not know that because they will respond to my open ticket weeks later apologizing for the delay but not addressing the issue.

I love my Bowflex so much that I was deciding between the Bowflex bike and a peloton for Christmas but after the issues I’ve had with the actual app subscription, there is no way I will choose Bowflex over peloton now. I also have a subscription to the peloton suite of classes through my gym and have not had a single issue for well over a year. this app needs to get it together, especially if they are looking to take some of peloton’s customers.


Too much missing for $20mo

1) No uses for treadmill speakers- Radio is great but does not play on treadmill speakers. Same with trainer and social sessions. Speakers only work with direct connect devices, not bluetooth only offered through JRNY .
2) No outside app workouts tracked or recorded - If you bluetooth connect app to treadmill then initiate your workout on the treadmill instead of JRNY , it will not be tracked or show up on your journal. Also, if you want to manually track an outdoor run, weights, or gym time, nada. Just app initiated sessions are tracked.
3) Where is the walking scenery and music for those days you just want to stroll the legs? This is in other treadmill apps but not this app.
4) $20 per month or $150 annually. For what exactly? The functionality offered does not justify JRNY expense that was marketed as included with the treadmill. Really, no free features with the purchase of the equipment? App should be included with purchase and offer in app purchases for customization with journal included at a minimum.
5) Worst of all, privacy practices using health data has not been shared with Apple and of you read the agreements, not good. You are paying this company to market and share your date with third parties. Typically, a privacy policy like this warrants a free app.


Body workouts - no timer

I started using JRNY 2 weeks ago and love it for the bike workouts. I like to finish with a weights workout and have been trying to do some of the ones on JRNY. There are a couple of things that I find frustrating and demotivating; the first is that it would be helpful to know all the moves that will be included in the workout before starting, especially if we need to change weights. Secondly, I really struggle with there not being a countdown timer visible for each exercise. Sometimes the trainer doesn’t even make it obvious that they are done demonstrating and the exercise has started. It would be helpful to have a timer on the screen for each individual exercise and one for the rest period. Also, the ability to fast forward or rewind would be helpful. Sometimes I get kicked out of the workout and the only way to get back into it is to start from the beginning, which is frustrating. Finally, for those of us with aging eyes, the ability to rotate the screen to landscape would be amazing.


M7U and Max Intelligence app

All in all I am still new to using the M7 and brand new to using Max Intelligence app. As far as the workout the M7 provides, the different levels and programs, thats AWESOME, I couldn’t even imagine a pro athlete wouldn't get a tough workout on this machine. The machine is smooth although it has just developed a slight tick on one side, maybe due to leveling, not sure. As far as sound I dont find it to be that loud, obviously if your going 100mph it will be loud. I would compare the sound to a rowing machine, its all subjective. I do have 2 pet peeves with the upgrade. First, the machine console turns off while using JRNY , I feel like it should stay on, mirror the data on JRNY or at least be given a choice of keeping console on or off. Second is on the upgrade they took away the second set of resistance level buttons on the upper handles, why? Those two things arent too big of a deal, well maybe the upper buttons. So far as JRNY is concerned it works well, I havent used it long enough to give an honest review but only time will tell.


Continuously Disappointed

JRNY has continued to disappoint, in my opinion, starting with the MaxTrainer app it replaced. I have a M6 and bought into the subscription. The “custom workouts” definitely don’t live up to the hype as they are really just the same thing over and over again. I can get more variety just doing the built in workouts on the machine itself. There is still no synchronization between JRNY and things like Apple Health and MyFitnessPal, so your data just lives in its own little world and you can’t do anything with it. Weird, when a simple app like the SelectTech app can send data to Apple Health. Bowflex/Nautilus continues to say “we’re working on getting JRNY connected ,” but now they’ve come out with this new app and still... no synchronization method. Music included is the same stuff over and over again as well. This is such a rudimentary app that I can’t understand all the 4+ ratings. With the excellent equipment and surrounding hype that comes with the Bowflex brand, JRNY just feels like more of an afterthought to me.


