If your destination is outside the ioki service area, your ride will connect perfectly with other means of transport in the HVV Network.
If you do not have a valid HVV ticket, you can buy one before starting your journey, at The surcharge can be paid within the ioki Hamburg app, by connecting your credit card or pay with purchased service credits .
In cooperation with the Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein GmbH (VHH), ioki offers this demand responsive transport service, integrated in the HVV fare system.
Pay the surcharge directly with your ioki app by linking it with your credit card or purchased service credits.
If your destination is within the same ioki service area, your will be taken there, either directly, or to the closest ioki stop.
To improve your ioki service, please rate your ride.
Important: HVV tickets purchased within the ioki Hamburg app do not entitle to continue with other HVV means of transport.
By pooling rides, ioki can handle several travel requests at once, optimizing service and resources.
In Billbrook ioki on-demand services are available 24/7 to connect you with 37 stops between Billwerder-Moorfleet and Blaue BrΓΌcke.
Create your individual journey with ioki Hamburg and get closer to your destination - comfortably, quickly and safe.
Your ioki App will immediately show you which vehicle will pick you up and where exactly your ride can start.
With ioki on demand services, mobility in several HVV areas now becomes even smarter.
This can either be your exact starting address or you may be directed to the nearest virtual ioki stop.
Once you have arrived, ioki would be happy to receive your feedback and know if youΒ΄ve been satisfied.