LingoDeer - Learn Languages Reviews

LingoDeer - Learn Languages Reviews

Published by on 2024-03-12

About: "I never feel unmotivated to log in each day and learn!" "This has been helping
me study Japanese way better than any book can!" "LingoDeer is worth every
penny and more, it is an essential tool in the shed for anyone learning any of
their offered languages, in or out of a classroom." LingoDeer is the perfect
tool for those who want to self study a new language, be it Korean or French.

About LingoDeer

What is LingoDeer? LingoDeer is a language learning app that offers structured courses for self-study of various languages, including Korean, Japanese, French, Spanish, German, Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Italian, and Vietnamese. The app provides a clear and motivating path toward fluency, with a variety of activities to personalize study and reinforce learning. Users can track their progress and statistics, download lessons for offline learning, and improve listening and pronunciation with HD recordings by native speakers. LingoDeer requires a membership to access all courses and features, with monthly and annual subscription options available.



- Structured courses for self-study of various languages

- Learn to read and write a language with a unique alphabet system, such as Korean or Japanese

- Learn to form sentences in your own words by following a structured course

- Learn essential vocabulary and grammar from beginner to intermediate levels (A1-B1)

- Improve listening and pronunciation with HD recordings by native speakers

- Reinforce learning with various review activities: flashcards, quizzes, target trainings, and more

- Track progress and statistics

- Download lessons for offline learning

- Personalize study with a variety of activities

- Monthly and annual subscription options available

- Clear and motivating path toward fluency

- Provides the best structured curricula among apps and clear explanations on grammar

- Enables users to form sentences in their own words, not just memorize and repeat after a phrasebook

- Offers flexibility to personalize study with a variety of activities

- Maintains long-term motivation for users

Overall User Satisfaction Rating

Positive experience

Negative experience


~ from NLP analysis of 24,051 combined software reviews.

Key Benefits of LingoDeer

- Multiple teachers to help with learning a language

- Knowledge cards to break down grammar

- Vocabulary quizzes to quiz yourself

- Ability to practice and study kanji independently

- Ability to change difficulty

20 LingoDeer Reviews

4.8 out of 5


Great app

This is a great app to learn a new language. I am currently learning Korean and plan to learn Japanese and Spanish later down the road. I’ve tried other language learning apps like DuoLingo, but I learn better when the lessons are more structured. I like how before each lesson, this app has a “Learning Tips” page so that you could get an idea of what will be focused on in the coming lessons. I also like how you can review through quizzes, vocabulary and grammar note cards.
All around, it is a great app, but there could always be improvement. For example, LingoDeer should be free and anyone who wants more, can pay for different add-ons (like the this app+ app). I don’t think it’s fair for the customers to pay for the main course, as well as the add-ons, when there are other language learning apps out there for free. Yet, I do understand that the money is used for quality services because seriously, LingoDeer is great! So I do see both sides. Another thing may be to have a feature where we could talk to real language experts in order to practice conversational skills. (Again, this could be an added on feature that customers could pay for). I find myself not being that confident in this area, and I’m not sure if I’m speaking correctly unless someone else corrects me. Or, have a podcast (add-on feature) on what are the best tips and procedures in learning a language. I think this may make up for making LingoDeer free. But what do I know?🤣



Honestly, I’ve been learning Korean for a few months through websites and videos, but because the videos and websites didn’t go together, I wasn’t really getting things. I didn’t have a system or structure to learn things in since I didn’t know where to look and practically watched/read anything I could find. I was starting to get unmotivated about studying until I asked a friend of mine what she used to study Korean and she recommended me LingoDeer. I remember hearing about this app before through my fav polyglot YouTuber, iKenna, so I thought “why not check it out?”. BEST DECISION EVER. I tried the first few lessons for free and although it was pretty easy, I wanted more. I skimmed over the lesson topics and checked the membership prices to debate if I should buy it. Eventually I caved in because 1)year long membership was on sale 2) if my favorite polyglot YouTuber used it and recommends it, I trust him. And 3) My friend can hold an intermediate level convo in Korean now. I can tell you for sure that after I got the membership and unlocked all the lessons, I have been glued to LingoDeer. I never feel unmotivated to log in each day and learn, I actually get excited and I love how there’s stories at the end of each lesson! I can spend as little as 5/10 minutes on LingoDeer to a whole hour! So if you’re wondering if it’s worth it... it is!! Go buy yourself a membership!! Now!!!