I wish zero star was an option. Not what I signed up for.

It took several months to work my way up to a 30 minute interval workout. I loved it. It was my time to zone out and get a break. Then they took most of that away, with no manual interval option. Manuel is now just a work out at whatever pace you want. I preferred not having to think about it. They seem to be pushing this adaptive workout. I purchased this and the M8 for INTERVAL. When I reached out to Nautilus/Bowflex, I never really got a straight answer. When I asked for a refund for my subscription, they couldn’t because it was purchased through Apple. Apple says I have to get it from them. I could use other apps like Couch to 5k to get what I want but why should I have to do that? I was about to pull the trigger and purchase the bike, but now I’m selling my M8, deleting JRNY and getting something else that fits my needs (Peleton?) with customer support that doesn’t take weeks and multiple inquiries to get back to me. Save your time, money and frustration.


trying to be peloton

I used to recommend that people get a bowflex, I will no longer do this. After a recent update, all the programming related to JRNY switched to be “subscription” based. This means to use basically any of the workouts on JRNY , you now need to pay for the subscription. I only used the most basic interval setting on JRNY to help me log my workouts. Now JRNY is completely useless unless you pay for the subscription. If I wanted a subscription based service I would have bought a peloton in the first place! Now I have a machine that I paid extra for (compared to other available options) that I believed would have just the basics available on JRNY (which used to be free). After already buying this equipment they want me to now pay extra to be able to use JRNY , this is ridiculous! Not a good move, I used to highly recommend bowflex to others, despite the price tag. I no longer think it is worth it. This is a really poor business move.


Buggy and loses past data

JRNY was automatically “upgraded” without my involvement. The first thing I noticed was that the calories/minute scale only went from 0-30 compared to 0-100 in the previous version. The next thing I noticed was that Max was only giving me about 2/3 of the calorie burn that I had been getting for the past months. The next thing I noticed is that, even though I was staying at the top of the calorie burning scale for every interval, after I finished the recorded and saved data showed me well below the burn for each interval which could explain the lower calorie count. Also, you apparently can only take the Fitness Assessment one time. The only way I can see to burn the same calories is to way overdo each interval until Max finally catches up. Too bad. I really liked the old version and I wish I could revert.


Literally tells you they are tracking all your Data.

We and our third party business partners (including any third party service providers or third party content, advertising, and analytics providers) may use a variety of technologies, including cookies and web beacons, that automatically or passively collect information whenever you access or interact with the Service ("Usage Information"). For example, like many sites, we use technologies such as "cookies" and "clear gifs" to obtain certain types of information when your browser accesses our Service, or when you are provided the opportunity to complete surveys, participate in a sweepstakes or other incentives, or open or respond to any newsletter or other e-mail. We may also allow our business partners, including ad networks, to use these technologies to serve advertisements, provide other advertising services and/or collect certain information when you visit the Sites or utilize the Service


Change is hard but this is nuts

I am going into my third year on my Bowflex M5u without issue really. I’m on my second year of the subscription. I am a regular user 3 to 5 times per week. I enjoyed the symmetrical interval training where I could select the amount of time I wanted to spend on the machine along with the intensity using JRNY . Mostly I would exercise 17 minutes with moderate intensity while listening to JRNY music.I’m down inches so I know the machine works. The most recent upgrade February 7 is a disaster. There is no 17 minutes setting anywhere in the application. I have turned off the trainer voice. I have a membership to the YMCA and if I wanted to be part of a larger group exercise I would attend.

The calorie burn scale is completely beyond my abilities now. Also, JRNY seems to be running slower than prior to the upgrade. I’ve had really good luck with the machine itself but please offer the same features we enjoyed prior to February 7. Perhaps even a fully manual setting which would allow us to go back to the former application— JUST LIKE IT WAS!!

