The annoyance of the “Invite Friends” function not working. I’ve used that button several times to invite friends from Facebook and collect rewards, but when I finally met up with one of the friends I invited, they said they received nothing of the sort. So it’s annoying to click that button and see all the cool rewards, only to realize I cannot receive ANY OF THEM, even if I tried. It’s frankly not fair. If you’re going to give the option to receive rewards for inviting people for rewards, at least give other messenger options other than just Facebook… If not, then at least make those rewards available by in-game activities. For example, you could start offering those daily, or weekly, puzzle-type mini games that’s shown in the first image of SummonersGreed Store images for SummonersGreed, and use those “invite friends” rewards for that mini game. That way it’s fair for everyone, and it’s a fun new inclusion of another game mode so people aren’t getting bored of the general app itself. Also, the puzzle image on SummonersGreed Store page wouldn’t false advertisement in that case.
Other than that, SummonersGreed is pretty enjoyable as a nice pass time. Good for strategizing and keeping the mind entertained with the adorable graphics and simple gameplay, as well as the excitement of gatcha monster summoning!