Didn’t expect results so soon! Helped me with Korean!

First of all, let it be known I never write reviews for anything, nor do I ever buy subscriptions that are more than what I would pay for Netflix. LingoDeer.... is SO WORTH IT. Only $50 for a year and you learn any amount of languages you want?? Literally a Starbucks drink a month. That’s a steal. I’m studying Korean since I’ll be studying abroad in 8 months and I thought I’d have to hurry to learn the language. Let me tell you.... three days in at only about an hour a day (if that) AND NOW I CAN READ AND WRITE THE WHOLE KOREAN ALPHABET. It all depends on you and how dedicated/serious you are, but this app provides you with all the tools you need so you have literally no excuse. And they don’t have a penalty system like Duol*ngo where if you get it wrong, you’re just screwed. LingoDeer helps you learn and gives you charts, no “lives” or “hearts” system, plus it helps you learn sentence structure.... just wow. I could not be happier, and I regret not finding LingoDeer sooner. I definitely recommend listening to a binaural beat for Memorization while you study, I feel like that helped me retain the information better. And take your own notes!! It’ll help, I promise!!! Thank you devs for this great app!!!


it’s okay.

i’m currently learning german for my religion to keep going on as my oma is the only one in my family who knows german—but you don’t need to know my life story. well, let’s start from the top. the first thing i see is it requesting me to translate a word i hadn't even learned yet. i think it would be helpful if it taught me the translation first, showed me how to pronounce it, spell it, and then test me if i knew the word or sentence afterwards. but no. i was anxious, i didn’t want to get it wrong. yet i did, and that really frustrated me if i’m being honest. i went on with LingoDeer because i wanted to understand it and give it another chance as i just started using LingoDeer . which i did—and still am. although i got angry because i got it wrong, i learned the word, and the pronunciation because of the correction. it DOES continue to make me translate words without them showing it to me first which kind of frustrates me but it’s fine. i may seem overdramatic but i learn in a certain way. you ACTUALLY have to teach it to me. i guess the corrections help in ways, but it makes me so frustrated to the point where i can’t be comfortable learning german because of how anxious i get of getting the word or sentence wrong. i do have to say, LingoDeer has great qualities and features, it just needs a little upgrade , you know? thanks for reading my review.


Still needs decent SRS

I’ve been using this for years and it’s very good, with one glaring exception, which is the flash cards. They really need to put in actual SRS options for those - memorization is crucial for longer term retention and as it is I have to manually copy the cards into Anki to get results, which is a pain and takes forever since I can’t even copy the actual text from LingoDeer . They say it’s SRS but it isn’t, which is aggravating - they’re just dumb flash cards, no dynamic timing, no separation of listening/reading/speaking skills, etc. Good sentences, once they’re in Anki, but useless before then.

The grammar is very nice, puts it way before duolingo and Rosetta, but the pacing also gets a little weird in the second “chapter” - you’re learning some weird advanced words like “burnable garbage” and the grammar specifics of doing favors for people before you’ve even gotten to if-then conditionals. Wouldn’t be that big a deal though if didn’t have to copy all this stuff into another app just to remember it properly.

They added some “ongoing content” in their fluent section which is awesome, but I wish they didn’t focus so hard on themed “stories” and had more options for just brute-force sentence variation practice. Just a bunch of different sentences by grammar type is fine, I don’t gotta have a whole cute story to go with it.


One of the best out there!!

LingoDeer is really amazing! LingoDeer has multiple teachers that help with learning a language. As of right now I am learning Japanese and Korean and I couldn’t ask for a better app. There are several different features I enjoy, such as the knowledge cards which help break down the grammar learned in different lessons to the vocabulary quizzes so I can quiz myself on the vocabulary that I don’t know or need to re-study.
A feature I enjoyed that is specifically for the Japanese language is that there is a section where you can just practice and study the kanji independently from the sentences and grammar which is one of my favorite parts. Another feature is that I can change how i can change the difficulty. For example when I have a question on how to read or pronounce I can switch from native Japanese (the characters and kanji together as they would be in a newspaper) to furugana (kanji with hiragana above it), hiragana completely (no kanji) or romaji (Latin letters only of Japanese sounds).

Overall I have been with this app for over a year and I have a come to realize how much I enjoyed LingoDeer! And with every update comes a new excitement over with what this app has waiting for me to try out next!!


