The Bible Memory Bible app not working? crashes or has problems?

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I have a problem with The Bible Memory Bible

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⚠️ Most reported problems ⚠️
Something else

Not working

Problems reported in the last 24 hours

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Summary of The Bible Memory Bible Problems 🔥

- Terrible support

- No manual

- Unhelpful description of how to earn a badge

- Closes at random

- Lost verses and will not display new verses

- Paid for upgraded app and it is now not available to use

- Technical support has not replied to request for help

📋 3 Reported Issues:

Susan Hensinger 2024-12-05

I can go to the website. But nothing will open for me.

Brad 2024-02-14

Bible memory pro crashes repeatedly when I try to add verses to a group by closing “add new verse” button. I was able to add one. It hen it crashed once when I tried to add a second. Then I was able to add a second. After that I’ve tried 10 times to add a third and it crashed every time. I restarted my iPhone and it still happens.

Ted 2022-12-22

Flash cards are shifted "one off" . The citation pertains to the verse that follows, instead of the correct verse. The verse and citation don't match.

Showing 1-3 of 3 reported issues:

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Developer: Millennial Apps - Scripture Typer Bible Memory

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