The GAINSFIRE workout tracker is your way to go if you are looking for a simple, fast & easy to use workout logger to record your personal development during weight training at the gym.
Create custom training routines, add your own exercises or exercises from our catalog and start your workout.
GAINSFIRE logs your performance just like a pen and paper workout diary.
This includes the comparison of the current workout with past workouts in simple to understand statistics.
The focus of GAINSFIRE is to quickly and efficiently record your performance and physical fitness.
β’ Create your own workout routine (or multiple ones).
With GAINSFIRE you can easily track your sets, weights, workouts and your overall progress.
We deliberately refrain from explaining the correct execution of individual exercises.
A free one-time registration with your email address and a password of your choice is required for use.
A professional trainer at your gym or a personal trainer does that way better than any app.