There’s potential but the paywall is way too early

I understand the need for paywalls, particularly in sophisticated apps where there’s a lot of hard work put in by the developers. But there’s also a need to balance that with giving the customer enough to tell whether the product is worth their hard earned dollars. The two free lessons are the alphabet and nationality-most people who’ve tried to pick up the language for an hour or two on any other system have covered this and there’s so little vocab at this point that the answers are obvious. And the alphabet is a poor indicator of what the rest of the system will look like regardless. So the system looks like it might be good but who’s to say since I can’t test it against material I’m not already familiar with? Even expanding this to an additional lesson or two (the determiner/possessive) would greatly increase the ability to get a sense for the flow of lessons in LingoDeer—the very next lesson seems to have a different section “learning tips” that I didn’t try in the previous one. Will every lesson be in a completely different format from the previous one? At this point I can’t tell. Given there seem to be some sixty or seventy lessons in the first level of the language, I highly doubt giving free users the next lesson or two will cut into profits and it certainly would help people like me who are on the fence determine if it’s the right system for them.


Love It But...

I love LingoDeer with all my heart. It is so good at teaching me Japanese and this is the only app that has the right teaching style for me. It’s the perfect blend of fun and structured learning, and let alone it is all completely free besides a few in app purchases. This has been helping me study Japanese way better than any book can, however recently LingoDeer has been really laggy and hasn’t been responding up to par. My progress bar isn’t loading and progressing at the same speed as I am learning and it just stays empty, my achievements are screwed up (I have been at level 10 for a couple days and still haven’t gotten my achievement for reaching level 10 yet) and usually when achievements do come they are always a day late, I get random achievements every so often like “congrats on reaching 5 hours of study time” even though at the point I was already at 8 hours, and recently my review section has only been including 5 lessons instead of the 10+ I have completed and need to review for. Like I said, LingoDeer is the best thing that has come into my life, but I can’t rate it the 5 stars it deserves unless these bugs are fixed. I will still thank all the developers for putting their time and money to make LingoDeer for all those who want to learn its selection of languages.



^^ That says I love LingoDeer! I’ll admit I had to look up how to write ‘app’ in Chinese but hey, the rest I was able to do after only the first 3-4 lessons of Chinese. I took Japanese in college for 2 years and picked it up fairly quick but LingoDeer helped keep me going and practicing after graduating. I decided to use it for learning Russian too, and it’s been very useful with clear pronunciation that you can listen to at actual full speed or a little slower if you need. Finally, I decided to give Chinese a go because I’ve wanted to learn it forEVER and I thought how hard could this be I already took Japanese for 2 years. Well, I’ll tell you, it’s VERY difficult to just ‘start’ learning Chinese because anywhere I looked didn’t explain pinyin OR tone! Crazy that I’d never been able to find good explanations for those BASIC parts of learning Chinese. THAT IS, until LingoDeer came along. this app is worth every penny and more, it is an essential tool in the shed for anyone learning any of their offered languages, in or out of a classroom. I can’t give it a more glowing review. If you’re doubtful, please just do it! You will love it. Read the other reviews, they aren’t lying!!! Thank you developers!!



Ok, lemme get to the point. is app is FANTASTIC and I can tell the developers really worked hard on this but sadly I think there should be one change.
I think that some of these things I’m not sure I really want to learn and others I do. Unfortunately, It doesn’t let me choose the things I want to learn, and it does say I can’t go head unless I buy the premium. However, even though this is not at a high price, I don’t like premiums. I think if you want to earn money, it should be permanent. Otherwise, I think you should let people choose what they want to learn and maybe not have to go through all the lessons they don’t want to know about or learn. For example, I want to learn to speak Japanese. LingoDeer really inspires me to learn Japanese, except I don’t want to learn how to write it. Only speak it. And the worst part about it is that the writing lesson is pretty long (not saying you need to fix that, because all the knowledge is necessary) and I just want to skip it without the premium. But don’t get me wrong, LingoDeer is still amazing. But I would just really appreciate it if you made that one little change. :) Thank you!


Lovely app, but disappointed.