Let me have my workout back that made me feel great going into my day! If you’re considering this app hold off maybe until they give us something that matches our needs and not that’s chasing the at home market.



Bowflex is a CROOK!

I have the M6 trainer for over 2 years now and absolutely love it. I’ve taken the time to create a list of favorite videos, and depending on how much time I have, will do one of those videos. Now with the most recent updates approximately 85% of the videos in my favorites are considered “premium content”. I purchased the trainer with the understanding that I would have access to content, and now they’ve taken away content that was part of the reason I purchased this product. How a company can take away something you already purchased is criminal. And in all actuality, it may be illegal. This has all the makings of a class action lawsuit. I will be looking into that. I have been a loyal Bowflex customer for years. I also own two of their kettlebells and the 552 dumbbells. Was considering their barbell too. This move has basically insured that I will never purchase anything from them again.


App doesn’t work after Oct ‘19 update

I used to get a great workout using JRNY with my Max6 and the subscription for custom workouts. However, after the update in Oct ‘19 to make JRNY support Bowflex’s treadmill JRNY no longer works correctly for Max6.

I’ve tried all of the troubleshooting mentioned in previous reviews, such as completing the fitness assessment again to no avail. The workouts are not sync’d up with the timeline scale of cals per minute or the coaching. It seems as if the scale of the calorie dial was scaled down and I can’t find a way to get it back to where it used to be (unless I workout during the fitness assessment).

Hoping they’ll get this sorted out soon. It used to be a great workout, but if they can’t get this fixed or credit my account until it is fixed, I will most certainly be canceling my subscription. Right now, they’re taking our money for a product that doesn’t work.


Connectivity Issues are Debilitating

When JRNY works, it is great. The problem is that it rarely works. Severe connectivity issues cause it to lose its connection to our M8 frequently in the middle of workouts. Not only is your workout interrupted, you need to reset JRNY and hard boot the machine to reconnect. Makes using the machine very frustrating. I would not recommend getting a Bowflex machine until these issues are resolved. I’ve spoken to customer support multiple times and updated everything, still drops out mid-workout constantly. It’s a shame, because it’s a great workout the few times it works. Will be returning my machine for something hardwired and more reliable.

Update: Bowflex has been in touch with me. Every fix they’ve suggested stopped working after a week or so. Completely broken app making the equipment useless. DO NOT PURCHASE!!


Velocore and JRNY app

I love the Velocore bike. The lean feature is great. The this app app is okay but could use some work. The instructors are good but adding some music to the videos (instead of Bowflex radio) would improve the experience as would adding that studio feel. The workouts are good but some are like they’re working out in their living room. I knew I would have to have a subscription to use the Peloton but I didn’t know that either Velocore which was one of the biggest factors when I decided to buy this bike over Peloton. You also can’t use just JRNY on a non Bowflex machine. Would love to use it with my non Bowflex treadmill like you can with a Peloton digital subscription but it’s not possible. If Bowflex is going to try to compete with Peloton, JRNY needs work.


Useless for VeloCore owners

I’m certain this is a very useful app for other Bowflex products that it actually connects to.

As far as VeLoCore is concerned, it doesn’t work. I understand that the software is embedded within the VeloCore software which works well; however, it doesn’t make sense that the workout data doesn’t sync with JRNY on my phone. It’s the same account and it should sync so I can access my data without having to go to the back. In addition, the ability to sync on the phone would allow the data to sync to my Apple Health data. I’d like all of my activity in one place, I’m wearing an Apple Watch and having my workouts from VeloCore added would provide a better overview of my activities.

I’m hoping the developers take note of this pitfall. Had I known this wasn’t possible, I would have probably gone with the Peloton.