I was very excited to use LingoDeer because it was such a highly praised alternative from Duolingo. However I was extremely disappointed to find out that only the alphabet and nationality basics were available (Japanese) before you had to sign up for premium. As someone who already knows how to speak/read in both the free categories, LingoDeer was in a sense very pointless. I loved the way it taught you, I can tell there is a lot of care that was put into LingoDeer and just ads won’t suffice to pay professionals and sustain a well managed language platform. However there was such little available and I don’t want to spend too much on LingoDeer since I don’t have the money. I don’t mind it being mostly unavailable, if only this app made it more clear that their lessons are not free disregarding the small introductory lessons. Perhaps even give a download fee just to get the point across that this is not a “free” app. Hopefully in the future I will be able to purchase the premium version, as once again the way it taught you was my preferred among other language apps, including Duolingo for a few months. But currently it is far too much and I’ll now turn to other learning alternatives.



I at first had a app called drops that I used to try and help me learn korean. It wasn’t working that well for me so I wanted to try and find another app. I happened to stumble upon this and at first thought it was the best thing ever. From having a almost 5 star review, and TONS of good reviews I wanted to try it out. I read so many of the reviews and almost all of them talked about how this was the best app ever and that it was “free.” Do literally yesterday I downloaded LingoDeer and did the first lesson of nationality. (I already know the korean alphabet). Just from using LingoDeer for such a small time I loved it. It had things that seemed like would really help me such as the tips which I found VERY helpful. Then here I am on the last part of nationality doing the story. I did everything and tried to move on to the next lesson. When I did I got worried because it kept of saying that you needed pro. I thought that maybe it was just that lesson or that maybe I hadn't finished the lesson before. Nope checked every lesson after that one and all of them said pro and then I knew I did the lesson before right. It has me so mad because I really can’t afford the amount of money for one month. I saw every where of people saying LingoDeer was free. You get literally maybe 2 lessons before you have to pay. I honestly really loved LingoDeer but I’m now really upset to know a big chance for me went down the drain.


A cocktail of language learning apps!!

I’ve had at least 10 different apps at once for learning Japanese. One for just vocabulary, one for kanji, one for hiragana, one for katakana, one for sentence structure, one for writing, I could go on! this app is all those apps blended into one easy to understand app with interactive activities and games to play, and more! LingoDeer really has helped me out. I’m an outbound exchange student (to be) and I’d definitely recommend LingoDeer if you plan on traveling anywhere. It’s not just for Japanese! Duolingo May have the memes and the popularity, but that app is just taking a word and memorizing it. Not getting a breakdown of what it means, not telling us how to put it into a sentence, nada. Lingo deer not only teaches you words(and has a whole section on vocabulary in their lessons), but it also teaches you sentence structure and how to set up a sentence. LingoDeer is a God-send I swear it’s amazing. Some apps aren’t even half this good, and they make you pay a monthly fee. While lingo deer plus does have a few more features, all the free stuff is still better than any other app I’ve had!!


Amazing but huge problem

I’ve been using this app to learn korean, and honestly it’s amazing not only does it teach grammar rules it keeps you kind of updated on the current uses and which generation more associates with it. Although there is one problem, I was in the middle of learning verbs when the new update came out... I was fine with it so I updated it then when it finally finished and I tried to go back to studying all my progress was lost, it just a blank screen I tried switching languages to see if it was just a problem with the first screen but no, there were no lessons at all. I then tried to reset my device over and over it still didn’t work, finally I decided to log out and try logging back in. They kept saying there’s an error so I should try back another time, I was deflated and left it for a while before coming in again to try once again LingoDeer wasn’t working. In the end I was just going to make a new account and just test out all the topics so I could get back to where I was, as I made the new account and selected my language, the lessons still did not show. I’m deflated on what to do and I hope this app can fix this problem because no one knows what to do.


I love it SO much but I have a request

this app is the best language learning program I've ever come across. It matches all of my standards because it allows me to actually understand the language and become fluent. It has thorough grammar explanations and more explanations you need to know about different parts of the language. Once you finish a lesson, you can go back to the review section and select what all you want to review, and it will tell you what your weak points are after you finish. Overall, it's an amazing app; it's fun to use, teaches you necessary material, and the price is great to unlock all of the languages' courses. I currently use it to learn Vietnamese, but I will be learning the other languages it offers as well. Lastly, my request: If it's possible, I would love for the developers to add more languages to LingoDeer because no matter how hard I look, I can't find another language program to teach me additional languages as well as this app teaches its courses. I would love to see courses for languages like Arabic, Hindi, Tagalog, etc. Nevertheless, LingoDeer is great with what it does have (and it does have quite a variety already!)


My absolute favorite!

Great lessons! this app is my favorite app for learning Korean; I really feel as though this app excels in teaching languages with a structure different from the romance languages and it does a good job of succinctly explaining particles for English speakers who may be unfamiliar with the concept. Also love the points and leveling systems. A five star app, but I do have some requests/suggestions for the developers!

As far as room for improvement, some of the learning cards, I think, could be longer (elaborating on uses of -은/는 vs. -이/가, for example), but overall, they get across the points that they need to. I would love an option for quizzes with write-in answers only so I could work on my spelling and grammar on my own more often! Also, not sure if I just can’t find it or if it’s not on the iOS version, but I would also love a dark mode.

That being said, this is still a great app that has high quality lessons. Five stars for the quality of content and effort by the devs, but would love some consideration for new features!


Great app

LingoDeer is amazing and has been very helpful. There are some flaws I’d like to see worked out, particularly being in order to brush up on stuff from previous lectures you have to actually go back to that section. For example, if I am on Japanese level 2 and wish to go over stuff I’ve learned in Japanese 1 because I’ve forgotten it or want to keep myself from forgetting it I have to open Japanese 1 again. I wish that stuff was kept together in order to more seamlessly go over stuff from other modules in the same language. It isn’t the biggest gripe, but it would be helpful. Also, while I love the videos you can watch at the end that are basically short stories or dialogue by a native speaker you don’t have the option to click on words individually and have to replay the whole sentence again. It’s kind of annoying.

But these gripes are meant to be nothing more than constructive criticism. They don’t ruin LingoDeer . It’s an incredibly useful tool and I have recommended it to friends. I love the UI, the way the lectures are laid out, and the way things are ordered. Then there’s all the other little extra tools that help with remedial trailing. It’s great.


LingoDeer is like Duolingo but more efficient and with a much better review system

I don’t usually write reviews for apps, but this is possibly my favorite language learning app out of the numerous that I’ve tried out. It has certain elements that remind me of Duolingo, but it is much more efficient and doesn’t waste your time in the way that Duolingo does. It’s gamified, but the developers don’t put the gamification ahead of your actual learning. I also like the review system a lot better than what most apps have, it seems a lot more efficient (though you’ll still want to use an SRS when it comes to memorizing mass amounts of words later on). Overall this app seems like a great introduction to a language, most of the courses seem to go up to a B1 level in terms of grammar and key vocab, which is perfectly fine as you really need to engage with native content at that point anyway. Apps can only take you so far. Definitely give this app a try if you’re looking to begin a new language!


Good Teaching Tool

I have been learning Korean for about two years before trying LingoDeer, so I am no beginner, but the way LingoDeer teaches each lesson is very beginner friendly and I can tell I will learn quickly with the advanced lessons as well.

Compared to other learning apps, this one presents a concise but thorough review of the lesson material before diving in, and gradually teaches by doing, working up in exercise difficulty throughout the lesson, which I really appreciate because I can pick up on things as I go.

My only complain so far is that, when asked to type a sentence in 한국어, the keyboard does not automatically switch to the Korean keyboard I have installed. I have several keyboards, so it takes an extra few seconds every exercise that I know could be fixed with some changes to the text field. Additionally, when pressing the “Return” key, the keyboard simply disappears, and I have to press another button to actually submit my answer. Again, a very small improvement but one that would go a long way. I’m an app developer myself so I know these things are possible.


best learning app ever!

i’m someone who struggles with a learning disability making it harder for me to learn languages. which is a real shame because i really like k pop. i sort of started to teach myself on my own with the songs but i couldn’t read actual korean, which is sort of needed in the community. Out of all the apps i’ve tried, this one works REALLY well! they’re very rewarding and seeing the sad little deer makes you wanna try harder when you fail! not to mention the overall design is easy on the eyes! and there’s videos to help you read and speak the language!! duolingo didn’t have that. like tf how am i supposed to know if i’m saying it correctly?? i just wish there was a way they could tell you if your pronunciation is close to the other persons, instead of comparing and contrasting and hearing your own voice over and over again. i know it’s hard to program these things, but it would be sooo beneficial in the end. i stumbled upon LingoDeer on a whim and i’m glad i did! i never wanna use another app again for korean TT^TT


Good App, one problem...