Awesome Workouts, Wish It Would Sync with Activity

I got the free annual subscription to this app with the purchase of my new Schwinn IC4 bike. I love the adaptive workouts! They are challenging and fun, and I really enjoy the ability to select music and scenery to accompany my rides. My one gripe about JRNY , however, is that although it syncs the workouts I complete with Apple Health, it doesn’t sync calories burned with the Activity app on my watch. This is frustrating mainly because I’m competitive and I like earning my little badges. 😂 I suppose I’ll live, and it’s not a total deal-breaker. I do have JRNY installed on my iPad (that I use when I complete workouts) and on my phone to sync with Health.


Love my Max Trainer- app needs a little more.

First off I love my Max Trainer M5U!! I just wish the JRNY paid subscription adjusted the speed and resistance based on previous workouts. I also wish it connected to my Apple health. My only complaint is the calories burned seems really low. My last workout for 9 min and showed 29 calories, while using my Apple Watch it showed 89 calories for the same workout. I would think it would be closer and it’s a pain to remember to start my watch since it don’t sync to Apple health. I also noticed a few people having trouble with the GR strap connecting. Mine (arm band) does not connect to my machine even though blue tooth is on, but connects to the Max app on my phone without any issue. Other then that great machine and a good app!


Only sort of works

Because I have a VeloCore cycle, the functionality of JRNY is purposefully limited, and that is fine. However the functionality I expect is at best quirky. I can view my workouts, as expected, but often several of the metrics, like average heart rate, do not match the same on the VeloCore console. Only the most recent workout is synced to Apple health, and will be removed and replaced by a more recent one. This makes any fitness tracking in Apple health worthless. Bowflex really needs to work on the Apple health integration, it’s the only way to get fitness data out of the this app walled garden. The difference in metrics is annoying, but usually not large enough to lose sleep over.

JoAnn Marie Thorson   1 year ago

We have had our Bowflex velacore bike for just over a year. We have had about 3 software issues that have interfered with our use of the bike. The first time we called support I had a man help me who was very helpful. He was able to log onto my computer and fixed the issue. This last time we called support we had a woman who was not listening to what we were saying. She kept telling us we were not listening to her and she ignored us telling her that what she wanted us to do was not on our screen. Her customer service skills were lacking and she made it a very unpleasant experience.

Christina   1 year ago

Bowflex Velocore, JRNY Music: Entertainment / Selected Genre Music is intermittent; there are days when selected music plays without interruption, and there are days when the music does not play, or plays for 5-8 minutes before it completely stops (ends) with no means to return to music.

Stefan Thierer   2 years ago

The app or the bowflex 328 doesn´t work with my I-phone... I cannot listen music about the speakers - I cannot use the app. So I want to resign my membership to the next possibility. I´m not willing to pay further 15,99 € per month for something I cannot use. Please give me a confirmation for this cancellation. Thanks and kind regards. Stefan Thierer Montalweg 28 89547 Gerstetten 0174 9576155

Michelle Thompson   2 years ago

How do I use the app without heart rate monitor ? It simply won’t allow me. The monitor never worked and I rely on my Apple Watch instead. How do I deactivate the journey app from connecting to the bowlfex heart rate monitor. I can’t do any workouts ! This is nuts

Is JRNY Safe?

Yes. JRNY® is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 17,128 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.6/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for JRNY Is 48.4/100.

Is JRNY Legit?

Yes. JRNY® is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 17,128 JRNY® User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for JRNY Is 65.4/100..

Is JRNY® not working?

JRNY® works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by Justuseapp.com users..

- Free Trial: First-time users can try JRNY® features for free with a trial.

- Monthly Membership: $19.99 per month, automatically renews unless canceled at least 48 hours prior to the end of the current membership period.

- Yearly Membership: $149.99 per year, automatically renews unless canceled at least 48 hours prior to the end of the current membership period.

Note: Both monthly and yearly memberships can be managed in the Bowflex JRNY® app, including canceling it, in your Account Settings in the App Store after purchase. Payments will be charged through your Apple account.

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