I have been using LingoDeer since I got it 16 days ago. I have been using it to learn Japanese. It's all good, but the save feature is TRASH. I wanted to keep learning on my chrome book, so I got LingoDeer for it, I tried logging in, and all my progress was GONE. ALL of it. Confused, I went back to my phone to find a solution to this problem. I saw a button that said "Progress Backup" so I clicked that, I thought I was good to go. So I logged out and back in. Still nothing has changed. Getting frustrated, I tried to find something that would load my data. I finally found a button on the settings called "Recover Progress", So I clicked THAT, still nothing. This was getting nowhere, so I clicked "Recover Progress" on both devices, STILL nothing. Then I thought, "Maybe it wouldn't work if I was logged in to my account already". So I signed out of my phone, remembering to save my progress before I did that. Again, nothing changed. I decided to give up on trying it on computer, since it obviously will not cooperate. I signed back in to my phone, and all of my progress was GONE. I was downright MAD. How could such a great app like this have such a terrible save and load system? It's downright TRASH and I HATE IT. I've been trying everything to get my progress back. What should I do? Please help :c


Better Than Duo for Chinese Beginners

This is a great app for complete beginners studying the languages it offers, because LingoDeer is clean, informative, and has no health bar or penalty for mistakes. Duolingo is a great app I use for Spanish, but throws you into Chinese without much information and you get frustrated quickly when your health bar is always empty. this app has been far more enjoyable in learning Chinese. No health bar and far more information and instruction, both before you start a lesson and during the lesson on selecting sounds and word meanings. You can choose how LingoDeer looks and what words/symbols you want displayed during lessons. The drawing characters is a little unresponsive sometimes, but that’s a very minor detail and surely will be improved as LingoDeer gets better. Also, this is all free.

Edit: Sometimes the story classes don’t end cleanly and just show a blank question at the end, but it’s a minor problem I’ve come across. Still an amazing app and a big thank you to everyone involved with it!


BEST language learning program yet!

I am a language enthusiast and have tried many different programs over the years but none have come close to this app.
My biggest complaint with most language learning programs is that there are no explanations provided for rules or grammar. this app in stark contrast provides wonderful grammar lessons in easy to comprehend sheets. For English speakers, there are quite a few languages to choose from (though, as of now, not as many as some other applications) and the exercises are quick, fun, and, most importantly, effective! The review quizzes are a wonderful feature providing a quick and easy way to make sure you’re retaining everything you’ve learned so far. The stories and social features are a fun and unique addition that also add to your understanding of the language.
I also feel that LingoDeer is very accessible in the free version and the $30 lifetime payment is very reasonable compared to the full versions of other apps with costly subscriptions which add up over time.
The only thing I would suggest for the this app team is the addition of a setting where you can turn off strictly listening exercises, since users not always using LingoDeer in situations where they can play/hear phone audio.
Overall, this is the best language app I have come across from Duolingo to Rosetta Stone and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND this for anyone who is serious about language learning and development.
Be a Deer and give this a try yourself! :)


Best App for Korean 💕

I have other apps like Drops or Memrise that are good for vocab words but they struggle when it comes to sentences and they still have a hard time using only 한글, which is essential for learning correctly.

With this app, however, the romanizations were gone right away(you can choose to turn them on if you wish), and I could test up to the level where I was at in my learning! I can always go back and complete any of the old levels for review, and the tips before each of the lessons are really helpful.

My other favorite thing is the sentences, they are broken down easily, you can listen and look at each individual word, and you have listening options for voice speed. Plus, the voice sounds perfectly natural and very clear. LingoDeer is really helpful if you want to get a good grasp of 한글 and Korean sentence structure! I’ve literally told all my friends who are learning Korean, Chinese, or Japanese to get LingoDeer because I love it!! Thank you!!

Is LingoDeer Safe?

Yes. LingoDeer - Learn Languages is very safe to use. This is based on our NLP (Natural language processing) analysis of over 24,051 User Reviews sourced from the Appstore and the appstore cumulative rating of 4.8/5 . Justuseapp Safety Score for LingoDeer Is 51.3/100.

Is LingoDeer Legit?

Yes. LingoDeer - Learn Languages is a totally legit app. This conclusion was arrived at by running over 24,051 LingoDeer - Learn Languages User Reviews through our NLP machine learning process to determine if users believe the app is legitimate or not. Based on this, Justuseapp Legitimacy Score for LingoDeer Is 63.2/100..

Is LingoDeer - Learn Languages not working?

LingoDeer - Learn Languages works most of the time. If it is not working for you, we recommend you excersise some patience and retry later or Contact Support.

Pricing Information

**Pricing data is based on average subscription prices reported by users..

- Monthly access for $14.99/month

- Annual access $79.99/year

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